Reiki Hand Positions & Advice

While not totally necessary you may desire to add a commitment of practicing a few of these disciplines while you are awaiting your final attunement.

Abstain or reduce usage of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, processed foods, meat, & excessive sugar for approximately the next few weeks. Spend time every day channeling Reiki using the symbols you have already meditated on.

Meditate every day, even if it’s only five minutes.
Recite the five spiritual principals of Reiki upon arising in the morning and retiring in the evening.
Surf on the Internet & research chakra clearing & grounding techniques. Whole courses in themselves, but it would be very helpful to get an idea of how this is done.
Explain to your family & friends that after your attunement you will need more time for self, for a few weeks. This may mean cutting back on a regularly scheduled event, or having more help with preparing meals around the house or cleaning duties. Make sure you are comfortable & supportive during this important time in your life. What you are doing is so incredibly worthwhile & life changing. Once you complete this process you will literally be transformed on an energetic level.


 1) Choose a crystal that you want to program. I enjoy healing with clear quartz and amethyst. A wand shape or a double terminated point is preferred. Use your intuition and choose a crystal that really feels right for the purpose.

2) Choose a location that is quiet and comfortable. It is important to be able to focus a loving intent when programming crystals.

3) Cleanse the crystal. Instructions on how to cleanse a crystal can be found

on this site or use a method that feels right for you.

4) Invite in your Reiki guides to help in the process.

5) Open the aura of the healing crystal by holding your hands, palms together as in prayer position, over the crystal. Separate your hands while turning your palms upward as if holding a book and place your hands down to the left and right of the crystal.

6) Using the first two fingers of your primary hand, draw the Reiki Master Symbol, Dai ko myo, over the crystal. Do not concern yourself about the size of the symbol, it does not have to “fit” on the crystal chosen. Simply draw the symbol over it and your Reiki guides will take care of the details.

7) Pick the crystal up and gently blow on it while visualizing the Reiki Master Symbol going into the crystal. Visualize the symbol glowing on the surface of the crystal and then sinking into it.

8) Place the crystal back down.

9) Draw the other Reiki symbols; Cho Ku Rei, Say He Ki, and Hon Sha Ze Sha Nen, over the crystal.

10) Pick the Reiki crystal up and gently blow on it while visualizing, one by one, the Reiki symbols glowing on the surface of the crystal and then sinking into it.

11) Channel Reiki healing energy into the crystal for 3-5 minutes. Follow your intuition. If you are guided to channel Reiki healing energy for a longer period of time, do so.

12) Place the crystal back down.

13) Cross your arms over your heart chakra and say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you” either out loud or to yourself. This is to express your gratitude to Spirit, your Reiki guides, and the crystal for facilitating healing in the world.

14) The crystal is now programmed as a Reiki Healing Crystal.

Crystals have good memories and the charge on your Reiki Healing Crystals are permanent until reprogrammed. If at any time you choose to change the program on the crystal, simply cleanse it and reprogram it for the new purpose. Some of the things you can do with Reiki Healing Crystals are included in the list below.







Lesson Ten ~ Distance Healing

The Reiki Distance Healing symbol – Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

(Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is pronounced as: “Hon-Sha-Zee-Show-Nen”)

The symbol has a general meaning of: “No past, no present, no future” or it can have the meaning of “The Buddha in me contacts the Buddha in you”.

The Distance symbol can, as its name implies, be used to send energies over a distance. Time and distance is no problem when using this Reiki symbol. Many practitioners consider Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen as the most useful and powerful symbol. It is the third & final symbol for your Reiki 1 & 2 Certification.

This is the music to use for your third & final meditation. (BELOW)

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Meditation Three:  Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol for distance healing

For this meditation we will do something a little different… You are already at one with the first two symbols so I would like you to use this symbol in a practical healing situation…


1) Begin by getting a small piece of paper, roughly index card size. It only needs to be big enough to include a name and 3 of the traditional Reiki symbols: Cho Ku Rei, Sei He Ki, & now the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen.

2) Write the person, place, or thing to be healed in the middle of the paper.

3) Draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol at the top center of the paper.

4) Draw the Sei He Ki symbol at the bottom center of the paper.

5) Draw the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen in the center of the paper.

6) If there are any other symbols which seem appropriate, such as a heart, an Om symbol, or a Zodiacal symbol, that is particular to the person, place or thing you are sending energy towards, draw them as well. Do. Allow yourself to be guided by your own inner intuition.

7) Hold the paper in one hand against your heart chakra, place the other hand over it so both hands are then over the heart chakra, and begin channeling Reiki energy.

8) While channeling Reiki energy, visualize the person, place, or thing you wish to heal. If you do not have a visual image, visualize the written word on the paper. Ask your Reiki guides or other Spirit guides to continue to send healing energies as long as is necessary to accomplish the highest and greatest good of all.

