It Just Feels So Good!

tantric massageHumans. We require touch else we die. Babies in hospitals have proven this to be so. I’ve read many times over the past year that people should receive at least 14 hugs a day to truly thrive. I can believe this. As a woman who cringed at the thought of being touched for a long time, I was doing anything but thriving.

I have a lover who likes to spoon just as much as I do. He was deprived of touch, loving touch, as a child. As an adult he is voracious in his appetite for touch. I love it.

I don’t think anything feels nearly as delicious as massaging my lover or being massaged by him. Sex doesn’t have to be the end result with us and often, it isn’t.

I’ve attached a video of two women in erotic touch. I don’t think the fact that they are nude is the erotic part of it. It is the way the ENERGY is being moved. As I watched the movie I felt my own energy shifting. Oh what pleasure! It almost moves me to tears.

I hope you enjoy watching as much as I have.

I can hardly wait to see my lover again. He is going to be pleasantly surprised 😛

femme-a-femme Erotic Massage

Love is Spiritual Energy

Our Heartfire is the sparkling of Love, the ‘Source of Light’ that lives at the center of our being.

When we open our HeartFire Gateways …

breathing into the Heart…


Love flows through, and we actualize our Divine Selves.

attentions in this sacred space
entering the silence

accessing inner knowing

receiving vision

taking action on what we receive

One breath,
One choice,
One vision,
one action,
one Heart at a time.


Have A Good Opinion Of God

He [Abraham] staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God.

Romans 4:20, KJV

How was Abraham strong in faith? If you look at the verse, it says that he gave glory to God. The word “glory” means “to have a good opinion of.” So while he was waiting on God for his miracle, Abraham simply had a good opinion of God. He believed that God was a faithful God who would bless him as He had promised to.

My friends, every time you consider God, see Him having a smiling face. See Him as someone who loves you perfectly and wants to be good to you. Have a good opinion of Him.

If you read or hear a negative report, have a good opinion of God and say, “God, because I am Your beloved child in Christ, You’ll never let this happen to me. A thousand may fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right hand, but it will never come near me” (Psalm 91:7). Believe and speak positively about God. Believe and speak positively of yourself. The Bible tells us in so many ways to not dwell on the negative because truly, thoughts DO become things.

The people of the world generally have a bad opinion of God. They see Him as an old, angry judge who’s all about punishing people. Beloved, you are in the world but not of the world (John 17:11, 14, 16). So don’t think and talk like the people of the world. God is your heavenly Father who loves you and wants to bless you. So judge Him good and faithful. He deserves all the glory and is delighted when you have a good opinion about Him and trust in His goodness toward you!

Another aspect of glory we should consider & ponder upon is Shekhinah Glory. This phrase isn’t actually used in the Hebrew or Christian Bible’s; however, the word Shekhinah is. What does it mean exactly?

 I attended a church in Kentucky years ago where this word was often used and although it wasn’t explained to me at the time, I knew it was something special. It came up again today and has been swirling around in the ether’s a little while now. I discovered that the word is the feminine attributes of God, which caused me to smile 🙂 The traditional religions would have us believe that women are really of little consequence & yet none of us would exist if the divine feminine were not involved. I think the imbalance of yin/yang…male/female…is what is seriously wrong with this world, but I digress.  In researching the word Shekhinah, I found that it is decidedly a feminine word in the Hebrew entomology and means the dwelling or settling, and denotes the dwelling or settling of the divine presence of God, especially in the Temple in Jerusalem. The form is conveyed in a hand sign by the gesture of blessing or benediction, with the palms facing downward and the thumbs of the outspread hands touching. The four fingers on each hand are sometimes split into two sets of two fingers each, thus forming the letter Shin (שׁ), an emblem for Shaddai (God). Sometimes the hands are arranged to form an overlapping lattice of ‘windows’, referring to a ceremony sometimes called Nesiat Kapayim, the “lifting of the hands”, in which Jewish tradition states the Divine Presence would shine through the fingers of the priests as they blessed the people, who close their eyes as the light could be blinding.

