Women Experience Sexual Frustration, Too

As we enter into the twenty-first century, gender norms and attitudes towards how men and women should behave are changing for the better. In most cases we’ve done away with rigid stereotypes that dictate how a man or a woman should behave. We’ve learned to see masculinity and femininity as fluid characteristics, that don’t necessarily correspond to gender. In the same vein of thinking, sexual frustration is no longer something that only affects men. Women are now free to express their sexual needs in order to prevent feelings of sexual frustration.

Throughout history, women have been taught to stifle their sense of sexuality in order to appear respectable, pure, and desirable in a man’s eyes. For women this meant resisting sex when it was offered and never expressing an outright desire to have sex. It was considered unthinkable that a woman would experience sexual frustration, because sex was always centered around the male. Men had ‘uncontrollable’ sexual urges and it was a woman’s fault if she tempted a man into action. Today, there is still something of a misconception that men have greater libidos and sex drives as compared to women.

Your sex drive is affected by a number of factors. Firstly, there are hormones circulating in your body that determine how you feel, sexually. For women, hormone levels fluctuate along with the menstrual cycle. Therefore, how amorous a woman feels at any given time depends on where she is in her cycle.

Of course, there are other factors that can greatly affect libido, especially for women. Emotionally traumatic events, such as the death of someone close to you, a particularly nasty breakup, or stress at work can all have serve to dampen or light your sense of sexual desire. In addition, mood disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder can also cause both increases and decreases in libido. Another fairly obvious factor in determining libido or sexual desire is how connected the woman feels to the person she is sexual with. There are a great number of things that can affect a woman’s desire for sex.

Sexual frustration can occur in conjunction with any of the aforementioned lifestyle changes. The change might be totally obvious, or it might be difficult to recognize why you feel the way you do. It might be difficult to communicate the change to your partner, if you have a certain routine. Perhaps you want sex more and your partner isn’t interested in increasing frequency. If that’s the case, you’re likely to experience some sexual frustration.

If that is the case the best thing to do is discuss how you feel with your partner. We are lucky to live in an era where it is okay

for women to express their sexual needs. Sexual frustration can be addressed through honest discussions that don’t center on rigid gender roles, such as what a woman should feel or what a man should feel. Being honest and open is the best way to address a problem if you have one. If you want to feel sexually satisfied, the best thing to do is have a conversation about your needs.

In addition to communication with your partner, energy healing methods such as Chakra Healing can dramatically improve your sex life by getting to the root of the issue and eliminating the cause of the problem.





guest post from Mindvalley http://www.mindvalley.com/


Actions to help get your chakras functioning optimally

The crown chakra is associated with the color violet or white. This chakra, when functioning optimally, allows inner communications with our spiritual nature to flow naturally. When the crown chakra is open, it invites energies from the Universal Life Force. From there, the invited energies can be dispersed proportionally downward into the lower six chakras housed below it. This chakra is often depicted as a lotus flower with its petals open to represent spiritual awakening. I view the crown chakra as a bottomless well from which intuitive knowledge can be drawn.

Indicators that the crown chakra is not functioning optimally:Stuck in the past, Faithlessness, Feeling of disconnect from the world in general

Chakracises: Prayer, Meditation

The brow chakra (aka the third eye) is associated with the color indigo. Our mental calculations and thinking processes are functions of this chakra. Our ability to distinguish reality from fantasy or delusion is connected to the healthfulness of this chakra.

Indicators that the brow chakra is not functioning optimally: Lofty thinking, Paranoia, Poor judgement, False sense of reality

Chakracises: Visualization, Remote Viewing, Lucid Dreaming

The throat chakra is associated with the color sky-blue. The healthfulness of this chakra is signified by how openly and honestly a person expresses himself or herself. A challenge to the throat chakra is to express ourselves in the most truthful manner. Falsehoods and half-truths energetically pollute the throat chakra. Repressing our anger or displeasure by ignoring our feelings through evasive sweet talk, or silence, will manifest into throat imbalances such as strep throat, laryngitis, speech impediments, and so on.