9) If the target of the healing energy is a person or animal, ask Reiki to filter it according to the free will of the person/animal receiving the energy. If they do not wish to receive healing energies, that is their choice and should be honored.

10) Say or think, “Thank you, for the opportunity to channel healing energy.

11) Place the paper into a pocket, purse, medicine pouch or other holder so that it is close to your body and you will notice it occasionally throughout the day.

12) Go on about your daily business. Whenever you think of it, use the opportunity to channel Reiki energy and express your gratitude to Spirit for the opportunity to channel healing energy. At the end of the day, either discard or keep the paper according to your intuition. If you keep it, place a crystal programmed for healing on it and place somewhere you will notice it occasionally.

Using Reiki for Protection

The Reiki Protection Energy Healing Technique is used to seal or ward a doorway, window, or other portal against unwanted entrance. It works equally effectively on incarnates (things that are manifest, like ninjas and evil clowns) and disincarnates (things that are not manifest, like demons and other malevolent spirits).

It is very simple, very quick, and the more often you do it, the stronger the ward becomes. It can be done repeatedly to the same portal but even once is very powerful. Don’t discredit your ability to set up a single ward that can last for many years. Trust your intuition on where and how often to use it.

You will need to be at least a Reiki level 1 to do this technique. Advanced levels will result in a more powerful, long lasting ward. You will also need to know how to draw a Cho-ku-rei reiki symbol. PROTECT YOUR HOME FROM NEGATIVE ENERGY USING REIKI

1) Stand in front of the door you wish to ward. If it can be shut, shut it. If it cannot be shut at the time or if it is an open portal, such as an archway, the reiki protection technique is still effective but repeated usage of the technique may be beneficial.

2) Gather your energy and focus your intent on warding off anyone or anything that does not represent your highest and greatest good. It can be helpful to state out loud, “I hereby ward this portal against anything that does not represent my highest and greatest good”.

3) Begin channeling Reiki energy through both hands.

4) Point both fingertips at the top center of the portal, just above the opening.

5) Move your fingertips away from each other, simultaneously drawing the first line of the Cho-ku-rei symbol, left finger right to left, right finger left to right.

6) Move your fingertips down the left and right sides of the portal, simultaneously drawing the second line of Cho-ku-rei. Finish at the bottom of the portal.

7) Move your fingertips in opposing spirals, left finger moving clockwise, right finger moving counter-clockwise, simultaneously drawing the spiral portion of Cho-ku-rei.

8) Open your palms toward the portal and channel energy while once again thinking or stating, “I hereby ward this portal against anything that does not represent my highest and greatest good”.

9) Repeat as necessary. Once a week is recommended. I use the reiki protection technique on all the doors and windows in my home. I have found it to be an extremely effective technique.

Source: Michael Coyne –

Lesson Eight~ Reiki Levels

Lets call lesson 8 all the links for all the hand positions that I just posted. I will also go over the different levels of Reiki certification just for your own informational purposes. The good news is that I believe I can certify all of you as Reiki levels 1 & 2, not just at the level one. I have been doing some thinking & see how it is just as easy to certify you for both levels as it is to certify you for the one level. Reiki Level 1

Level 1 is pretty basic. You will be attuned to the Usui Reiki Energy. You will learn how to give (and will also receive) a full Reiki treatment, self treatment, and a quick treatment. You will also learn the basics of energy management, healing vibrations, the chakra system, the aura and the power of thought.

(Nothing too mysterious about receiving Reiki, just lay on the table & relax. When you are a Reiki healer it helps to call in your own Reiki while another Reiki healer, works on you. In fact, anytime you get a healing, from a western medical doctor, or Acupuncture, or even a massage, call in your Reiki to increase the power of that healing).

Reiki Level 2: You will be attuned to the second level of Reiki and learn the healing symbols specific to it. You will also receive a grounding attunement to keep your feet on the ground and your energy well-balanced. You will learn about and experience healing at a distance, cleansing and energizing rooms, preparing meetings and exams etc. as well as using Reiki to manifest ideas.

Reiki Level 3: Master Practitioner Level
You will be attuned to the third level of Reiki and learn the Master Usui healing symbol. You will learn to create your own crystal healing and manifestation grid, perform psychic surgery as well as cleanse and heal auras.This is a powerful level of energy management and requires time and preparation of the first two levels before embarking on this journey.

Reiki Level 4: Reiki Master – Teaching Level
The highest level of Reiki – the teaching level. You will be initiated into this level and will learn the teaching symbols as well as revising all the other levels and symbols. We will also revise and expand working with aura’s, chakra balancing, scanning and psychic surgery. You will practice and experience how to give attunements and we will discuss the giving of Reiki seminars and setting up a Reiki Practice.

