What is Love Exactly?

Years ago there was a singer who published his work under the Christian genre. His name is Don Francisco and he sang with people like Amy Grant, as well as on his own. His most famous song is He’s Alive and to this day I get chills when I listen to this song and I often cry in gratitude.

When my ex and I married we chose his songs, “I Could Never Promise You”. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPGYwVEHZJA  His work made a big impact on my life and I still think of his songs now and then. Bitter Sweet memories for certain, especially since it was my ex who chose the song.

I’m wondering if my ex and I had continued to listen to Don’s work if we may still be married? Guess that point is moot now since we’ve been apart for as long as we were married.

Why am I thinking of these things? I received a post by Mastin Kipp, a young man who blogs regularly, and is baby lovetransparent in his struggles and in his victories. Today’s post about Love brought me to Don’s songs because his songs are all about Love…Jesus’ love for us…God’s Love for us. It all started with Mastin’s first line…Love is an action, a choice. Don’s song says Love is not a feeling, it’s an act of your will. I recall this often when people are acting unloving toward me and when I am feeling unloving, too. Music, at least to me, is the language of our souls. Music and lyrics often say what we are unable to verbalize ourselves. My last long-term relationship partner used to laugh that he could always tell how I was feeling by what I was playing. I also used those songs to drive home something I had been saying to him, but he wasn’t really hearing me. The music always and I do mean always caught his attention. He is just a musically driven as I am 🙂 I hope you enjoy Mastin’s post as much as I do. I like it when people make me THINK!

what-is-loveLove is an action, a choice. 
Love is not really an emotion. 
To Love someone is to choose to show up to be devoted to The Divine through that person.

So often in life these days we think that Love is easy or that Love only feels good, but that is not the full extent of what Love is – especially relationship Love.

People think that relationship Love is something that must mask your true feelings, it must always be a euphoric high of some kind or that Love must be a trade.

But that’s not what Love is.

Love is a constant offering to serve to Heart of the person you are in a relationship with. Love is a constant surrendering of your protective ego, so that the Heart can open even more and show you the unknown beauty of its depths.

Love transcends language, religion and belief systems. Love is the deepest gift that we could ever be given by someone and it’s the greatest gift that we could ever give ourselves.

Love is not a trade. Love is not a power trip. Love is not some grandiose expression of infatuation. Love is a humble and subtle power that guides us to grow into titans of giving.

Love asks us to see beyond the fear of our partner, to dive deeper than their ego would want us to and to not leave, even when all that is triggering us wants us to run.

Love shows up when fear is present and asks for more… Love is bigger, Love is brighter, Love is more powerful than any other force in the Uni-verse, because at the core of every cell in the Universe is the deep yearning and desire to Love and be Loved.

Love does not march in with pomp and circumstance. Love whispers. Love silently beckons us to get over ourselves so that we can see the beauty that lay within us and every other sacred soul.

We were not sent to judge, for judgment is just a request for Love. We were sent to Love the parts of ourselves and the world that lack it. We were sent to be the Love in the seeming void of Love.

We, indeed, are the answer. No one is coming, for we have already come.

Our job is to wake up to Love and then be it.

Our job is to Love. Mastin Kipp

Have A Good Opinion Of God

He [Abraham] staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God.

Romans 4:20, KJV

How was Abraham strong in faith? If you look at the verse, it says that he gave glory to God. The word “glory” means “to have a good opinion of.” So while he was waiting on God for his miracle, Abraham simply had a good opinion of God. He believed that God was a faithful God who would bless him as He had promised to.

My friends, every time you consider God, see Him having a smiling face. See Him as someone who loves you perfectly and wants to be good to you. Have a good opinion of Him.

If you read or hear a negative report, have a good opinion of God and say, “God, because I am Your beloved child in Christ, You’ll never let this happen to me. A thousand may fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right hand, but it will never come near me” (Psalm 91:7). Believe and speak positively about God. Believe and speak positively of yourself. The Bible tells us in so many ways to not dwell on the negative because truly, thoughts DO become things.

The people of the world generally have a bad opinion of God. They see Him as an old, angry judge who’s all about punishing people. Beloved, you are in the world but not of the world (John 17:11, 14, 16). So don’t think and talk like the people of the world. God is your heavenly Father who loves you and wants to bless you. So judge Him good and faithful. He deserves all the glory and is delighted when you have a good opinion about Him and trust in His goodness toward you!

Another aspect of glory we should consider & ponder upon is Shekhinah Glory. This phrase isn’t actually used in the Hebrew or Christian Bible’s; however, the word Shekhinah is. What does it mean exactly?

