It Just Feels So Good!

tantric massageHumans. We require touch else we die. Babies in hospitals have proven this to be so. I’ve read many times over the past year that people should receive at least 14 hugs a day to truly thrive. I can believe this. As a woman who cringed at the thought of being touched for a long time, I was doing anything but thriving.

I have a lover who likes to spoon just as much as I do. He was deprived of touch, loving touch, as a child. As an adult he is voracious in his appetite for touch. I love it.

I don’t think anything feels nearly as delicious as massaging my lover or being massaged by him. Sex doesn’t have to be the end result with us and often, it isn’t.

I’ve attached a video of two women in erotic touch. I don’t think the fact that they are nude is the erotic part of it. It is the way the ENERGY is being moved. As I watched the movie I felt my own energy shifting. Oh what pleasure! It almost moves me to tears.

I hope you enjoy watching as much as I have.

I can hardly wait to see my lover again. He is going to be pleasantly surprised 😛

femme-a-femme Erotic Massage

I am a priestess devoted to Love

“My body is the temple, where flesh and Spirit unite.

Dance is my prayer.

Enter my temple and be loved a thousand and one ways.

Within the sanctuary of my heart, only Love dwells.

I am a vessel of abundance, infinite dreams.

I am a priestess devoted to Love ~ with my body and every breath…”

~ Jehan

Women Experience Sexual Frustration, Too

As we enter into the twenty-first century, gender norms and attitudes towards how men and women should behave are changing for the better. In most cases we’ve done away with rigid stereotypes that dictate how a man or a woman should behave. We’ve learned to see masculinity and femininity as fluid characteristics, that don’t necessarily correspond to gender. In the same vein of thinking, sexual frustration is no longer something that only affects men. Women are now free to express their sexual needs in order to prevent feelings of sexual frustration.

Throughout history, women have been taught to stifle their sense of sexuality in order to appear respectable, pure, and desirable in a man’s eyes. For women this meant resisting sex when it was offered and never expressing an outright desire to have sex. It was considered unthinkable that a woman would experience sexual frustration, because sex was always centered around the male. Men had ‘uncontrollable’ sexual urges and it was a woman’s fault if she tempted a man into action. Today, there is still something of a misconception that men have greater libidos and sex drives as compared to women.

Your sex drive is affected by a number of factors. Firstly, there are hormones circulating in your body that determine how you feel, sexually. For women, hormone levels fluctuate along with the menstrual cycle. Therefore, how amorous a woman feels at any given time depends on where she is in her cycle.

Of course, there are other factors that can greatly affect libido, especially for women. Emotionally traumatic events, such as the death of someone close to you, a particularly nasty breakup, or stress at work can all have serve to dampen or light your sense of sexual desire. In addition, mood disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder can also cause both increases and decreases in libido. Another fairly obvious factor in determining libido or sexual desire is how connected the woman feels to the person she is sexual with. There are a great number of things that can affect a woman’s desire for sex.

Sexual frustration can occur in conjunction with any of the aforementioned lifestyle changes. The change might be totally obvious, or it might be difficult to recognize why you feel the way you do. It might be difficult to communicate the change to your partner, if you have a certain routine. Perhaps you want sex more and your partner isn’t interested in increasing frequency. If that’s the case, you’re likely to experience some sexual frustration.

If that is the case the best thing to do is discuss how you feel with your partner. We are lucky to live in an era where it is okay

for women to express their sexual needs. Sexual frustration can be addressed through honest discussions that don’t center on rigid gender roles, such as what a woman should feel or what a man should feel. Being honest and open is the best way to address a problem if you have one. If you want to feel sexually satisfied, the best thing to do is have a conversation about your needs.

In addition to communication with your partner, energy healing methods such as Chakra Healing can dramatically improve your sex life by getting to the root of the issue and eliminating the cause of the problem.





guest post from Mindvalley

Reiki Hand Positions & Advice

While not totally necessary you may desire to add a commitment of practicing a few of these disciplines while you are awaiting your final attunement.

Abstain or reduce usage of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, processed foods, meat, & excessive sugar for approximately the next few weeks. Spend time every day channeling Reiki using the symbols you have already meditated on.