This recurrent theme is best known from the writings and songs of the legendary mystic of the 16th century, Rabbi Isaac Luria. Here is a quotation from the beginning of his famous Shabbat hymn:

“I sing in hymns to enter the gates of the Field of holy apples.

“A new table we prepare for Her, a lovely candelabrum sheds its light upon us.

“Between right and left the Bride approaches, in holy jewels and festive garments…”

A paragraph in the Zohar starts: “One must prepare a comfortable seat with several cushions and embroidered covers, from all that is found in the house, like one who prepares a canopy for a bride. For the Shabbat is a queen and a bride. This is why the masters of the Mishna used to go out on the eve of Shabbat to receive her on the road, and used to say: ‘Come, O bride, come, O bride!’ And one must sing and rejoice at the table in her honor … one must receive the Lady with many lighted candles, many enjoyments, beautiful clothes, and a house embellished with many fine appointments …”

The tradition of the Shekhinah as the Shabbat Bride, the Shabbat Kallah, continues to this day.

The concept of Shekhinah is also associated with Holy Spirit in Jewish tradition, such as in Yiddish song: Vel ich, sh’chine tsu dir kummen “Will I, Shekhinah, to you come”

Didn’t Jesus Himself that He would not leave us comfortless when He had to leave the earth? He said He would send us the Comforter. I don’t know about everyone, but in most families, it is the Mother who is the Comforter. It is at our mother’s breast that we receive solace for our wounds. She hugs and pulls us in close to her. I feel the Holy Spirit, Shekhinah, do the very same to me. And I am comforted.

Even Islam and the mystical arm of that faith, Sufism, gives Her recognition. I am happy to see a reawakening of the Divine Feminine. The Catholic Church has had it right all along; glorify Mother Mary. She is a very special woman and full of Divinity. Blessed be the name of the Goddess.

10 Surprising Facts About Orgasms

Learn everything you never knew about climaxing

Psst—you over there! Don’t be shy…orgasms are as much a part of women’s health as dental floss—but a lot more fun. For all the things you’ve been dying to find out as well as things you’ve never even thought of, expand your knowledge about the “big O” with this list of enlightening facts.


1. Orgasms can relieve pain.
Got a headache? Maybe you should have sex after all. “There is some evidence that orgasms can relieve all kinds of pain—including pain from arthritis, pain after surgery and even pain during childbirth,” notes Lisa Stern, RN, MSN, a nurse practitioner who works with Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles and blogs at “The mechanism is largely due to the body’s release of a chemical called oxytocin during orgasm,” she says. “Oxytocin facilitates bonding, relaxation and other positive emotional states.” While the pain relief from orgasm is short-lived—usually only about eight to 10 minutes—she points to past research indicating that even thinking about sex can help alleviate pain.

2. Condom use doesn’t affect orgasm quality.
In case you’re wondering if a condom has anything to do with the quality of your orgasm, don’t. “Women are equally likely to experience orgasm with or without a condom, dispelling myths that condoms don’t make for good sex,” says Debby Herbenick, PhD, a research scientist at Indiana University and author of Because It Feels Good. “In fact, condoms may help a couple spend more time having sex, as a man doesn’t have to ‘pull out’ quickly if he’s worried about ejaculating too soon,” she says. If your guy is resistant to wearing a condom because of lack of sensation, consider manual stimulation first, before intercourse, so he can have an equally enjoyable experience.

3. Thirty percent of women have trouble reaching orgasm.
If you’ve ever had trouble climaxing, you’re not alone. According to Planned Parenthood statistics, as many as 1 in 3 women have trouble reaching orgasm when having sex. And as many as 80 percent of women have difficulty with orgasm from vaginal intercourse alone. Clitoral stimulation during intercourse can help, says Stern, but so can medical treatment. “Female sexual dysfunction (FSD), which encompasses the inability to orgasm, is very common—as high as 43 percent, according to some surveys—and has been a topic of much debate and medical investigation lately,” she says. “For some women, topical testosterone therapies or some oral medications can be helpful, but few medical treatments have solid evidence behind them.” Because FSD may be associated with certain medical conditions, be sure to see your doctor to rule out things like thyroid disease, depression or diabetes.

