Hello world! My brand of Conscious/Sacred Sex

“ I have always possessed a “high sexual energy”…always sensual and kinesthetic, even as a child. But it was frowned upon, censored, and censured. I was terribly repressed, and I was taught that something was “wrong” or “different” about me. I spent many years ashamed and confused about who I was…feeling unaccepted and misinformed.” India Olowokande-Ame’ye

And then I learned to accept myself fully and completely for who I am. I embrace my sexuality; revel in its power and deliciousness. No longer am I a prisoner of society’s close-mindedness. Nor will I allow my friends and family to keep me imprisoned in their self-righteous boxes, filled with their own condemnation. I am free! As a past lover once said to me, “You are the freest person I know”. I take that as a compliment.

I follow the teachings of Jesus, not the people who wrote about Him after He left this earth. Paul with his repressed sexuality & closet homosexuality and hatred & disdain of women, nor any of the others who believed as he did and tried to cram their brand of Christianity down our throats! And you know what? Jesus didn’t go around condemning people. He didn’t really even talk about sex. He gave us two commands…Love God…Love Others as ourselves. To love myself I must embrace who the Creator made me to be. I also pay close attention to the words of Gandhi (my hero) and The Buddha, who is the originator of the term, “The Way”.

The journey into Tantra/Taoist/Kemetic Sexuality has shown me that what I experience is perfectly normal and is a POWRFUL form of energy. In this blog I will share the things I have learned and am continuing to learn. I wish I had been braver when my children were young and told them to embrace their sexuality. Oh well, the past is gone forever, but in its place is the Present and I can share with them what I now know.

Thanks for coming along with me on the journey. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do:)

The is indeed My Unfolding Journey;)