Meditate every day, even if it’s only five minutes.
Recite the five spiritual principals of Reiki upon arising in the morning and retiring in the evening.
Surf on the Internet & research chakra clearing & grounding techniques. Whole courses in themselves, but it would be very helpful to get an idea of how this is done.
Explain to your family & friends that after your attunement you will need more time for self, for a few weeks. This may mean cutting back on a regularly scheduled event, or having more help with preparing meals around the house or cleaning duties. Make sure you are comfortable & supportive during this important time in your life. What you are doing is so incredibly worthwhile & life changing. Once you complete this process you will literally be transformed on an energetic level.

About Reiki

By Michael Coyne

Reiki energy is the same subtle energy that enlivens all of creation. The underlying energetic structure of man, nature and space is gaining more respect today, as we move away from

the dominant matter-first paradigm, to one in which consciousness is steadily reclaiming its rightful position. One of the simplest ways to illustrate this is the brain/mind relationship. Most science today still maintains that the mind somehow (proof has been elusive) evolved out of the gray matter of the brain. Perennial traditions know that mind (in this example), or rather consciousness is the very womb of life. In other words, the mind is not limited

to the brain and therefore is not regulated by it, although the brain is an instrument of the mind, just as the mind is an instrument of the soul.

Muscular relaxation is a tangible first effect of Reiki. Once it is felt and allowed, relaxation of

other bodily structures and functions can take place. As relaxation deepens it is experienced more as a state of calmness, and many times as peace. The experience of peace points to something ultimately more real and permanent than the body. This does not negate the body’s wisdom. If allowed, the initial, superficial relaxation of the muscles and other bodily structures will eventually release the mental or emotional issue s registered in the cells and

organic material, as well as the chemistry of the body. Issues are originally imprinted due to the holistic principle that all parts are reflected in the whole, and the whole is reflected in the parts.

Peace of mind, heartfelt peace, embodied peace, and peace that carries over into daily life becomes the norm for one who is on an ongoing Reiki regimen. Mental and emotional, as well as physical healing brings its own degree of peace and clarity. Yet the peace

thus found is only the first stage of the peace spectrum. We are in essence spiritual beings, and Reiki is primarily spiritually motivated healing. Very simply put, spiritual healing is to erase the ignorance of what we are as metaphysical entities. We then evolve to accepting our true nature as real, and expressing it in every way. Physical, emotional and mental healing misidentifies us from the delusion that we are our bodies and neuroses.

When an issue is resolved on any of these levels we feel stronger and freer. If the resolution is profound enough recurrence is stemmed. Yet the physical, emotional and mental dimension is an ever-changing, uncertain terrain open to all manner of influences.

Healing on these levels is an indispensable beachhead, perhaps to be termed as being at peace with oneself. Yet final victory lies in the all-healing power of the spiritual. This is because the other levels are but an expression or extension of our spiritual self the soul. They have only a limited reality and can heal us conditionally.

The attraction of the spiritual dimension is that it can expand us to being at peace with all people, all conditions and all things. Then you may know that you are not only at peace

but that you are peace. This is a permanent inner state unruffled by any influence. Spiritual resources, like love and health, are constant, ever-full and ever-giving. Our ability to tap them is greatly dependent on not becoming complacent with a little material happiness, human relationship and average health. Our entire journey is spiritual. We are so seduced by the information that our senses impart to us about the world that we are unable to entertain

the vastness and multi-dimensionality of Reality. We so easily become creatures of needs and desires. No matter how hard we try consumerism fails to replace true fulfillment. The stress created by a manic and unending reaching out instead of diving in is the cause of our increasingly unmanageable ills worldwide. Life also offers daily opportunities for engaging in noble and worthy goals and aspirations. These must be taken. Satisfying relationships, material comfort, nature, art, technology, good food, life as we know it on the planet can be very beautiful and inspiring. Yet when these expressions are treated as demi-gods and become an end in themselves, we create an unimaginable trap. To not fall in at all or extricate ourselves when we do is the ultimate healing work we are here to do.

Be grounded in your being and changing circumstances cannot touch you. Your being is eternal and powerful. That power has been given away to extraneous things. Healing is proper management of personal energy. We are born with an endowment of ever-replenished resources. To be spiritually healed is to be so connected to these resources that you are never depleted.

