Spiritual Revolution

Earnestly I seek You Psalms 63:1

ESV 1 O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you;
my flesh faints for you,
as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

A more accurate statement cannot be said of me! My Soul Thirsts for You. I have been a seeker of God and the Truth for most of my life. That includes the childhood years. I have come to this earth this go around to really KNOW God in a way I have yet to Know. There has been the deepest of yearnings in the very core of my being.  It is to Love and to Be Loved.

Initially my search began in the Christian Church. I was raised a Southern Baptist in the US Air Force. Sometimes we simply attended the Protestant services, which were generic in structure so the Methodist, Baptist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian denominations, and so on were accommodated. However, whenever we were anywhere near a Baptist Church it was there my mother shepherded my brothers, sister, and me. I enjoyed being a part of this community. I learned of Christ’s love for me. I learned of forgiveness. I learned that NOTHING could ever separate me from the Love of God…Nothing, not even myself. I learned what it means to be a true servant. Servant. The very heart of who I am.

The church taught me about community, too. In the 1960’s when the world was in turmoil over the Viet Nam War, it was the church where we gathered our strength and our solace. I lived in a community filled with all branches of the military and we drew strength from one another. We went to school together, to church together, shared meals with one another, were there for each other should one of our family members not make it home alive.

The 1970’s ushered in my teen years. I turned thirteen (13) in 1971. Changes were assailing me in so many ways. I had my first real kiss as we transitioned from living in the lushness of Wiesbaden Germany to the arid climate of Albuquerque, New Mexico. People were protesting in huge numbers against the Viet Nam War. The end of it came a year later. Unless you were part of the military community, you could not even begin to know the jubilation we felt when President Nixon said he was bringing everyone home! Most of my friends were wearing bracelets for the POW’s & MIA’s and we were hoping we would be able to take the bracelet off soon. I had a bracelet for Sgt. Ryan and he never came home. I remember the day I took it off and put it in my jewelry box. I cried for him and for his family.

My search for God &Truth continued. We were in the middle of the Sexual Revolution and the Women’s Rights Movement. Abortion became legal when I was sixteen (16) years old. I will never forget that day. We were assailed with tremendous force on what we were to believe, how we were to behave, and so on. I wasn’t seeing a whole lot of God and Truth. What I was seeing was Anger & Frustration. And then there was the “Alternative Lifestyle” going on all around us, swirling in the ethers. The Drug Revolution. I embraced it wholeheartedly. I tried just about every drug available at the time. I quit going to church at fifteen (15). I bought metaphysical books and devoured them with a fierce hunger. I listened to FM radio all night long. Music was the gateway to a whole new way of thinking for me. I purchased the Satanic Bible. I read anything I could on Astrology, Witchcraft, Numerology, Eastern religions. You name it and I dabbled in it. Numerology was taught to me by my eighth grade math teacher. I was exposed to Transcendental Meditation in the tenth grade. I always felt I was before my time. Not many people seemed to be on the same path as me and I felt lonely. Still, I kept searching for God and for Truth.

Fast forward a few decades and my search continues; only now I am not alone. While I was in college in my thirties (30’s) and studying computer science, a new and wonderful thing happened to all of us…the INTERNET! It was just released by the military (that is who created it after all)in the middle nineties (90’s). None of us knew what a great liberator and unifier this new technology was going to be. One of the first browsers, after AOL, was Excite! And I got an email address immediately. Soon after Yahoo came out & took Excites position. Then there was Google, and we all know what happened after that. We are GLOBALLY CONNECTED and it is exciting!

Now I am really not alone because we are in the throws of a Spiritual Revolution. My soul sings with joy because of this. Like-minded souls are connecting. We are gathering strength. We are affecting social and political policies. We are beginning to shape economics. No other time in history has shown the wide-spread generosity and concern for others as the time we are living in now. Social enterprise business models are being established in rapid numbers. The term Conscious Economics is beginning to creep into our everyday language.