Indicators that the throat chakra is not functioning optimally:Dishonesty, Overt wariness of outside influences, Speaking vulgarities, Biting your tongue (figuratively speaking)

Chakracises: Gargling with salt water, Singing, Screaming

The heart chakra is associated with the color green. This chakra is considered to be the love center of our human energy system. Among others, love, heartbreak, grief, pain, and fear, are all emotions that are felt intensely within this energy vortex. Learning self-love is a powerful initiative to undertake in order to secure and maintain a healthy heart chakra.

Indicators that the heart chakra is not functioning optimally:Trust issues, Lack of confidence, Depression, Heartbreak

Chakracises: Push Ups, Swimming (breast stroke), Hugging Yourself

The solar plexus chakra is associated with the color yellow. Our egos and intuitions reside in this space. Our personal self-esteem is reflected by the healthfulness or lack of healthfulness of this chakra. Experiencing difficulty maintaining your personal power likely signifies that your third chakra is damaged or compromised. This intuitive chakra is also the source from which we get those “gut feelings” that signal us to take action or to avoid something. When this chakra is functioning optimally our intuitive skills are enhanced.

Indicators that the solar plexus chakra is not functioning optimally: Feeling overwhelmed or crowded, ultra-sensitivity, fearful of life in general

Chakracises: Belly dancing, Doing the Twist, Hoola Hooping

chakracise hoola hoop

The sacral chakra is associated with the colors orange and red-orange. This chakra often offers us the opportunity to acknowledge our issues regarding control, especially in relationship with others. A well-functioning second chakra helps a person maintain a healthy yin-yang existence. Although the sacral chakras is primarily considered the sexual center, it is also where individual creativity is birthed from. If you are seeking motivation for a project, focus on charging up this chakra, it will give launch to your ideas.

Indicators that the sacral chakra is not functioning optimally:sexual dysfunction, blocked creativity, feeling of powerlessness

Chakracises: Circular pelvis movements, Pelvic thrusts

The root chakra is associated with the color red. This chakra is the grounding force that allows us to connect to grounding energies and empowers our life force. It is through this chakra that the child feels a strong connection with its birth mother and also bonding with its nuclear family. Our survival instincts spring forth through this vortex.

Indicators that the root chakra is not functioning optimally:confusion, distraction, aloofness

Chakracises: Stomping your feet, Marching, Squats

Our auras are like magnets picking up vibrational energies that are floating around everywhere we go. It is important to cleanse our auras freeing them of foreign vibrations and negative energies.

Indicators that your aura needs cleansing: fatigue, shallow breathing, irritation or agitation, feeling cornered or boxed in.

Chakracises: Shower, soak in epsom salt bath, smudge with sage wand, deep cleansing breaths.

Chakra Exercises

Imbalance in The Sacral or Sex Chakra

Svadhaswara is the seat of sexual desire, pleasure and nurturing. The sacred art of tantra is a sexual art intended to use the energy created during orgasm to propel Kundalini energy up the spine to inspire instant bliss and enlightenment. This practice remains highly misunderstood, and has been used in a number of books and myths to be more about sexual pleasure than spirituality; none-the-less, the ability to give and receive sexual pleasure, or pleasure in general, does have its home in the sacral chakra.

What is so important about being able to experience pleasure and give it to others? Well, for one, it is an act of openness and self-affirmation. For another thing, it is extremely conducive to caring and intimacy. Just think what it would be like to have a partner who never experienced pleasure or allowed you to pleasure them. This would create a huge barrier and imbalance in any relationship.

Unfortunately, this problem is all too common. It stems from a closed sacral, or second chakra, and it can be healed through continued intimacy, counseling, meditation and yoga. Often, this is caused by sexual shame, too much guilt, and a number of unhealthy or unacceptable experiences, during youth or at other times in life.

What if, on the other hand, your partner is detached, selfish, overly intense, manipulative, or, becomes too attached and dependent, and only shows affection in a sexual manner? This is a sign of excess in the sacral chakra, and is just as much an imbalance and barrier to love and nurturing. In both cases, meditations and exercises can bring more balance and harmony to the individual and the relationship, helping us learn how to set normal sexual boundaries, allow our own gratification, and care for others, at the same time.

Boundaries are, as matter of fact, a perfect example of what the sacral chakra is really all about. Our natural boundaries are not meant to be emotional blockades or walls barring us from trust and communion with others. Rather, they are a symbol of emotional well-being, self-love and respect for ourselves and others. When the sacral chakra is blocked or imbalanced, however, we either lack the ability to tell others no, or we overuse the ability to a point of loneliness and isolation.