4. Finding your G-spot may improve the likelihood of orgasm.
Can you identify your G-spot? The “G” refers to Ernst Gräfenberg, MD, a German gynecologist who is credited with “discovering” it in the 1950s, and sex experts have long touted this area of female genitalia, which is believed to contain a large number of nerve endings, as the key to helping women achieve longer and stronger orgasm. But it’s a controversial topic. Researchers in England refuted its existence recently, even after Italian researchers supposedly found the spot on ultrasound and published their findings in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. Still, sex educators like Los Angeles–based Ava Cadell support the existence of the G-spot, and encourage women to find theirs. While the location may be slightly different in all women, it’s most often found inside the vagina and is characterized by a “rougher” texture.

5. Orgasm gets better with age.
Sure, there are plenty of things to gripe about when it comes to age, but your sex life may actually improve—specifically the quality and frequency of orgasm, reports Dr. Herbenick. “Orgasm becomes easier with age,” she says. “As an example, while 61 percent of women ages 18 to 24 experienced orgasm the last time they had sex, 65 percent of women in their 30s did and about 70 percent of women in their 40s and 50s did.” Though the survey didn’t indicate why orgasms come easier with age, we can assume that as women become more sexually experienced, they have more confidence in the bedroom and therefore enjoy themselves more. Additionally, the trust and intimacy that most women experience in long-term relationships can help improve sexual confidence as well.

6. Women who mix things up in the bedroom have more frequent orgasm.
If you have trouble reaching orgasm during intercourse, consider switching things up, says Dr. Herbenick. “It is significantly easier for women to experience orgasm when they engage in a variety of sex acts as opposed to just one act,” she says. “For example, vaginal sex plus oral sex would be linked to a higher likelihood of orgasm than either one of them alone. This may be because more sex acts mean that people spend more time having sex.”

7. A woman’s sexual self-esteem can affect the quality of her orgasms.
Research shows that how a woman feels about her genitals is linked to the quality of her orgasms. “As a women’s health clinician, I can vouch for the fact that every vagina looks different and there is no ‘perfect’ way for a vagina to look,” says Stern. “As long as your vagina is pain-free and you don’t have any abnormal discharge, sores or other medical problems, you can consider yourself healthy and normal.” Increase your orgasm potential by increasing your confidence, she says. “It’s important to treat yourself the way you would want others to treat you—send yourself healthy, positive messages about yourself and your body.” Another trick: Pull out a hand mirror and take a look! Getting to know yourself down there is the first step in feeling confident about your parts.

8. There is an orgasm “gap.”
While it’s true that a small number of men have trouble with orgasm, sex experts report that it’s rare. Instead, a significant percentage of women report not having had an orgasm the last time they had sex, even when their male partner thought they had. “We still have an orgasm gap,” notes Dr. Herbenick. “While 85 percent of men thought their partner had an orgasm during their most recent episode of sex, only 64 percent of women reported having an orgasm.” The cure? It’s complicated, says Dr. Herbenick, but women who are comfortable with and understand their body’s pleasure points can often learn to orgasm regularly.

9. In rare cases, orgasm can happen without genital stimulation.
We’ve all heard about women who can orgasm while sitting on a train or while getting a massage, but it’s no urban legend. Experts say it’s a real phenomenon. “I had a friend who had an orgasm every time she used the treadmill,” says Stern. “If that happened to all of us, we’d be a much more physically fit society!” But, humor aside, there’s an explanation for why this occurs. “The reason for spontaneous orgasms during certain activities is twofold—increased blood flow to the genitals and vibration of or contact with the clitoris. The increased blood flow and the general relaxation of a massage can lead to orgasm sometimes, too.”

10. For most women, it takes a while…
Many women take longer to climax than their male partners, and that’s perfectly normal, says Stern. In fact, according to statistics, most women require at least 20 minutes of sexual activity to climax. “If you find that your partner often reaches orgasm before you do, there are ways to help him slow down,” she says. “Mental exercises can sometimes work, and so can firm pressure around the base of the penis. If premature ejaculation is a concern, your partner may want to see a primary care doctor or urologist to find some techniques that might help.”