“A social enterprise is an organization that applies commercial strategies to maximize improvements in human and environmental well-being, rather than maximizing profits for external shareholders. Social enterprises can be structured as a for-profit or non-profit, and may take the form of a co-operative, mutual organization, a social business, or a charity organization.”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_enterprise

“We are so close to a world that works for everyone that I can taste it. The right kinds of enterprise design, money and finance, government, local economy and social-ecological accounting are at our fingertips. We only need to make enough consensus through dialogue in diverse communities to bring this about. This requires open-minded and mindful people who operate out of maturity and mutual respect.” Torrey Byles [http://consciouseconomics.org/defining-conscious-economics]

It is an exciting time to be alive! And you know what? I have finally found Truth and I have found God. The Divine was inside of me all along. I just didn’t know it.  I believe it is part of my mission, my dharma, to pass along what I have learned. Yes, I am still a servant and I will serve humanity with the gifts, talents, and strengths I have been blessed with. Now I can breathe a sigh of relief. I have found You, God. I have found Truth and my soul is at peace. My niche is called Namaste Healing Center and Thrive Farm, an organic permaculture urban farm  (social enterprise)and I work with the forlorn, the forgotten, and the very people that Jesus came to serve. I am honored to have been chosen for this work and I give it my all. Namaste

Learn the Master Keys of Sufi Prophetic Healing

Learn the Master Keys of Sufi Prophetic Healing

By Kim Phipps on August 5, 2012

No matter what particular issue you’re working on during your healing journey, the most important place to focus is your heart. Your heart carries all of the issues, all of the concerns, and all of the beliefs that are self-limiting, dysfunctional or painful. These are all stored in the heart.

Thus, the place to begin receiving is into the heart. As the heart clears, as the wounds release, and as the beliefs dissolve, love flows into the heart, and then this love circulates throughout the entire body on every level, physical, emotional and spiritual.

So it is essential to develop and increase your ability to receive love. Even if you had experiences in the past that made you afraid to receive love, this is based on a false belief that love is hurtful or dangerous. What you got may have hurt you, but real love doesn’t hurt; it heals.

It is important to realize that this belief does not serve you. And real love is available to you around the clock. Set your intention to deepen your receiving, especially to receive into those deeper realms that are thirsty for the love. The places that are thirsty are the ones which have been wounded, shut down and protected.

In the healing work, often the fiercest dragon guards the most tender and vulnerable places in our heart. As we drop deeper into our hearts, this often surfaces as anger or fear. These emotions can get rather strong, since these are the emotions that were packed into the heart years ago when you were facing situations where you decided to close up,

protect and defend. When you focus on receiving, you realize that the key is to bring love to the places that are thirsty, the places where you have held off the love out of fear or defense. This is a tremendous opportunity to bring healing in a gentle way.

Life Lessons and quotes from ‘Peaceful Warrior’

Life Lessons and quotes from ‘Peaceful Warrior’

I watched the movie ‘Peaceful Warrior’ a third time last night and wrote down all the life lessons and quotes I noticed. I am sure I missed a few and they might mean something else to you than to me. The main reason why I love sharing these, it is to keep myself on track and learn to master them myself.
Life Lessons and quotes from Peaceful Warrior:

  • Knowledge is not the same as wisdom – wisdom is doing it
  • What does happiness has to do with anything? – Everything
  • Many people live a lifetime without ever being awake
  • Service is the highest purpose
  • You need to start asking better questions
  • Slow down, you might actually taste something
  • Others want you to believe their answers. Find your own answers – from the inside
  • You’re not what you think – take out the trash, empty your mind ( I disagree completely with this one…You Are indeed what You think-The Bible-The Law of Attraction-the Law of Manifestation…but yes…DO take out the trash!)
  • “Are you out of your mind?” – “yes, and it’s taken a lifetime of practise”
  • There’s never nothing going on
  • The only thing that matters is this moment – Here, Now
  • Sometimes you have to lose your mind before you come to your senses
  • Learn to meditate in every action
  • All you have is right Now
  • Ego shouts: “what would you  be without me?!”
  • Not knowing is a great realization
  • Emotions are natural, but don’t let them rule you
  • Find your answers from within
  • There are no ordinary moments
  • You’ll never be better or less than anybody else
  • Be conscious about your choices and responsible for your actions (including your thoughts)
  • The ones that are the hardest to love, are the ones that need it the most
  • Death isn’t sad – the sad thing is, most people don’t live at all
  • Even if you get exactly what you want, you’ll still suffer, because you can’t hold on to it
  • It’s the journey that brings us happiness, not the destination
  • Life has three rules
    1. Life is a mystery – don’t wast time trying to figure it out
    2. Keep a sense of humour – especially about yourself, it’s a strength beyond all messure
    3. Nothing ever stays the same
  • Where are you? Here!
  • What time is it? Now!
  • What are you? This moment!

Using Reiki to Create Abundance

How to use Reiki, to create wealth & abundance. Have you actualized your ideal life? Are you using the law of attraction to create wealth and happiness in your life? We’ve created an Abundance Prosperity Reiki technique that combines Reiki with prosperity laws of attraction. It’s simple and effective. Try it out for yourself and see how abundance and prosperity begins to flow into your life. We all live in an abundant universe. It just takes tapping into the energy of prosperity. As you read this section remember… you deserve an abundant life. Optional Supplies for the Technique: * Pen and Paper

* 1 Orange Candle * A Glass of Water * Two Sticks of Your favorite Incense * A Ruby, Garnet, or other Prosperity Crystal * A small Wooden Bowl with Earth or Sand in it Abundance Prosperity Reiki Step #1: Find a quiet place in your house.

Turn off the phone and put on some soothing music. Light some of your favorite incense. Place the wooden bowl filled with earth, the glass of water, your prosperity crystal, and a small orange candle on a table in front of you. The incense represents the element of air energy. The bowl of earth represents the element of earth energy.

The glass of water represents the element of water energy. The candle represents the element of fire energy and the orange color of the candle brings in the energy of the sacral chakra, the chakra in charge of creation and manifestation. Abundance Prosperity

Reiki Step #2: Write down what you wish to manifest. Use an affirmation of wealth: Here’s a sample wealth affirmation to get your creative juices flowing: “Abundance and prosperity flow into my life. Peace flows into my life. Health flows into my life.” Draw a cho-ku-Re, Reiki symbol onto the paper next to your manifestation request. This will bring in the universal white light energy that is Reiki into your prosperity laws of attraction request, magnifying its strength. Abundance Prosperity

Reiki Step #3: Read your affirmation request out loud three times. The spoken word magnifies everything ten-fold. Feel your abundance wish already manifested and present in your life. Visualize your life as it will be when you have achieved your abundance wish. Feel the joy and gratitude that it brings into your life now that you have it. Abundance Prosperity

Reiki Step #4: Pick up your chosen crystal and hold it clasped between both of your hands. Feel it’s vibrations emanating into your hands. Wrap the abundance prayer sheet around the crystal and continue holding both the paper and the crystal between your hands. Take four deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. Focus on the paper and the crystal and begin toning OM. Repeat the OMtwelve times. Abundance Prosperity Reiki

Step #5: Drink the water you have set nearby. Reiki Masters have proven that energetic vibrations transfer to water. The water in the glass has picked up all of the powerful vibrations of your affirmation. By drinking the water, you are imbuing the reality of your abundance affirmation into the cells of your body. Light the second stick of incense and send your affirmation blessing to the universe. Burning the incense releases your wish to Spirit. Spirit will now orchestrate your universe to send you all of the abundance and prosperity that you have asked for.

The power of consistency: Every day, until your affirmation has been manifested, pull out the abundance paper you created and speak the abundance affirmation out loud. Feel the abundance vibrating into your life every time you say it.

There are many ways to attract abundance into your life; this is simply one of them. Allow your intuition to tell you what will work best for you.


Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma
Purushothama Paramatma
Sri Bhagavathi Sametha
Sri Bhagavathe Namaha

Oh Divine Force, Spirit of All Creation, 
Highest Personality,
Divine Presence, manifest in every living being.
Supreme Soul manifested as the Divine Mother
and as the Divine Father.

The Peace which passeth understanding.

This mantra evokes the living God, asking protection and freedom from all sorrow and suffering. It is a prayer that adores the great creator and liberator, who out of love and compassion manifests, to protect us, in an earthly form. This Moolamantra has given great peace and joy to people all over the world, who have chanted, or even listened to it. It has the power to transport ones mind to the state of causeless love and limitless joy. The calmness that the mantra can give is to be experienced, not spoken about. Dear reader, here is the key with which any door to spiritual treasure could be opened. A tool which can be used to achieve all desires. A medicine which cures all ills. The nectar that can set man free! All auspiciousness and serenity is yours simply by chanting or listening to this magnificent Moolamantra.

Whenever you chant the Moolamantra even without knowing the meaning of it, that itself carries power. But when you know the meaning and chant with that feeling in your heart then the energy would flow million times more powerful. Therefore it is essential to know the meaning of the Mantra when you use it.

The Mantra is like calling a name. Just like when you call a person he comes and makes you feel his presence, the same manner when you chant this mantra, the supreme energy manifests everywhere around you. As the Universe is Omnipresent, the supreme energy can manifest anywhere and any time. It is also very important to know that the invocation with all humility, respect and with great necessity makes the presence stronger.

Simplified meaning of the moola mantra 

 Om – We are calling on the highest energy, of all there is

Sat – The formless

Chit – Consciousness of the universe

Ananda- Pure love, bliss and joy

Para brahma –The supreme creator

Purushothama -Who has incarnated in human form to help guide mankind

Paramatma -Who comes to me in my heart, and becomes my inner voice whenever I ask

Sri Bhagavati – The divine mother, the power aspect of creation

Same tha- Together within

Sri Bhagavate -The Father of creation which is unchangeable and permanent

Namaha- I thank you and acknowledge this presance in my life. I ask for your guidance at all times

(the above simpilified version was supplied by Felicity Barrington of Canada)

 Full Meaning

Om Om has 100 different meanings. It is said ‘In the beginning was the Supreme word and the word created every thing. That word is Om’. If you are meditating in silence deeply, you can hear the sound Om within. The whole creation emerged from the sound Om. It is the primordial sound or the Universal sound by which the whole universe vibrates. Om also means inviting the higher energy. This divine sound has the power to create, sustain and destroy, giving life and movement to all that exist.
Sat Chit Ananda
Sat The all penetrating existence that is formless, shapeless, omnipresent, attribute less, and quality less aspect of the Universe. It is the Un manifest. It is experienced as emptiness of the Universe. We could say it is the body of the Universe that is static. Every thing that has a form and that can be sensed, evolved out of this Un manifest. It is so subtle that it is beyond all perceptions. It can only be seen when it has become gross and has taken form. We are in the Universe and the Universe is in us. We are the effect and Universe is the cause and the cause manifests itself as the effect.
Chit The Pure Consciousness of the Universe that is infinite, omni-present manifesting power of the Universe. Out of this is evolved everything that we call Dynamic energy or force. It can manifest in any form or shape. It is the consciousness manifesting as motion, as gravitation, as magnetism, etc. It is also manifesting as the actions of the body, as thought force. It is the Supreme Spirit.
Ananda Bliss, love and friendship nature of the Universe. When you experience either the Supreme Energy in this Creation (Sat) and become one with the Existence or experience the aspect of Pure Consciousness (Chit), you enter into a state of Divine Bliss and eternal happiness (Ananda). This is the primordial characteristic of the Universe, which is the greatest and most profound state of ecstasy that you can ever experience when you relate with your higher Consciousness.
Parabrahma The Supreme Being in his Absolute aspect; one who is beyond space and time. It is the essence of the Universe that is with form and without form. It is the Supreme creator.
Purushothama This has different meanings. Purusha means soul and Uthama means the supreme, the Supreme spirit. It also means the supreme energy of force guiding us from the highest world. Purusha also means Man, and Purushothama is the energy that incarnates as an Avatar to help and guide Mankind and relate closely to the beloved Creation.
Paramatma The supreme inner energy that is immanent in every creature and in all beings, living and non-living. It’s the indweller or the Antaryamin who resides formless or in any form desired. It’s the force that can come to you whenever you want and wherever you want to guide and help you.
Sri Bhagavathi The female aspect, which is characterized as the Supreme Intelligence in action, the Power (The Shakti). It is referred to the Mother Earth (Divine Mother) aspect of the creation.
Sametha Together or in communion with.
Sri Bhagavathe The Male aspect of the Creation, which is unchangeable and permanent.
Namaha Salutations or prostrations to the Universe that is Om and also has the qualities of Sat Chit Ananda, that is omnipresent, unchangeable and changeable at the same time, the supreme spirit in a human form and formless, the indweller that can guide and help in the feminine and masculine forms with the supreme intelligence. I seek your presence and guidance all the time.



Sat-Chit-Ananda is a triple consciousness. Sat is existence, Chit is consciousness and Ananda is bliss. You can separate them if you want to and, at the same time, you can take them as one. If one achieves Existence, then inside Existence he has Consciousness itself. And if one has Consciousness, then Bliss is there. It is like an apartment or plot of land. You can give the plot of land one name or, if you want to divide it, each part of the plot can be called by a different name. But the reality of one is bound to be found in the other. They complement one another. So you can either separate them or keep them as one.

Sat-Chit-Ananda is the triple consciousness on the highest plane, and that plane is for the absolutely chosen few. To reach Sat-Chit-Ananda is a most difficult thing. Hardly twenty or thirty Masters have reached it and stayed at that plane, and hardly one or two can embody it. Some Masters have reached that plane and immediately came down because it was too high for them. It is much easier for people to reach the illumined mind or the Supermind, but Sat-Chit-Ananda is absolutely the highest. That consciousness is almost impossible to attain, even for the spiritual Masters. (God, Avatars and Yogis)

To be sure, the Kingdom of Heaven is more than just a mere plane, like other planes. It is a plane of divine Consciousness. It is a state of Realization. It embodies Sat-Chit-Ananda. Sat is divine Existence, Chit is divine Consciousness, Ananda is divine Bliss. When we go deep within we feel these three together, and when we acquire the inner vision to perceive them all at once, we live verily in the Kingdom of Heaven. Otherwise, Existence is at one place, Consciousness is somewhere else and Bliss is nowhere near the other two. When we see and feel Existence-Consciousness-Bliss on the selfsame plane, each complementing and fulfilling the others, we can say that we live in the Kingdom of Heaven. Yes, the Kingdom of Heaven is within us. Not only can we feel it, but without the least possible doubt, we can become it.

God is a Woman?

First of all, I was brought up always to think of God as a woman. However, God is the total mind which generates, organizes and delivers. God stands for generation, organization and delivery. Therefore, it is more representative of the female energy in the universe. In many cultures, it is recognized as goddess energy. Goddess energy and intelligence is wholistic, wise, nourishing, intuitive, contextual, relational, does not have a win/lose orientation and does not believe in linear cause and effect. Male energy and intelligence is linear, has win/lose orientation and rules through conquest and subjugation. Both were necessary in a certain time of our evolutionary history.

The male intelligence protected us from predators and gave rise to the flight/fright response. We learned either to run or to fight. That same response has made us the most dangerous predator on Planet Earth, and unless we quickly embrace the eternal feminine in us as a society and a civilization, we risk our own extinction and will continue to give birth to a legacy of hatred, war, terrorism, predation, conquest, subjugation and ecological devastation. The Goddess must return. ~ Deepak Chopra

What is Kundalini Syndrome?

Kundalini syndrome

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Kundalini syndrome is a set of sensorymotormental and affective symptoms associated with the concept of Kundalini. It has been reported predominantly by people who have had a near-death experience,[1] [2] [3] or by practitioners of asian spiritual practices.[4] [5] The term “Kundalini Syndrome” has been used as a category for discussion within the schools of transpersonal psychology and near-death studies. The phenomenon is sometimes called the “Kundalini-syndrome”,[6][7] the “Physio-Kundalini syndrome”,[8][9][10] or simply referred to as a “syndrome”.[11][12] Other researchers, while not using the term “syndrome” [13], have also begun to address this phenomenon as a clinical category,[14][15] or as a recognizable symptomatology.[16]

The appearance of the symptomatology is believed to occur in connection with a near-death experience, [17] [18] [19] or with prolonged, intensive spiritual or contemplative practice, as practiced within a few sub-disciplines of meditation or yoga. [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] Other factors that may trigger this symptomatology includes a variety of intense personal crises or experiences. [25] According to writers in the field of transpersonal psychology the process is not always sudden and dramatic, it can also start slowly and increase gradually in activity over time.[26] If the accompanying symptoms unfold in an intense manner that destabilizes the person, the process is usually interpreted as a spiritual emergency.[27]

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kundalini_syndrome


The iridescent colors of dragonfly wings & body (& their cousin the Mayfly) have captivated me ever since I was a young child. Even though I am an Earth sign, there is something about water that draws me to it. Perhaps it is the security I felt being in the womb of my mother. Or maybe it is because of my parents love of the beach and taking me there when I was newly born has something to do with it. I simply adore the scent of water. It doesn’t matter of it is fresh water or the saltiness of the sea & salt marsh, I simply must be near it!

Some of my fondest memories are of my parent’s, my siblings, and me playing in the streams, creeks & rivers of inland Florida. My father took us fishing often. I also enjoy the memories of jumping off of his strong shoulders into the waves of Folly Beach.

I can recall long lazy summer days lying in the grass and watching dragonflies flit from rock to rock in the stream. Elkhorn Creek at the Forks of the Elkhorn (near Frankfort Kentucky has one of the most prolific populations of the lovely creatures. My children & I often went to slide down the side of the old stone dam on inner tubes into the rushing waters of the creek. Once exhausted from playing we’d lay on the ricks and watch dragonflies & mayflies flit about. Pure Heaven!!!

Recently I started a social media strategy company. I named it Dragonfly Social Connection. There are a few reasons why I chose this name that I will not go into now. Suffice it to say, it just seemed fitting.

I have been house-sitting for my son & his wife while they vacation and I have been doing lots of work in the yard. Oh how I adore being outside in the sun. I enjoy mowing the grass & digging in the dirt. I keep the water-hose handy so I can keep spraying myself. It is so hot!!! However, you will not hear me complain about itJ In the midst of gardening and such a very bright and very green dragonfly keeps hovering around me. It is not afraid of me either and I really like that.

As part of my spiritual path I have been paying closer attention to nature and what She is saying to me. I believe I was a Shaman in a past life because it comes too easily to me…teaching, healing, a wisdom beyond the logical mind; all of these have been intrinsically a part of my life for so long that I cannot remember being any other way. This got me to pondering…

What is up with Dragonfly?

Off I went on a search and the following is what I have discovered:

Symbolic Meanings of the Dragonfly

As a creature of the wind, the dragonfly totem represents change. It’s iridescent wings are incredibly sensitive to the slightest breeze, and so we are reminded to heed where the proverbial wind blows – lest we run into stormy weather.

Dragonflies are also creatures of the water, and any creature whose habitat is in, or around water carries symbolism relative the subconscious, or “dreaming” mind and thoughts.

This is because in the animal world, water is symbolic of the subconscious mind (“deeper mind,” “dreaming mind”) and relates to the thoughts we have in relaxed/meditative/sleeping/subconscious states.

Quick-list animal symbolism of the dragonfly:


  • prosperity
  • good luck
  • strength
  • peace
  • harmony
  • purity


These symbolic meanings of dragonfly are particularly associated in Asian (Japan) and Native American (Plains region) circles.

Dragonflies carry messages that deal with deeper thought – and they ask that we pay attention to our deeper thoughts and desires.

Further symbolic insect meaning of dragonfly comes into play when we observe the dragonfly’s mode of transportation as it skitters across the top of water surfaces. This implies that our deeper thoughts are surfacing and we must be mindful of the outcome we wish to have.

The dragonfly is a reminder that when our deeper thoughts rise to the surface we must pay attention – there are lessons to be learned, and we are also reminded that what we think is directly proportionate to what we “see on the surface.” …In short, our thoughts (even the deeper ones that we might not be as in-touch with as we are with our conscious thoughts) are responsible for what we see in our lives – in our physical surroundings.

The dragonfly gives us a very powerful meditation tool. Close your eyes, and focus on a thought – let it rise to the surface of your mind’s ocean – see that thought float lightly up to the water’s surface. Now upon the top of a smooth, calm glass-like surface – visualize that thought moving across that water – sliding across – smooth and fast.

This exercise is useful when we want to visualize positive outcomes in a situation. We see the thought of hope happily moving across an ocean of peace (peaceful mind) and skirting to a perfect outcome.

Lastly it should be noted that the Dragonfly lives a short life, and it knows it must live to the fullest with what it has. This lesson is huge for each of us. When you see a dragonfly, be aware of the gifts it has to offer by keeping its animal totem meanings in mind.

Benefits of Meditation

1. Your life becomes significantly more clearer and calm

The hustle and bustle of everyday life is choking our minds of the peace we deserve! Our technology advancements shouldn’t suffocate our minds, it should allow us to achieve more peace. Meditation helps put those events in perspective for our daily tasks.

2. Your blood pressure is lowered

Science has proven it, meditation lowers the blood pressure, which in return is related to your stress levels and stress management. Much better than taking pills to lower your blood pressure!

3. People around you enjoy your company

Regular meditation leads to higher/positive energy that you are consistently tapping into. This effectively makes you very pleasant to be around, and people like that! People naturally gravitate to the people that make them feel good.

4. Your connection with God is strengthened

Spiritual awareness is strengthened with a daily meditation practice. You naturally become more aware of your surroundings, and higher awareness always leads to a deeper connection with God. The trees begin showing personalities, and the landscape takes on different meanings … all through a deeper awareness.

5. You achieve several hours of sleep in one 20 minute meditation session

Another scientific fact is that meditation is known to put you into a deeper state of rest than deep sleep. Deep sleep is associated with a delta brainwave. Deep meditation can drop you into that delta brainwave rapidly, achieving the effects in a shorter amount of time.

6. Problems that seemed very difficult suddenly have clear solutions

For every problem a solution exists. When your mind is clear and your in a state of peace, solutions appear. Being in a state of peace just naturally attracts solutions and pathways into your field of view.

7. Your productivity sky rockets because of your ability to have clear focus

If solutions to problems appear more frequently when meditating daily, then imagine what happens to your everyday tasks. Solutions to everyday life become more and more obvious. And you begin to take note of these subtle changes as your spiritual vision grows clearer and wider.

8. Your life expectancy increases

Science has shown that regular meditation will increase your life expectancy. It’s pretty obvious to see … less stress and more peace promotes healthy cells and healthy cells regenerate healthier cells. And likewise, stressed cells regenerate more stressed cells. So live longer by choosing more peace in your life.

9. You effectively reduce stress in your life

Speaking of stress, meditation has a profound effect on reducing stress in your body. Because meditation promotes peace and inner calm, stress dissolves dramatically from this meditative process. Again, science has proven it.

10. You can visualize powerfully when combined with positive affirmations and meditation

Meditation is powerful at clearing the mind and focusing on simple things … like breathing … or a flower. But, it can be used for so much more! To powerfully manifest your desires, you must get into a clear connection with the source of manifesting (God(YAHWEH)/Universe/Ethers). If your spirits are on high while you visualize then the communication channel for manifesting positive events in your life is strengthened.

While meditating I like to repeat affirmations, otherwise known as mantras, to help focus my energy into the positive. These statements can be as simple as “love” or “I am love, I am joy, I am peace”.

11. You feel fantastic throughout your day!

And finally, when you meditate on a regular basis, you just feel fantastic. Plain and simple. You feel good!

Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150918716967312&set=o.235633763198289&type=1&theater