Every time you use Reiki your being rests in the connection of love, the love that runs the universe. If love can prevent planets from colliding, and it does, think what it can do for you. Your being is this love. Your cells also store and run on the love of Spirit. Reiki awakens this pure feeling and lets it flow abundantly. The Divine is smiling at you from the nucleus of your molecules. Smile back and come to the home of your soul. From there you will be convinced that you are stronger than the circumstances of your life.

Jiddu Krishnamurti Quotes and Insights on Sex

In order to solve the problem of sex, we will have to approach it, not on any one level of thought, but from every direction, from every side – the educational, religious, and moral.

Why has sex become a problem? Obviously, the more intellectual you are, the more sexual you are. Have you not noticed that? And the more there is of emotion, of kindliness, of affection, the less there is of sex. Because our whole social, moral, and educational culture is based on the cultivation of the intellect, sex has become a problem full of confusion and conflict. So, the solution of the problem of sex lies in understanding the cultivation of the intellect.

I am afraid it is only the empty people who know sex because sex then is an escape, a mere release. I call him empty who has no love, and for him sex becomes a problem, an issue, a thing to be avoided or to be indulged. The heart is empty when the mind is full of its own ideas, fabrications and mechanization. Because the mind is full, the heart is empty, and it is only the empty heart that knows sex.

A mind that is not alert, vital, a heart that is not affectionate, full, how can it be creative? And not being creative, you seek stimulation through sex, through amusement, cinemas, theaters, through watching others play while you remain a spectator; others paint the scene or dance, and you yourself are but an observer.

This problem of sex will exist as long as there is no creative release. There can be no creative release, religiously, if you accept authority, whether of tradition, the sacred books, or the priest; for authority compels, distorts, perverts. Where there is authority there is compulsion, and you accept authority because you hope through religion to have security; and while the mind is seeking security, intellectually or religiously, there can be no creative understanding, there can be no creative release.

In every field, in every activity, you are indulging and emphasizing yourself, your importance, your prestige, your security. Therefore, there is only one source of self-forgetfulness, which is sex, and that is why the woman or the man becomes all-important to you and why you must possess. So, you build a society which enforces that possession, guarantees you that possession, and naturally sex becomes the all-important problem when everywhere else the self is the important thing

Why has sex become so important a problem in your life? Is not the sexual act, the feeling, a way of self-forgetfulness? Do you understand what I mean? In that act there is complete fusion; at that moment there is complete cessation of all conflict; you feel supremely happy because you no longer feel the need as a separate entity, and you are not consumed with fear. That is, for a moment there is an ending of self-consciousness, and you feel the clarity of self-forgetfulness, the joy of self-abnegation. So, sex has become important because in every other direction you are living a life of conflict, of self-aggrandizement, and frustration.

There is chastity only when there is love. When there is love, the problem of sex ceases; and without love, to pursue the ideal of bramacharya is an absurdity because the ideal is unreal. The real is that which you are, and if you don’t understand your own mind, the workings of your own mind, you will not understand sex because sex is a thing of the mind.

We are not happy people, we are not vital, joyous; at home, in business, at church, at school, we never experience a creative state of being, there is no deep release in our daily thought and action. Caught and held from all sides, naturally sex becomes our only outlet, an experience to be sought again and again because it momentarily offers that state of happiness which comes when there is absence of self. It is not sex that constitutes a problem, but the desire to recapture the state of happiness, to gain and maintain pleasure, whether sexual or any other.

It is only when we understand the pursuit of sensation, which is one of the major activities of the mind, that pleasure, excitement and violence cease to be a dominant feature in our lives. It is because we do not love, that sex, the pursuit of sensation, has become a consuming problem. When there is love, there is chastity; but he who tries to be chaste, is not. Virtue comes with freedom, it comes when there is an understanding of what is.

When there is love, sex is never a problem – it is the lack of love that creates the problem.

To most people, sex has become an extraordinarily important problem. Being uncreative, afraid, enclosed, cut off in all other directions, sex is the only thing through which most people can find a release, the one act in which the self is momentarily absent. In that brief state of abnegation when the self, the ‘me’, with all its troubles, confusions, and worries, is absent, there is great happiness. Through self-forgetfulness there is a sense of quietness, a release, and because we are uncreative religiously, economically, and in every other direction, sex becomes an overwhelmingly important problem.

As long as the mind, which is the result, the focal point of sensation, regards sex as a means of its release, sex must be a problem, and that problem will continue as long as we are incapable of being creative comprehensively, totally, and not merely in one particular direction. Creativeness has nothing to do with sensation. Sex is of the mind, and creation is not of the mind. Creation is never a product of the mind, a product of thought, and in that sense, sex, which is sensation, can never be creative. It may produce babies, but that is obviously not creativeness. As long as we depend for release on sensation, on stimulation in any form, there must be frustration, because the mind becomes incapable of realizing what creativeness is.

When there is no love in your heart, you have only one thing left, which is pleasure; and that pleasure is sex, and therefore it becomes a mountainous problem. To resolve it, you have to understand it. When you understand it, you begin to face the mind – don’t be afraid, you are human beings, not driven cattle. Then, out of that freedom, comes a beauty in everything, and nothing becomes a problem.


 1) Choose a crystal that you want to program. I enjoy healing with clear quartz and amethyst. A wand shape or a double terminated point is preferred. Use your intuition and choose a crystal that really feels right for the purpose.

2) Choose a location that is quiet and comfortable. It is important to be able to focus a loving intent when programming crystals.

3) Cleanse the crystal. Instructions on how to cleanse a crystal can be found

on this site or use a method that feels right for you.

4) Invite in your Reiki guides to help in the process.

5) Open the aura of the healing crystal by holding your hands, palms together as in prayer position, over the crystal. Separate your hands while turning your palms upward as if holding a book and place your hands down to the left and right of the crystal.

6) Using the first two fingers of your primary hand, draw the Reiki Master Symbol, Dai ko myo, over the crystal. Do not concern yourself about the size of the symbol, it does not have to “fit” on the crystal chosen. Simply draw the symbol over it and your Reiki guides will take care of the details.

7) Pick the crystal up and gently blow on it while visualizing the Reiki Master Symbol going into the crystal. Visualize the symbol glowing on the surface of the crystal and then sinking into it.

8) Place the crystal back down.

9) Draw the other Reiki symbols; Cho Ku Rei, Say He Ki, and Hon Sha Ze Sha Nen, over the crystal.

10) Pick the Reiki crystal up and gently blow on it while visualizing, one by one, the Reiki symbols glowing on the surface of the crystal and then sinking into it.

11) Channel Reiki healing energy into the crystal for 3-5 minutes. Follow your intuition. If you are guided to channel Reiki healing energy for a longer period of time, do so.

12) Place the crystal back down.

13) Cross your arms over your heart chakra and say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you” either out loud or to yourself. This is to express your gratitude to Spirit, your Reiki guides, and the crystal for facilitating healing in the world.

14) The crystal is now programmed as a Reiki Healing Crystal.

Crystals have good memories and the charge on your Reiki Healing Crystals are permanent until reprogrammed. If at any time you choose to change the program on the crystal, simply cleanse it and reprogram it for the new purpose. Some of the things you can do with Reiki Healing Crystals are included in the list below.







Lesson Ten ~ Distance Healing

The Reiki Distance Healing symbol – Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

(Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is pronounced as: “Hon-Sha-Zee-Show-Nen”)

The symbol has a general meaning of: “No past, no present, no future” or it can have the meaning of “The Buddha in me contacts the Buddha in you”.

The Distance symbol can, as its name implies, be used to send energies over a distance. Time and distance is no problem when using this Reiki symbol. Many practitioners consider Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen as the most useful and powerful symbol. It is the third & final symbol for your Reiki 1 & 2 Certification.

This is the music to use for your third & final meditation. (BELOW)

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Meditation Three:  Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol for distance healing

For this meditation we will do something a little different… You are already at one with the first two symbols so I would like you to use this symbol in a practical healing situation…


1) Begin by getting a small piece of paper, roughly index card size. It only needs to be big enough to include a name and 3 of the traditional Reiki symbols: Cho Ku Rei, Sei He Ki, & now the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen.

2) Write the person, place, or thing to be healed in the middle of the paper.

3) Draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol at the top center of the paper.

4) Draw the Sei He Ki symbol at the bottom center of the paper.

5) Draw the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen in the center of the paper.

6) If there are any other symbols which seem appropriate, such as a heart, an Om symbol, or a Zodiacal symbol, that is particular to the person, place or thing you are sending energy towards, draw them as well. Do. Allow yourself to be guided by your own inner intuition.

7) Hold the paper in one hand against your heart chakra, place the other hand over it so both hands are then over the heart chakra, and begin channeling Reiki energy.

8) While channeling Reiki energy, visualize the person, place, or thing you wish to heal. If you do not have a visual image, visualize the written word on the paper. Ask your Reiki guides or other Spirit guides to continue to send healing energies as long as is necessary to accomplish the highest and greatest good of all.

9) If the target of the healing energy is a person or animal, ask Reiki to filter it according to the free will of the person/animal receiving the energy. If they do not wish to receive healing energies, that is their choice and should be honored.

10) Say or think, “Thank you, for the opportunity to channel healing energy.

11) Place the paper into a pocket, purse, medicine pouch or other holder so that it is close to your body and you will notice it occasionally throughout the day.

12) Go on about your daily business. Whenever you think of it, use the opportunity to channel Reiki energy and express your gratitude to Spirit for the opportunity to channel healing energy. At the end of the day, either discard or keep the paper according to your intuition. If you keep it, place a crystal programmed for healing on it and place somewhere you will notice it occasionally.

Lesson Nine ~ Reiki Symbols

Reiki symbols are sacred healing symbols which enhance the flow of Life Force Energy. They are like keys that open doors to higher levels of awareness and manifestation.

Reiki symbols are Sanskrit-derived Japanese forms. Sanskrit is the mother-tongue of all other languages. It is the language of the Vedas, the oldest writings known to man. The Vedas say that Sanskrit is the language of the spirit world.

Reiki symbols are shown to the student prior to being attuned, and an imprinting takes place that links the image they are shown to the metaphysical energies the symbol represents. Then the Reiki attunement actually empowers the symbols so that they fulfill their intended purpose. This process has been created by a Divine covenant or sacred agreement between the Creator and those who have been attuned.

The symbols have their own consciousness, and it is possible to meditate on them and receive guidance on how to use them directly from the symbols themselves.

The three Reiki Symbols for Reiki 1 & 2 certification are…

Cho Ku Rei – This is the Power Symbol. Reiki Energy will flow without it, but when you use it, it is believed that the energy increases significantly. It would be as if you had changed the bulb in a lamp from 50 watts to 500 watts. Use at the beginning of the healing session and at any other time that additional power is needed. It is geared specifically for healing within the physical body. The meaning and translation of the symbol: The power of the Universe, the divine light, is accessible to me, to focus. It is the divine creation symbol.

The manifestation of the light (the divine energy) on earth. The energy frequent, which you produce with the strengthening symbol, is one of the highest spiritual powers, which you can send out. The clear universal divine Power of light and unconditional love. Every energy application will get stronger when using this symbol. During the whole body application, draw in your hand palms, to stronger the energy To balance the chakra in all positions, draw it in your hand palms If you draw it in your hands, it always stronger the place where your hands are laying on. If you feel, there is no energy in your hands, or just less (you can draw the symbol more than once) You can draw the symbol on groups of people, a single person, single body parts or on a road to make travel safer, a bed where a sick person lies or any object.

Draw in your thoughts (you can use your hands also) on the corresponding place, person or action, where you like the energy of the symbol to effect. Draw the sign in one piece without stopping.

Sei He Ki – This symbol is used for mental and emotional healing, protection, purification, clearing and balancing. It works with the cause of the disease, which is often hidden in the subconscious mind (the emotional body) and/or the conscious mind (the mental body). When the body manifests dis-ease, it is often attempting to deliver a message that there is something that  needs tending, that needs attention within the mental or emotional patterns we carry. The mental and emotional healing symbol balances the right and left brain. This symbol: Is especially helpful for healing relationship problems and the issues that stem from them: It’s used for any sort of emotional or mental distress such as nervousness, fear, depression, anger, sadness, etc. It can enhance one’s memory, as it connects with the subconscious mind, where all memories are stored & can be used to enhance the effectiveness of affirmations, causing them to enter more deeply into the subconscious and manifest the results you desire more quickly.

Sei He Ki Is also used to purify food or water, or to clear a room of negative energy, followed by the power symbol. If, during a treatment, a person begins an emotional release, use this symbol to assist in drawing it out and clearing it.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen – This symbol transmits Reiki energy across time and space often called the distance symbol. Using this symbol you can send Reiki across the room, across town, to other parts of the country or anywhere in the world. Distance is no barrier. You can also use this symbol to bridge time.

You can send Reiki into the “future,” where it will store up like a battery, to access at the time you or others will be needing it. Likewise, you can send Reiki into the “past,” to heal issues from earlier in this lifetime, or to past life issues that affect you or others now.

The essential message of the symbol is “The Buddha in me greets the Buddha in you.” (Another word for Buddha is “The Awakened One or Awakened Heart.”) And so when you use this symbol you are saying “The Awakened Heart in me greets the Awakened Heart in You.”

And when that connection is declared and honored through your hearts, you and the recipient are in a state of Divine Union, and Reiki can be shared regardless of the physical distance between you.

This symbol connects to the Akashic Records, the life records of each soul, and so it can be used to heal karmic patterns or tendencies that have manifested as dis-ease in the body or that have resulted in mental or emotional pain or distress. It can also be used to send Reiki attunement energy to students.

Using Reiki to Create Abundance

How to use Reiki, to create wealth & abundance. Have you actualized your ideal life? Are you using the law of attraction to create wealth and happiness in your life? We’ve created an Abundance Prosperity Reiki technique that combines Reiki with prosperity laws of attraction. It’s simple and effective. Try it out for yourself and see how abundance and prosperity begins to flow into your life. We all live in an abundant universe. It just takes tapping into the energy of prosperity. As you read this section remember… you deserve an abundant life. Optional Supplies for the Technique: * Pen and Paper

* 1 Orange Candle * A Glass of Water * Two Sticks of Your favorite Incense * A Ruby, Garnet, or other Prosperity Crystal * A small Wooden Bowl with Earth or Sand in it Abundance Prosperity Reiki Step #1: Find a quiet place in your house.

Turn off the phone and put on some soothing music. Light some of your favorite incense. Place the wooden bowl filled with earth, the glass of water, your prosperity crystal, and a small orange candle on a table in front of you. The incense represents the element of air energy. The bowl of earth represents the element of earth energy.

The glass of water represents the element of water energy. The candle represents the element of fire energy and the orange color of the candle brings in the energy of the sacral chakra, the chakra in charge of creation and manifestation. Abundance Prosperity

Reiki Step #2: Write down what you wish to manifest. Use an affirmation of wealth: Here’s a sample wealth affirmation to get your creative juices flowing: “Abundance and prosperity flow into my life. Peace flows into my life. Health flows into my life.” Draw a cho-ku-Re, Reiki symbol onto the paper next to your manifestation request. This will bring in the universal white light energy that is Reiki into your prosperity laws of attraction request, magnifying its strength. Abundance Prosperity

Reiki Step #3: Read your affirmation request out loud three times. The spoken word magnifies everything ten-fold. Feel your abundance wish already manifested and present in your life. Visualize your life as it will be when you have achieved your abundance wish. Feel the joy and gratitude that it brings into your life now that you have it. Abundance Prosperity

Reiki Step #4: Pick up your chosen crystal and hold it clasped between both of your hands. Feel it’s vibrations emanating into your hands. Wrap the abundance prayer sheet around the crystal and continue holding both the paper and the crystal between your hands. Take four deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. Focus on the paper and the crystal and begin toning OM. Repeat the OMtwelve times. Abundance Prosperity Reiki

Step #5: Drink the water you have set nearby. Reiki Masters have proven that energetic vibrations transfer to water. The water in the glass has picked up all of the powerful vibrations of your affirmation. By drinking the water, you are imbuing the reality of your abundance affirmation into the cells of your body. Light the second stick of incense and send your affirmation blessing to the universe. Burning the incense releases your wish to Spirit. Spirit will now orchestrate your universe to send you all of the abundance and prosperity that you have asked for.

The power of consistency: Every day, until your affirmation has been manifested, pull out the abundance paper you created and speak the abundance affirmation out loud. Feel the abundance vibrating into your life every time you say it.

There are many ways to attract abundance into your life; this is simply one of them. Allow your intuition to tell you what will work best for you.