 I attended a church in Kentucky years ago where this word was often used and although it wasn’t explained to me at the time, I knew it was something special. It came up again today and has been swirling around in the ether’s a little while now. I discovered that the word is the feminine attributes of God, which caused me to smile 🙂 The traditional religions would have us believe that women are really of little consequence & yet none of us would exist if the divine feminine were not involved. I think the imbalance of yin/yang…male/female…is what is seriously wrong with this world, but I digress.  In researching the word Shekhinah, I found that it is decidedly a feminine word in the Hebrew entomology and means the dwelling or settling, and denotes the dwelling or settling of the divine presence of God, especially in the Temple in Jerusalem. The form is conveyed in a hand sign by the gesture of blessing or benediction, with the palms facing downward and the thumbs of the outspread hands touching. The four fingers on each hand are sometimes split into two sets of two fingers each, thus forming the letter Shin (שׁ), an emblem for Shaddai (God). Sometimes the hands are arranged to form an overlapping lattice of ‘windows’, referring to a ceremony sometimes called Nesiat Kapayim, the “lifting of the hands”, in which Jewish tradition states the Divine Presence would shine through the fingers of the priests as they blessed the people, who close their eyes as the light could be blinding.

This recurrent theme is best known from the writings and songs of the legendary mystic of the 16th century, Rabbi Isaac Luria. Here is a quotation from the beginning of his famous Shabbat hymn:

“I sing in hymns to enter the gates of the Field of holy apples.

“A new table we prepare for Her, a lovely candelabrum sheds its light upon us.

“Between right and left the Bride approaches, in holy jewels and festive garments…”

A paragraph in the Zohar starts: “One must prepare a comfortable seat with several cushions and embroidered covers, from all that is found in the house, like one who prepares a canopy for a bride. For the Shabbat is a queen and a bride. This is why the masters of the Mishna used to go out on the eve of Shabbat to receive her on the road, and used to say: ‘Come, O bride, come, O bride!’ And one must sing and rejoice at the table in her honor … one must receive the Lady with many lighted candles, many enjoyments, beautiful clothes, and a house embellished with many fine appointments …”

The tradition of the Shekhinah as the Shabbat Bride, the Shabbat Kallah, continues to this day.

The concept of Shekhinah is also associated with Holy Spirit in Jewish tradition, such as in Yiddish song: Vel ich, sh’chine tsu dir kummen “Will I, Shekhinah, to you come”

Didn’t Jesus Himself that He would not leave us comfortless when He had to leave the earth? He said He would send us the Comforter. I don’t know about everyone, but in most families, it is the Mother who is the Comforter. It is at our mother’s breast that we receive solace for our wounds. She hugs and pulls us in close to her. I feel the Holy Spirit, Shekhinah, do the very same to me. And I am comforted.

Even Islam and the mystical arm of that faith, Sufism, gives Her recognition. I am happy to see a reawakening of the Divine Feminine. The Catholic Church has had it right all along; glorify Mother Mary. She is a very special woman and full of Divinity. Blessed be the name of the Goddess.

Spiritual Revolution

Earnestly I seek You Psalms 63:1

ESV 1 O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you;
my flesh faints for you,
as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

A more accurate statement cannot be said of me! My Soul Thirsts for You. I have been a seeker of God and the Truth for most of my life. That includes the childhood years. I have come to this earth this go around to really KNOW God in a way I have yet to Know. There has been the deepest of yearnings in the very core of my being.  It is to Love and to Be Loved.

Initially my search began in the Christian Church. I was raised a Southern Baptist in the US Air Force. Sometimes we simply attended the Protestant services, which were generic in structure so the Methodist, Baptist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian denominations, and so on were accommodated. However, whenever we were anywhere near a Baptist Church it was there my mother shepherded my brothers, sister, and me. I enjoyed being a part of this community. I learned of Christ’s love for me. I learned of forgiveness. I learned that NOTHING could ever separate me from the Love of God…Nothing, not even myself. I learned what it means to be a true servant. Servant. The very heart of who I am.

The church taught me about community, too. In the 1960’s when the world was in turmoil over the Viet Nam War, it was the church where we gathered our strength and our solace. I lived in a community filled with all branches of the military and we drew strength from one another. We went to school together, to church together, shared meals with one another, were there for each other should one of our family members not make it home alive.

The 1970’s ushered in my teen years. I turned thirteen (13) in 1971. Changes were assailing me in so many ways. I had my first real kiss as we transitioned from living in the lushness of Wiesbaden Germany to the arid climate of Albuquerque, New Mexico. People were protesting in huge numbers against the Viet Nam War. The end of it came a year later. Unless you were part of the military community, you could not even begin to know the jubilation we felt when President Nixon said he was bringing everyone home! Most of my friends were wearing bracelets for the POW’s & MIA’s and we were hoping we would be able to take the bracelet off soon. I had a bracelet for Sgt. Ryan and he never came home. I remember the day I took it off and put it in my jewelry box. I cried for him and for his family.

My search for God &Truth continued. We were in the middle of the Sexual Revolution and the Women’s Rights Movement. Abortion became legal when I was sixteen (16) years old. I will never forget that day. We were assailed with tremendous force on what we were to believe, how we were to behave, and so on. I wasn’t seeing a whole lot of God and Truth. What I was seeing was Anger & Frustration. And then there was the “Alternative Lifestyle” going on all around us, swirling in the ethers. The Drug Revolution. I embraced it wholeheartedly. I tried just about every drug available at the time. I quit going to church at fifteen (15). I bought metaphysical books and devoured them with a fierce hunger. I listened to FM radio all night long. Music was the gateway to a whole new way of thinking for me. I purchased the Satanic Bible. I read anything I could on Astrology, Witchcraft, Numerology, Eastern religions. You name it and I dabbled in it. Numerology was taught to me by my eighth grade math teacher. I was exposed to Transcendental Meditation in the tenth grade. I always felt I was before my time. Not many people seemed to be on the same path as me and I felt lonely. Still, I kept searching for God and for Truth.