Sarah Jio is the health and fitness blogger for Visit her blog, Vitamin G.

Love Lost?

Love Lost?
Love lost is never so,
it’s merely redirected.
Passion’s wings can rise again,
with flight of love effected.

Love’s perfection removes fear,
the imperfection shows connection
to some endearing spirit, albeit
lacking variable, minus equation

The memories of love felt as such
are ever catalyst for
the sending of sweet energy
on loves lost, altered course.

Peace for memories of the past
let the peaceful memories last
with grace allowing for
the present open door.

By: Jay Vincent

What If We Told Our Little Girls This?

What if we told our little girls this?

It’s ok to touch yourself
If you want to
If it makes you feel good
If you get wet that’s okay
If you don’t that’s okay too
Just wash your hands before
Just like you do before you eat
Treat your body like a temple
Every time you do anything with your body it is sacred
When you are older enjoy your body as much as you can
Feeling good is ok
Share your body whenever you want to
When you don’t feel like sharing, that’s ok too
There will be times when you don’t feel like loving your own body
There will be times when you want to love yourself several times a day
If you share your intimate moments with others they may feel closer to you
Or they may not
Not everyone learns what I am teaching you
But my concern is you
The most important thing is to love yourself
When you love yourself so much you will reach a point
That you don’t need anyone else
You will feel that full and that complete
Then you will overflow
Then you can’t do anything but share your love
It will exude from your very pores
People will tell you they feel something special about your energy
Your ego will like hearing it
But your heart will be so full of love that your ego will shrink
You will begin to see love everywhere
You will begin to see love in all things
So far no one has found a limit on how much love there is
When your physical body is ready to die
Your love lives on
Your special energy to be shared for eternity
So when you touch yourself remember
It’s perfectly ok.

~Shakti Ma

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Comfortable & Secure

Every woman should pass through their lives on Earth comfortable and secure.

The essence of a man is measured by his ability to allow women to express everything about themselves freely, and in the open. Our charge, as men, is a sacred one held by our responsibilities to the family, the tribe, and the nation. The flaws of our manhood is reflected in the fear women hold within themselves around us, and their inability to find safe space to flaunt their beauty, or explore their mysteries.”

– Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

How To Honor the Sacred Feminine with a Goddess Ritual

When Margaret Murray wrote her ground-breaking God of the Witches, in 1931, scholars quickly dismissed her theory of a universal, pre-Christian cult of witches who worshipped a singular mother goddess. However, Murray wasn’t completely off-base; a number of individual cults existed in pre-Christian Europe which honored mother goddesses of their own. In Rome, the cult of Cybele was huge, and the mystery traditions of Isis soon took on a mother-goddess status. Take advantage of the blooming of spring, and use this time to celebrate the archetype of the mother goddess, and honor your own female ancestors and friends.

Here’s How:
  1. This simple ritual can be performed by both men and women, and is designed to honor the feminine aspects of the universe as well as our female ancestors. If you have a particular deity you call upon, feel free to change names or attributes around where needed. Otherwise, you can use the all-encompassing name of “Goddess” in the rite.
  2. Decorate your altar with symbols of femininity: cups, chalices, flowers, lunar objects, fish, and doves or swans. You’ll also need the following items for this ritual:
    • A white candle
    • An offering of something that is important to you
    • A bowl of water
    • A handful of small pebbles or stones
  3. If your tradition calls for you to cast a circle, do so now. Begin by standing in the goddess position, and saying:

    I am (your name), and I stand before you,
    goddesses of the sky and earth and sea,
    I honor you, for your blood runs through my veins,
    one woman, standing on the edge of the universe.
    Tonight, I make an offering in Your names,
    As my thanks for all you have given me.

  4. Light the candle, and place your offering before it on the altar. The offering may be something tangible, such as bread or wine or flowers. It can also be something symbolic, such as a gift of your time or dedication. Whatever it is, it should be something from your heart. You may want to read up on Offerings to the Gods for some ideas.
  5. Once you have made your offering, it is time to call upon the goddesses by name. Say:

    I am (your name), and I stand before you,
    Isis, Ishtar, Tiamat, Inanna, Shakti, Cybele.
    Mothers of the ancient people,
    guardians of those who walked the earth thousands of years ago,
    I offer you this as a way of showing my gratitude.
    Your strength has flowed within me,
    your wisdom has given me knowledge,
    your inspiration has given birth to harmony in my soul.

  6. Now it is time to honor the women who have touched your life. For each one, place a pebble into the bowl of water. As you do so, say her name and how she has impacted you. You might say something like this:

    I am (your name), and I stand before you,
    to honor the sacred feminine that has touched my heart.
    I honor Susan, who gave birth to me and raised me to be strong;
    I honor Maggie, my grandmother, whose strength took her to the hospitals of war-torn France;
    I honor Cathleen, my aunt, who lost her courageous battle with cancer;
    I honor Jennifer, my sister, who has raised three children alone…

  7. Continue until you have placed a pebble in the water for each of these women. Reserve one pebble for yourself. Finish by saying:

    I am (your name), and I honor myself,
    for my strength, my creativity, my knowledge, my inspiration,
    and for all the other remarkable things that make me a woman.

  8. Take a few minutes and reflect on the sacred feminine. What is it about being a woman that gives you joy? If you’re a man performing this ritual, what is it about the women in your life that makes you love them? Meditate on the feminine energy of the universe for a while, and when you are ready, end the ritual.


  1. This ritual can be adapted for a group easily; with a little planning it can become a beautiful ceremony for a number of people. Consider doing it as part of a womens’ circle, in which each member honors the others as part of the rite.

What You Need

  • A white candle
  • An offering
  • A bowl of water
  • A collection of pebbles or small stones

The Goddess is Back and Sex is Sacred

There is a current renaissance occurring around how we view and experience our sexuality, much of which can be attributed to the re-emergence of the goddess into our modern western culture.  For most of us growing up in a Judeo-Christian tradition, finding our way to god through sexual activity was unheard of.  On the contrary, celibacy and austerity has long been the map pointing the way to the sacred.  Engaging in wild passionate sex to seek an intensely spiritual experience was entirely incongruous.

But slowly, as the goddess awakens in a western consciousness, with her comes a softer awareness that the sacred may indeed wear a female guise.  The shame and guilt traditionally attached to our bodies and sexual experiences is being replaced with a remembering of lifetimes past when deity was female and sex was for worship.  For thousands of years patriarchal religions have told us that power is vested in a masculine god that has no physical form and that worship requires denial of the flesh. Well what if I told you that the sacred actually lives in your body and that engaging in conscious acts of sex can lead to transcendent experiences of bliss and self realization.

A long time ago before we worshipped a god in the sky, most cultures across the planet worshipped a goddess.  The Great Mother Goddess was seen as the sacred made imminent in the natural world, expressed in the diversity of all forms of life and death, in alignment with the cycles and seasons of the earth – she was mother nature.   Women’s bodies were able to perform acts of creation in the form of birth.  This creation was mirrored in the animals and the crops and the ancient ones recognized that women’s bodies were a vehicle for new life and as such, were deemed sacred.  Yes folks, god was a woman!  Prehistoric artifacts including statues of fertility goddesses and painted images in caves and on pots attest to the worship of the feminine mother principle from as far back as 40,000 BCE.

Hieros Gamos (or sacred marriage) rituals invoked the transcendent qualities of the goddess through the act of sex, allowing access to the sacred feminine through the physical body of a woman.  In the goddess temples, these women were known as sacred prostitutes or priestesses.  Viewing sex then as a sacrament through which the divine is accessed, aids in understanding how vastly different attitudes towards sexuality were in our ancient past compared to patriarchal religious ideology.

In ancient Mesopotamia in the temples of the Goddess Inanna (circa 4,000 BCE) the sacred prostitutes took the title of “Hierodule of Heaven” which meant ‘servant of the holy’.  Men would pay great sums to make love with the goddess via the body of a sacred priestess.  These were holy women, highly educated and trained women, able to channel the energy of the goddess in public and private rites.