Those who have a problem in the svadhisthana center commonly act as martyrs; over-giving, denying themselves certain foods, sexual gratification, even compliments and love from others. They can also be very promiscuous and pass over true emotional attachment and connection for the more shallow or temporary satisfaction of sex. They may have many partners, and certainly experience a high number of fast and tumultuous relationships.

The favored color of this energy center is orange and simply working more with it and incorporating it into everyday items or surroundings is an excellent strategy for beginning to heal and balance it. Those who have such issues tend to be fond of the color, or, at least some shades of it. There is no reason to use bright orange, as more muted, electric, or darker shades work just as well.

The seed mantra for svadhisthana is vam and can be chanted or sung during focus on the sex center, during meditation, while holding a hand mudra, or while practicing one of the following Yoga postures:

Triangle: Stand with the legs wider than hip width apart, facing the hips forward and holding the arms straight out to the sides. Draw the muscles of the legs up, bend at the hip to the right, letting the right hand come down on the knee, shin or floor, depending on flexibility. Hold the pose and breath deeply into the stretch in the inner thighs. Chant vam and focus on the sacral chakra. Straighten and then repeat to the left.

Cobra: Lay on the floor with the hands under the shoulders. Straighten the legs out behind you, feet together. Rest the chin on the mat or floor. Using primarily the muscles in the back, lift the head, neck, shoulders and chest off of the floor, using the hands for support only. Keep the pelvis, hips, lower abdomen and legs pressed into the floor. Hold for ten deep breaths, release, rest and repeat.

Find out if your sex chakra is opened or closed by taking a free chakra test here

If the result is positive, check out Carol Tuttle’s blogpost about ways to open the Sacral Chakra

Lesson Five Subtle Energy ~ Chakras

The next 2 lessons will cover the 3 important elements affected by Reiki healing: Chakras, The Aura and The Meridians. 

So what are Chakras? This is truly the subject of an entire course all its own yet it is important that a Reiki healer at least have a basic understanding of what they are & how they work. Chakras are the ‘sacred’ energy centers within that carry us on our journey toward greater awareness & aliveness. As such, they are at the center of our spiritual & physical evolution. As the architecture of the soul, they provide an important map for our wholeness and transformation, both personally and globally. As an ancient spiritual system, they show the path to enlightenment & continued health of the human organism & its consciousness.

The word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disk and signifies one of seven basic energy centers in the body that correspond to nerve ganglia branching out from the spinal column. A brief history behind Chakras shows us that they first appeared in ancient Hindu texts, featured in tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Each Chakra is associated with its own state of consciousness, developmental stage of life, archetypal element, body function, color, sound & much more. Together they form a profound formula for wholeness and a template for transformation.

These wheels, or disks spin & most of the time are not spinning evenly, if visualized as the color they are associated with you would see darkness in them where they are weak. When you heal a Chakra & remove this darkness the Chakra strengthens & the issues in life that that Chakra deals with heals. The human chakra system was discovered thousands of years ago, and has been confirmed by numerous proven studies like acupuncture, yoga, and Reiki. This amazing aspect of human health represents the raw energy of the human being. I like to think of the chakra system as the fifth level of our being. We are all aware of the physical body, psychological awareness or Mental body & ‘emotional’ mind where the mental and physical actually meet that we call the energetic body, or emotional body, Emotion being energy in motion.

Many people also choose to acknowledge the spiritual realm of life; by this reckoning we now have four aspects of the human form. The chakra system, with its meridians and auric fields, represents the raw energy the flows through the physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual expressions of a human being. It can be thought of as the source power that drives our existence. When certain areas of the chakra system are out of balance, physical disease can manifest in the body. Likewise emotional disorders can occur when other aspects of the human energy system are blocked or out of balance. By correcting imbalances and allowing the healthy flow of energy through the chakra system, so-called incurable diseases can be eliminated; severe emotional problems can be corrected, and so forth. While western medicine has not fully endorsed this concept yet, more doctors are accepting the wonderful reality of the chakra system.