Original Post by Michael Coyne

Lesson Four ~ Reiki Treatments

A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

An amazingly simple technique to learn, the ability to use Reiki is not taught in the usual sense, but is transferred to the student during a Reiki class. This ability is passed on during an “attunement” given by a Reiki master and allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of “life force energy” to improve one’s health and enhance the quality of life.

During a treatment you relax, fully clothed normally, but not necessarily, on a couch or seated while the healer holds his hands on you. A treatment can last an hour or longer depending on the treatment required. In the western world many practitioners use the standard hand positions and commonly a full treatment is given covering all the important organs of the body.

There is no pressure on the body making it ideal for treating all ages and conditions, sometimes hands are even held slightly away from the body if the patient is uncomfortable with touch. The energy flows wherever it is required all on its own. It can actually be felt as a warm sensation or tingling in the body. Receiving Reiki is a very relaxing and soothing experience for both the healer, who benefits from treating others as this healing energy moves through & heals them, & for the patient who gets a direct dose of the Reiki into their body.

Reiki is an effective healing method that can be used for many ailments like reducing stress, relieving pain, headaches, stomach upsets, back problems, asthma – respiratory problems, PMT, menstrual problems, sinus, anxiety and many more. (Please observe that Reiki should never be used instead of medical treatment, it should be used as a compliment and a way to become and remain healthy.) Reiki – a powerful and gentle healer Promotes natural self-healing Balances the energies in the body Balances the organs and glands Strengthens the immune system Treats symptoms and causes of illness Relieves pain Clears toxins Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver Enhances personal awareness Relaxes and reduces stress Promotes creativity Releases blocked and suppressed feelings Aids meditation and positive thinking & Heals holistically.

Reiki is easy to learn & anyone can “learn” Reiki. The word learn is not quite right as most of us cannot just read about Reiki and then do it. The ability to use Reiki is normally given via an attunement or initiation. There are 3 levels of Reiki: Reiki 1 and 2 and the Master level. Once attuned Reiki is easy to use and your ability to use Reiki will never leave you! Reiki will enrich your life and give you happiness and health on all levels: Eastern medical philosophy has always emphasized the superiority of maintaining good health over curing illness.

Reiki is a preventive medicine par excellence. But it is even more: When practicing Reiki on yourself or others, you experience both its preventive and its curative functions at the same time. If you have a disease, Reiki will cure it, if not; Reiki will promote your health and longevity. This preventive cum curative quality of Reiki makes it a unique healing system. It is natural to be healthy. It is only when certain parts of our bodies fail to function naturally that sickness occurs. The causes may be from bacteria and viruses, organic (toxins) or psychosomatic. Bacteria and viruses are always present in our bodies, but they are kept in check (sometimes even exploited to do useful work for us) as long as our bodies function naturally. Toxins are continually clogging our organs, but as long as we function naturally, these toxins will be neutralized by the chemicals produced by our body.

Our brain is continually stressed, but again, if nature runs its course we will be adequately relieved after sleep and rest. The Eastern concept of health is also wider than that of the West. To be healthy is not just to be free from disease. A person cannot be called healthy if he/she is often restless, irritable or extremely forgetful, cannot concentrate or sleep soundly, and has no zest for work or play.

How does Reiki promote health? First, it frees us from disease; it prevents as well as cures illness. Then it helps us to grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually, giving us the wonderful benefits of health in its wider sense. The preventive and curative qualities of Reiki can be reduced to two simple principles: the cleansing of meridians and balancing of the chakras to achieve a harmonious energy flow. How does Reiki prevent or cure contagious diseases? When disease-causing micro-organisms attack certain parts of the body, reserve energy is channeled to meet these attacks, however when the meridians are blocked, then the flow of reserve energy is hindered, and illness results.

When using Reiki you cleanse the meridians, harmonizing energy levels and promote a smooth flow of reserve energy to the areas under attack, thus restoring the balance. Practicing Reiki increases our reserves of energy, thus preventing any possible future outbreak of illness.


Lesson 3a ~ Reiki Certification

The problem with talking about Reiki with others is that they tend to mystify it. For them, it falls under the realm of supernatural, magical & mystical. I like these words, we can use them & they apply, to a certain extent, but so do the words scientific, quantifiable & real.The only differences in energy are its vibrations. This is true of everything: So a squirrel chasing its tail, a piece of paper sitting on my desk & you reading this post. The only difference is the rate you are vibrating at. Reiki vibrates universally, at a very high level. This is why it heals, it’s pure love, which binds, holds, heals & glues everything back together that has fallen apart, unless to heal the route is by destroying, dissecting & letting go, in this case Reiki helps you undue the damage to get back to a place of balance.Reiki being energy also has its own awareness, so it works without your directing it. All you need do is channel it.
Since Reiki is a real force of energy you can actually see it, using aura photography. I will now posts some pictures showing how Reiki can change your auric field.Originator: