Imbalance in The Sacral or Sex Chakra

Svadhaswara is the seat of sexual desire, pleasure and nurturing. The sacred art of tantra is a sexual art intended to use the energy created during orgasm to propel Kundalini energy up the spine to inspire instant bliss and enlightenment. This practice remains highly misunderstood, and has been used in a number of books and myths to be more about sexual pleasure than spirituality; none-the-less, the ability to give and receive sexual pleasure, or pleasure in general, does have its home in the sacral chakra.

What is so important about being able to experience pleasure and give it to others? Well, for one, it is an act of openness and self-affirmation. For another thing, it is extremely conducive to caring and intimacy. Just think what it would be like to have a partner who never experienced pleasure or allowed you to pleasure them. This would create a huge barrier and imbalance in any relationship.

Unfortunately, this problem is all too common. It stems from a closed sacral, or second chakra, and it can be healed through continued intimacy, counseling, meditation and yoga. Often, this is caused by sexual shame, too much guilt, and a number of unhealthy or unacceptable experiences, during youth or at other times in life.

What if, on the other hand, your partner is detached, selfish, overly intense, manipulative, or, becomes too attached and dependent, and only shows affection in a sexual manner? This is a sign of excess in the sacral chakra, and is just as much an imbalance and barrier to love and nurturing. In both cases, meditations and exercises can bring more balance and harmony to the individual and the relationship, helping us learn how to set normal sexual boundaries, allow our own gratification, and care for others, at the same time.

Boundaries are, as matter of fact, a perfect example of what the sacral chakra is really all about. Our natural boundaries are not meant to be emotional blockades or walls barring us from trust and communion with others. Rather, they are a symbol of emotional well-being, self-love and respect for ourselves and others. When the sacral chakra is blocked or imbalanced, however, we either lack the ability to tell others no, or we overuse the ability to a point of loneliness and isolation.

Those who have a problem in the svadhisthana center commonly act as martyrs; over-giving, denying themselves certain foods, sexual gratification, even compliments and love from others. They can also be very promiscuous and pass over true emotional attachment and connection for the more shallow or temporary satisfaction of sex. They may have many partners, and certainly experience a high number of fast and tumultuous relationships.

The favored color of this energy center is orange and simply working more with it and incorporating it into everyday items or surroundings is an excellent strategy for beginning to heal and balance it. Those who have such issues tend to be fond of the color, or, at least some shades of it. There is no reason to use bright orange, as more muted, electric, or darker shades work just as well.

The seed mantra for svadhisthana is vam and can be chanted or sung during focus on the sex center, during meditation, while holding a hand mudra, or while practicing one of the following Yoga postures:

Triangle: Stand with the legs wider than hip width apart, facing the hips forward and holding the arms straight out to the sides. Draw the muscles of the legs up, bend at the hip to the right, letting the right hand come down on the knee, shin or floor, depending on flexibility. Hold the pose and breath deeply into the stretch in the inner thighs. Chant vam and focus on the sacral chakra. Straighten and then repeat to the left.

Cobra: Lay on the floor with the hands under the shoulders. Straighten the legs out behind you, feet together. Rest the chin on the mat or floor. Using primarily the muscles in the back, lift the head, neck, shoulders and chest off of the floor, using the hands for support only. Keep the pelvis, hips, lower abdomen and legs pressed into the floor. Hold for ten deep breaths, release, rest and repeat.

Find out if your sex chakra is opened or closed by taking a free chakra test here

If the result is positive, check out Carol Tuttle’s blogpost about ways to open the Sacral Chakra

Kundalini Syndrome & what to do about it.

Kundalini Syndrome & what to do about it.
Grounding Kundalini Energy: 

1. Be with Nature: The essential goal with regard to grounding kundalini and alleviating kundalini syndrome symptoms has to do with bringing down the energy and lowering the frequency of it’s vibration. So some of what is going to be suggested is going to mirror what you would do when trying to heal and balance the Root Chakra, and in that regard, reconnecting with nature and earth is very helpful. Along the same lines, gardening or other landscaping activity which gets your hands dirty are also highly recommended. Go ahead and do some potting and weeding. Not only will you get your garden in shape, you will also start to manage kundalini.

2. Do Physical Work: As indicated above, the objective is to get yourself back into the body and reconnected to the earth and one of the good ways of doing that is with physical labor. So if you are suffering from too much kundalini, then counter it with such laborious tasks. Anything that requires physical work will help. Carpentry, construction, painting, etc are all good to do. Any interest of yours that also requires physical work is good to do.

3. Do Physical Exercise: If your condition allows you to exercise, I would certainly recommend doing so. This has the benefits of making you more body oriented as the method above, but in addition it will also help you fight any anxiety the kundalini syndrome might be causing. If you are able to exercise, you will feel more confident about your health and so will not be so stressed and fearful about what is happening in the body.

4. Eat Full Meals: Proper and regular diet is always recommended for good health, and in the case of dealing with excessive kundalini energy, eating bigger heavier meals will help you feel more grounded and settled. Again, as you can see, the goal is to feel more in your body and more connected to earth and your life, and food is certainly a strong source of this connection.

5. Avoid Stimulants: If kundalini energy is out of control then you do not want to stimulate her further. So it is important to abstain as much as possible from stimulating foods and drugs. So during this time, alcohol, drugs, coffee, tea, etc should be avoided.

6. Take a Break from Your Spiritual Practice: As tip number 5 above, you want to stop stimulating the energy and so it is important to take break from your spiritual practice until you feel you can better handle the energy and the situation. This step here is a very personal decision, but generally speaking, if you are suffering from kundalini syndrome, then your practice might very well be out of balance, and so it needs to be re-evaluated anyway. Often, the aspirant is doing too much mantra/chakra meditation or perhaps is listing to Binaural Beats, etc and not balancing their practice with physical yoga and simple spiritual activities, so in these cases it is certainly recommended to stop what they are doing and establish a more sound and balanced practice.

7. Rest and Relaxation: Sometimes kundalini is working within you and you just need to relax and give her a chance to do what needs to be done. In these cases you need to trust her intelligence and give your body a chance to go through the cleansing and purification taking place. In general, being relaxed is very important when dealing with kundalini, as getting anxious and worried about kundalini awakening symptoms only makes the situation worse. This is often why in the past, kundalini yoga was practiced in an ashram or monastery, where you have the time and space for proper kundalini awakening to take place. Another good way to relax, which also helps to calm kundalini is to take warm baths.

Summary of Treating Kundalini Syndrome:

Kundalini awakening is a very personal journey and the experiences vary considerably form person to person (read Kundalini Awakening Symptoms). So you have to listen carefully to your own body and heart to see what is the right course for you. If though the energy has become too much for you and the symptoms are causing you trouble, then the above guidelines can help you get things back under control. Some of this will be trial and error, but in general the above tips have worked well for others to whom I have recommended them.
If you are suffering from kundalini syndrome, worrying will not help, so try and trust the process that is taking place, while at the same time acting intelligently and taking steps outlined above to ground the energy. There are even more ways to help bring the energy down and in a future article, I will share those with you as well.


What is Kundalini Syndrome?

Kundalini syndrome

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Kundalini syndrome is a set of sensorymotormental and affective symptoms associated with the concept of Kundalini. It has been reported predominantly by people who have had a near-death experience,[1] [2] [3] or by practitioners of asian spiritual practices.[4] [5] The term “Kundalini Syndrome” has been used as a category for discussion within the schools of transpersonal psychology and near-death studies. The phenomenon is sometimes called the “Kundalini-syndrome”,[6][7] the “Physio-Kundalini syndrome”,[8][9][10] or simply referred to as a “syndrome”.[11][12] Other researchers, while not using the term “syndrome” [13], have also begun to address this phenomenon as a clinical category,[14][15] or as a recognizable symptomatology.[16]

The appearance of the symptomatology is believed to occur in connection with a near-death experience, [17] [18] [19] or with prolonged, intensive spiritual or contemplative practice, as practiced within a few sub-disciplines of meditation or yoga. [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] Other factors that may trigger this symptomatology includes a variety of intense personal crises or experiences. [25] According to writers in the field of transpersonal psychology the process is not always sudden and dramatic, it can also start slowly and increase gradually in activity over time.[26] If the accompanying symptoms unfold in an intense manner that destabilizes the person, the process is usually interpreted as a spiritual emergency.[27]


Yoga for the Sexual Priestess

A dear friend of mine and phenomenal musician pointed out that yoga was originally created by man for men.  He and I shared a powerful connection through our dancing and music and he wanted to know what a Tantrika like me was doing teaching a yoga class for women.  Appreciating the profound exchange of Shakti and Shiva energy between us, and his extensive spiritual background I was grateful for his question.  Months later as I offer Yoga for the Sexual Priestess I am realizing how this yoga is unique and distinctly different from many yoga practices.

I notice that many yoga classes today are consciously or unconsciously creating a “masculine” version of the body mind spirit connection.   Some of this can be observed through a focus on fitness, the athletic aesthetic of yoga clothing, the linear forms of many poses, repetition of linear asana sequences, language emphasizing the muscular skeletal system, under-engaging the students creativity, the grid-like spatial structure of class on individual mats.  In addition to this I have also observed that many women yoga teachers are hungry to access their second chakras when they come to my workshops and often have some unlearning to move through to find pleasure.  Coming from a rigorous professional dance background I can appreciate the balance of discipline and pleasure in a consciously attended to body, mind, soul.
The archetype of the Sexual Priestess embodies a Oneness with sex and spirit that brings us into a co-creation with the Great Everything.  Her presence is reemerging because our collective life force is ready to become fertile and whole. Through the Sexual Priestess we are maturing from a mother child relationship with the Earth to a lover relationship with the Earth where we have a greater responsibility as we co-create life.
  • Sexual energy is a creative energy. Yoga for the Sexual Priestess engages the following of our body’s instincts as a Creator.  This deepens our awareness of how we are feeling.
  • Cultivating life energy is an erotic and spiritual experience, the full expression of the sacred body and sensual spirit is welcomed through breath and sound as One with the Great Everything.
  •  The language guiding this practice spans systems in our body including the skeletal, soul, organ, sexual, chakra, muscular, collective and ancestral anatomies expanding our personal practice into a whole context.  We enter different states of mind by focusing on specific systems, the language of Yoga for the Sexual Priestess intentionally weaves sex and spirit in the ancestral web for the evolution of trust, love, and passion.
  • Anchoring awareness in the Love and Sex centers, the two hearts that heal, create & nourish life, creates awe & ecstasy.
  •  Rocking, undulating, and vibration are qualities of movement not usually found in a yoga class.  They deeply access our life force energy and naturally occur during embodied transformations including orgasm, deep grieving, and soul shaking laughter.  We use them to invoke transformation.
  • We visit the animal spirit of the poses to remember our resilient and sensual animal instincts.