In Babylon there was a hierarchy of high-ranking priestesses known by various names including Quedishtu, Naditu or Entu, right down to the tavern or street whore called Harimtu.  Goddess Ishtar bestowed her blessings on all who participated in the sexual act howsoever it be performed.  In the Old Testament these temple priestesses are later named the whores of Babylon.

From about 2,000 BCE the temple system that had once been the main form of worship across a great many cultures of the world, began to wane with the rise of patriarchy.  A new sky god came to power and he was masculine and without a body.  The rise of Abrahamic religions that worshipped this wrathful God, found no place for the feminine to hold power and so the era of the goddess began to wane and knowledge of the power of sexuality went underground.  As Christianity began to flourish, the church fathers understood that access to personal divinity gained through sacred sexual rituals, negated the power of the church, and must be tightly controlled.  As women were the ones in which this power was vested, their authority was broken and their bodies made dirty and sinful and so the temples were destroyed and the goddess fell from grace.

It has been 5,000 years or more since the goddess was at the height of her power, but with her return to a modern consciousness, we are remembering how to experience the divine through the sacrament of sex.  The goddess offers us a new religion (actually an ancient one) where sex leads to enlightenment and the current shame and perversion can be transformed.  The goddess is back, and sex is sacred.

Sacred sex in the 21st century is suddenly big business and the goddess looms large as we revisit the past to uncover the roots of traditions that honoured her.  You will find her in the explosion of neo Tantra that offers a stylized western experience for those who want to heal their relationships and experience a full body orgasm.  You will find her in a Wiccan or shamanic ritual, or a pagan magic sex rite.  She is nature herself speaking to you through an ayahauscan drug taking ceremony.  She is the healing found through a sex surrogate, or in the arms of a modern day sacred prostitute.  She is the rising kundalini serpent awakened in an ecstatic dance class.  Whichever path you may wish to traverse, you can access her powerful, untamable sexual energy as it directs you back into your body in order to transcend it.

Whilst I have spoken about the patriarchal religious ideology that negated the ways of the goddess and taught us shame around our bodies and sex, this is not to blame the past, but rather provide an understanding of the bigger picture.  The decline of a female god and rise of a masculine one, has been an evolutionary stage in our human existence as we evolve collectively on a global and individual basis.  The consciousness on the planet is ready now for the thousands of years of patriarchal masculinity to find divinity residing in a feminine form.  The goddess reminds us that once, all sex was sacred and openly and freely exchanged in full knowledge that our bodies were beautiful and that transcendent states of bliss were natural.

Seek her out her with open body and heart, she is acceptance and she is healing; she is the goddess and she will change your life.


About the author:  Kerri Ryan MA

Kerri is a modern day priestess, a writer, a workshop facilitator, and a teacher of the sacred feminine.  Having experienced the transcendent states available through sacred sex, she seeks to share the knowledge that the goddess brings when she enters the bodies and lives of those who carry her flame.  With a passion for the ritual and ceremony of earth based goddess religion, she seeks to promote the blossoming of awakened consciousness through the union of sacred masculine and feminine energies.  With a Masters degree in Religions Studies, she is currently penning her first book on a past lifetime in the goddess temples of ancient Jordan.



Feel the other’s body, feel the other’s energy flowing towards you and be merged in it, melt in it. It will come…..A man feels that something has gone wrong if there is no ejaculation…. Nothing has gone wrong! And do not feel that you have missed something; you have not missed. In the beginning it will be felt as if you are missing so……mething, because the excitement and the peak will not be there. Before the valley comes you will feel that you are missing something, but this is just an old habit. Within a period, within a month or three weeks, the valley will start appearing, and when the valley appears you will forget your peaks. No peak is worth this. But you have to wait, and do not force it and do not control it. Just relax….It is good, helpful, if you breath deeply, not fast but slow, breathing very easily—being at ease. Don’t talk….feel what is happening. …Float effortlessly. Then only will the valley appear, and once the valley appears you are transcended. Once you feel and realize the valley, the relaxed orgasm, it is already transcendence. Then sex is not there. It has become a meditation—a samadhi. OSHO