What is Love Exactly?

Years ago there was a singer who published his work under the Christian genre. His name is Don Francisco and he sang with people like Amy Grant, as well as on his own. His most famous song is He’s Alive and to this day I get chills when I listen to this song and I often cry in gratitude.

When my ex and I married we chose his songs, “I Could Never Promise You”. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPGYwVEHZJA  His work made a big impact on my life and I still think of his songs now and then. Bitter Sweet memories for certain, especially since it was my ex who chose the song.

I’m wondering if my ex and I had continued to listen to Don’s work if we may still be married? Guess that point is moot now since we’ve been apart for as long as we were married.

Why am I thinking of these things? I received a post by Mastin Kipp, a young man who blogs regularly, and is baby lovetransparent in his struggles and in his victories. Today’s post about Love brought me to Don’s songs because his songs are all about Love…Jesus’ love for us…God’s Love for us. It all started with Mastin’s first line…Love is an action, a choice. Don’s song says Love is not a feeling, it’s an act of your will. I recall this often when people are acting unloving toward me and when I am feeling unloving, too. Music, at least to me, is the language of our souls. Music and lyrics often say what we are unable to verbalize ourselves. My last long-term relationship partner used to laugh that he could always tell how I was feeling by what I was playing. I also used those songs to drive home something I had been saying to him, but he wasn’t really hearing me. The music always and I do mean always caught his attention. He is just a musically driven as I am 🙂 I hope you enjoy Mastin’s post as much as I do. I like it when people make me THINK!

what-is-loveLove is an action, a choice. 
Love is not really an emotion. 
To Love someone is to choose to show up to be devoted to The Divine through that person.

So often in life these days we think that Love is easy or that Love only feels good, but that is not the full extent of what Love is – especially relationship Love.

People think that relationship Love is something that must mask your true feelings, it must always be a euphoric high of some kind or that Love must be a trade.

But that’s not what Love is.

Love is a constant offering to serve to Heart of the person you are in a relationship with. Love is a constant surrendering of your protective ego, so that the Heart can open even more and show you the unknown beauty of its depths.

Love transcends language, religion and belief systems. Love is the deepest gift that we could ever be given by someone and it’s the greatest gift that we could ever give ourselves.

Love is not a trade. Love is not a power trip. Love is not some grandiose expression of infatuation. Love is a humble and subtle power that guides us to grow into titans of giving.

Love asks us to see beyond the fear of our partner, to dive deeper than their ego would want us to and to not leave, even when all that is triggering us wants us to run.

Love shows up when fear is present and asks for more… Love is bigger, Love is brighter, Love is more powerful than any other force in the Uni-verse, because at the core of every cell in the Universe is the deep yearning and desire to Love and be Loved.

Love does not march in with pomp and circumstance. Love whispers. Love silently beckons us to get over ourselves so that we can see the beauty that lay within us and every other sacred soul.

We were not sent to judge, for judgment is just a request for Love. We were sent to Love the parts of ourselves and the world that lack it. We were sent to be the Love in the seeming void of Love.

We, indeed, are the answer. No one is coming, for we have already come.

Our job is to wake up to Love and then be it.

Our job is to Love. Mastin Kipp

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