Within the next 50 years it is extremely likely that mainstream medicine will embrace the chakra points system. In fact, the only thing preventing widespread acceptance of chakra healing and chakra wisdom at this time is a politically motivated medical community. Sickness is big business, especially while the pharmaceutical companies maintain their current level of financial influence over medical publications and general practices. But as the human mind continues to evolve and our species moves out of the neo dark age of corruption and self-sabotage, the myriad benefits of our natural energy systems will play an important role.

In addition to advanced healing benefits, knowledge of the chakra system empowers an individual with greater self-knowledge and direct access to the subatomic energy from which all things flow. Science has recently proven the existence of a unified quantum field, or an entangled essential reality at the core of all things; such a truth was spoken of freely thousands of years ago in Vedic and Taoist writings. How ironic, it seems, that we are finding the universal wisdom in teachings made available in ancient times… An exploration of the chakra system requires no specific religious orientation, and no particular spiritual practice. In fact, there is nothing at all mystical or paranormal about the chakra centers and their associated meridians.

One can take a completely scientific approach to the study of his or her own chakra system and base conclusions solely on the outcome of various meditations and exercises. Even the skeptic is likely to be fascinated by the very real and tangible results of such experimentation. I challenge you to empower yourself by exploring the chakra system further, surfing Chakras on the Internet or reading about them from a book.

Chakra Characteristics FIRST CHAKRA – RED Base or Root Chakra: Storage of Kundalini energy resides here: Located at the base of the spine: Associated with Earth, survival, grounding, stillness: Contains the primary 8 cells that have all of the knowledge of creation and remain the only cells in your body that do not change in our lifetime & grounds us in the physical world.

SECOND CHAKRA – ORANGE Called the Sex or Spleen Chakra: Located just beneath the navel, and related to our sexual and reproductive capacity. Blockage manifests as emotional problems or sexual guilt. Also associated with creativity.

THIRD CHAKRA – YELLOW Solar Plexis Chakra: Seat of Emotions: Gives us a sense of personal power & balance in the world. Blockage manifests as anger or a sense of victimization.

FOURTH CHAKRA – GREEN The Heart Chakra: Blockage can manifest as immune system or heart problems, or a lack of compassion. This is the Heart Center – Seat of the Soul in the hourglass of time – The Zero Point

FIFTH CHAKRA – BLUE The powerful Throat Chakra: Tied to creativity and communication. Feels pressure when you are not communicating your emotions properly.

SIXTH CHAKRA – INDIGO The Third Eye, or Pineal Gland: Often connected to the forehead. Is a physical eye at the base of the brain with the capabilities of looking upward. Clairvoyance, psychic abilities, imagination, dreaming. If opened prematurely, psychosis & other mental disorders.

SEVENTH CHAKRA – PURPLE The Chakra Crown: Connects you with messages from higher realms. Can be experienced as a pressure on the top of the head, a spiritual connection, understanding, knowing, bliss & what many understand as ‘God’ a oneness with all things.

Then outside of this, surrounding the human body is the Auric Field, the energy that can be seen with Kirlian Aura Photography.

Originator: https://www.facebook.com/groups/240543172637047/

Specific Breathwork Technique to open up or clear the first 3 chakras.

Specific Breathwork Technique to open up or clear the first 3 chakras

Start with the Heart Chakra, then Sacral, then Root, lastly Solar.

Technique: Breathe long slow breaths focusing your awareness on the Chakra being addressed. With each breath imagine that you are breathing “through” the Chakra like it is a portal. With each out-breath imagine anything that wants/needs to be released is being let-go and with each in-breath imagine that healthy vibrant prana is filling the spaces left by the out-going “debris” and charging the Chakra with purity and original vibrancy.

Each out/in-breath bears with it information that may manifest in images, feelings, memories, fragments of thought, notice these but don’t engage them, allow them to inform you of further “places to look” in your meditation practice.
You will know you’re complete with a Chakra when you feel “relief” and a fullness.

Courtesy of:

Sunyata Satchitananda

Crown (Sahasrara) Chakra

The Crown Chakra illuminates life with thought, like a halo that rests on top of your head.


The seventh chakra is located at the crown of the head, and it serves as the crown of the chakra system. This peak location symbolizes the “highest state of enlightenment and facilitating our spiritual development,” according to Yoga Journal.


The seventh chakra is associated with the mind, and the thoughts and belief systems that create and develop our actions and emotions.

Excessiveness in this chakra comes through in a superior amount of intellect and spiritual awareness. A deficiency in this chakra can result in personal apathy, spiritual skepticism, materialism and mental insecurity.



Healing Techniques

“Meditation is the yogic practice best suited for bringing this chakra into balance,” according to Yoga Journal. “Just as our body needs a shower frequently, the busy mind filled with so many thoughts and concerns also needs a cleansing.”

Try meditating in a comfortable seated position (Sukhasana) to slow down your mind and to become fully present in your current state. Pay attention to your breathing by focusing on the simplicity of your inhales and exhales—a technique that will help you clear your mind.

Every time a thought arises, acknowledge the thought by imaging that you reach out and touch it, and then let the thought slip away as you return to the focus on your breath. Practice meditating every day, even if it is just for a few minutes at first. This will help you balance and stimulate your Crown Chakra, which reigns over all the other chakras in your body.

Relative Foods

The Crown Chakra actually benefits most from air, so fasting is often associated with your crown energy. Herbs can be inhaled as incense for mental clarity and purification. These herbs include sage, juniper, copal, myrrh and frankincense.

Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra

Your third eye is your vision, your dreams. The Sanskrit word for the sixth chakra is “Ajna,” which means “beyond wisdom.”


The sixth chakra is located in between, and just above, the eyes. It is sometimes referred to as the Brow Chakra.


“The sixth chakra is involved in both the creation and perception of art and in the recognition that what we see has a powerful impact on us,” according to Yoga Journal. “While our two eyes see the material world, our sixth chakra sees beyond the physical. This vision includes clairvoyance, telepathy, intuition, dreaming, imagination and visualization.”

Excessive energy in the Third Eye Chakra can lead to difficulties concentrating, headaches, hallucinations and nightmares. A deficient sixth chakra can result in eye problems and poor memory.


Indigo blue

Healing Techniques 

Stimulate the third eye with pressure on the chakra. Forward bends with a bolster can allow you to press and rest your forehead on the bolster, and yoga poses like Child’s Pose (Balasana), where you rest your head on your mat, can help to balance the sixth chakra.

Try closing your eyes during your practice to move your gaze inward and focus on how your body feels in your poses, rather than how your poses look. You can even try wearing a blindfold during your practice to keep your third eye in a calm and balanced state as your body moves.

Your third eye is responsible for dreams, affirmations and visualizations in your life, so fill your mind with insights that are positive and motivating.

Relative Foods

Dark blue fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries, blackberries and eggplant, can help to stimulate the Third Eye Chakra. Red wine and grape juice can also help to awaken your visual center, as well as lavender spice and poppy seed.

Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra

Speak your truth with an open and balanced Throat Chakra—the force center in your body where we communicate with one another.


The fifth chakra includes the throat, jaw, ears, cheeks, mouth, lips, tongue and thyroid.


“The foundation of the fifth chakra is faith and understanding, how we relate and convey our comprehension of the world around us,” according to Yoga Journal.

Associations with the Throat Chakra include speaking the truth, decision-making, listening, comprehension, judgement, criticism and addictions. A lack of balance in the fifth chakra can result in issues that include swollen glands and a sore throat, stiff neck, thyroid dysfunctions, teeth and gum problems and loss of hearing.

A balanced Throat Chakra allows an individual to communicate thoughts and emotions truthfully and clearly, resulting in a sense of ease and contentment throughout everyday existence and interaction with others.



Healing Techniques

You can help to balance the fifth chakra with yoga postures that help open throat, such as Camel Pose (Ustrasana), Fish Pose (Matsyasana) and Bridge Pose (Setu Bhandasana).

Postures that constrict the throat, including Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana) and Plow Pose (Halasana), can help to stimulate the thyroid and balance your methods of communication.

Relative Foods

The Throat Chakra provides us with a connection to food, since it is how we first ingest food into our bodies.

Fresh juices and soups can help to moisten and soothe the throat, promoting a healthy fifth chakra. Think of “quenching thirst” when you are feeding your Throat Chakra—consuming juiced vegetables and fruits to provide liquid nutrients for your body while nurturing your mouth and throat.

The thyroid gland in this chakra will benefit from foods with iodine and other minerals, such as sea plants. A healthy thyroid gland is important for a balanced metabolism, so slide some seaweed onto your next plate of greens.

Heart (Anahata) Chakra

The fourth Chakra is “the balance point, integrating the world of matter (the lower three chakras) with the world of spirit (the upper three chakras),” according to Yoga Journal. “Through the heart chakra, we open to and connect with harmony and peace.”


The fourth Chakra is located in the heart, lungs, upper chest and upper back. This is the center space of the body—it’s the origin of emotional and physical circulation, moving blood and air, as well as emotion and expression, throughout our bodies.

This area can often become closed with physical and emotional weight. Daily practices, such as driving and desk work, can roll the shoulders forward and push the heart space inward. Challenges and hardships in our lives can also result in restriction of the Heart Chakra.


The Heart Chakra, or Anahata, is the Sanskrit word meaning “unstruck” or “unhurt.” In this way, the fourth Chakra is associated with our core foundations of love and compassion—found only by uncovering the layers that so often close-off our heart space.

“When the heart chakra is deficient, you may experience feelings of shyness and loneliness, an inability to forgive, or a lack of empathy,” according to Yoga Journal. “Physical symptoms can include shallow breathing, asthma, and other lung diseases.”

This central space in our bodies is also associated with the element of air, as well as the sense of touch and actions and expressions of the arms and hands.

A balanced and healthy Heart Chakra allows individuals to “follow their hearts”—harmonizing their love for others with their love of self.


Green, with a grey or white center.

Relative Foods

Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts, have a similar structure to the heart space—with rose-like layers that unfold to reveal a central core. These vegetables and other heart-healthy greens, including avocados, limes, lettuce, spinach and soybeans, can help to enliven and balance the Heart Chakra.

Growing your own food—as well relating to food with gratitude and generosity—are ways to share love and spread compassion from your fourth Chakra.

Healing Techniques

Chest-opening yoga poses, as well as shoulder and arm stretches can help to tap into this central space. Backbend postures can be gentle with the aid of blocks and bolsters—incorporating ease with openness. You can also tap into the strength of the body to circulate energy from the top of the head to the bottom of the toes. Try Camel Pose (Ustrasana), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana), Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana), and Fish Pose (Matsyasana) as backbends to open the Heart Chakra.

Stretch your arms and shoulders with Eagle Pose (Garudasana), as well as arm binds in body side-angle and twisting poses. Strong standing postures can help to ground your Heart Chakra, and breathing practices can help to move the Chakra’s element of air throughout the body.

Navel (Manipura) Chakra

The third Chakra, the Manipura Chakra—the “lustrous gem”—is considered to be the seat of intellect in your body. It’s the base of your cognitive thinking and the source of “gut feelings” toward your emotional and physical connections, as well as your motivation and drive to meet challenges and opportunities in your life.


The third Chakra is located in the area of the solar plexus, navel and digestive system. It’s the “fire in your belly,” or the core of your being that is inspired to embrace life with enthusiasm and inspiration.


The Manipura Chakra is involved in “self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation,” according to Yoga Journal. This Chakra is also associated withmetabolism and digestion. Positive attitude, confidence, deep laughter, warmth and vitality come from a healthy third Chakra.

When stress levels are high or self-esteem issues are present in an individual, problems relating to digestion, eating disorders and discontentment show an imbalance in the third Chakra.

Excessiveness or perfectionism are also symptoms of a struggling Manipura balance, and often individuals need to push themselves past comfort zones and obstacles in order to grow through humbling and life-changing experiences.


Yellow and Gold

Relative Foods

Nurture your body with foods that help to stimulate you digestive system, including whole grains such as wheat pastas, breads, cereals, rices and seeds. Moderate amounts of dairy, including yogurt, milk and cheese can help to calm an irritated intestinal tract.

Try to resist creating a false sense of energy with stimulants such as caffeine and sugar. Avoid eating and drinking in excess, and instead try to use an approach of moderation with your consumption.

Healing Techniques

Yoga Journal recommends “restorative, passive backbends that cool off the belly’s fire act as calming agents for third chakra excess.” Also, Sun Salutations (Suryanamaskar), Boat Pose (Navasana), Breath of Fire (Bhastrika Pranayama) can help to ignite the inner fire in your core.

The Manipurna Chakra is also thought to be the home of the ego, so often practicing yoga postures or participating in activities which are challenging can be a way to calm your ego, but only when you take the elements of judgement and comparison out of your intentions.