Fast forward a few decades and my search continues; only now I am not alone. While I was in college in my thirties (30’s) and studying computer science, a new and wonderful thing happened to all of us…the INTERNET! It was just released by the military (that is who created it after all)in the middle nineties (90’s). None of us knew what a great liberator and unifier this new technology was going to be. One of the first browsers, after AOL, was Excite! And I got an email address immediately. Soon after Yahoo came out & took Excites position. Then there was Google, and we all know what happened after that. We are GLOBALLY CONNECTED and it is exciting!

Now I am really not alone because we are in the throws of a Spiritual Revolution. My soul sings with joy because of this. Like-minded souls are connecting. We are gathering strength. We are affecting social and political policies. We are beginning to shape economics. No other time in history has shown the wide-spread generosity and concern for others as the time we are living in now. Social enterprise business models are being established in rapid numbers. The term Conscious Economics is beginning to creep into our everyday language.

“A social enterprise is an organization that applies commercial strategies to maximize improvements in human and environmental well-being, rather than maximizing profits for external shareholders. Social enterprises can be structured as a for-profit or non-profit, and may take the form of a co-operative, mutual organization, a social business, or a charity organization.”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_enterprise

“We are so close to a world that works for everyone that I can taste it. The right kinds of enterprise design, money and finance, government, local economy and social-ecological accounting are at our fingertips. We only need to make enough consensus through dialogue in diverse communities to bring this about. This requires open-minded and mindful people who operate out of maturity and mutual respect.” Torrey Byles [http://consciouseconomics.org/defining-conscious-economics]

It is an exciting time to be alive! And you know what? I have finally found Truth and I have found God. The Divine was inside of me all along. I just didn’t know it.  I believe it is part of my mission, my dharma, to pass along what I have learned. Yes, I am still a servant and I will serve humanity with the gifts, talents, and strengths I have been blessed with. Now I can breathe a sigh of relief. I have found You, God. I have found Truth and my soul is at peace. My niche is called Namaste Healing Center and Thrive Farm, an organic permaculture urban farm  (social enterprise)and I work with the forlorn, the forgotten, and the very people that Jesus came to serve. I am honored to have been chosen for this work and I give it my all. Namaste

A Prayer of Thanks

For today, I am grateful
For tomorrow, I am hopeful
For my life, I am blessed

I thank my ancestors for their labors and survival

I thank my contemporaries for their companionship
I thank my descendants for carrying me with them

For today. . . I do my best in all things
For tomorrow . . . I honor and heal the environment
For my life… I work to be a healthy cell in the body of the Universe

I honor the journey of my life with conscious living
and honor the lives of all I meet and those I will never know.

~ Abby Willowroot 2007

Osho, The Open Door, Talk #13

Jesus says love is God. Osho says God is love and I say love heals. love heals it is food for soul. you need love as your body needs food. love nourishes you. If you don’t get love you become angry and violent. Hindus offer mustered oil to god Shani .the massage of oil or just a hug nourishes your body. give loving hug or Pyar Ki Jhappi or hug to somebody if somebody is angry. or hug a tree. after breaking of a unfinished relation people go in to rage as your body now no more getting love. your body becomes attached to your lovers body in love. But when you break the relation without completing it you feel sadness and rage. you can avoid sadness by being total in love and by completing it. but people don’t know how to be total in love and they blame lovers or love for their wounds. You get wounds in love because you play games when love is there and you don’t surrender and total in love. and you blame love .but in reality love is not problem but the problem is that we don’t know how to love and how to relate. tantra is about learning the art of relating. a tantric never get attached and wounds in love. read another meditation technique from Osho’s book “The Open Door, Breathing in Love” Love is always new. It never becomes old because it is non-accumulative, non-hoarding.

It knows no past; it is always fresh, as fresh as the dewdrops. It lives moment to moment, it is atomic. It has no continuity, it knows no tradition. Each moment it dies and each moment it is born again. It is like breath: you breathe in, you breathe out; again you breathe in and you breathe out. You don’t hoard it inside.

If you hoard the breath you will die because it will become stale, it will become dead. It will lose that vitality, the quality of life. So is the case with love — it is breathing; each moment it renews itself. So whenever one gets stuck in love and stops breathing, life loses all significance. And that’s what is happening to people: the mind is so dominant that it even influences the heart and makes even the heart possessive! The heart knows no possessiveness but the mind contaminates it, poisons it.

So remember that: be in love with existence! And let love be like breathing. Breathe in, breathe out, but let it be love coming in, going out. By and by with each breath you have to create that magic of love. Make it a meditation: when you breathe out, just feel that you are pouring your love into existence; when you breathe in, existence is pouring its love into you. And soon you will see that the quality of your breath is changing, then it starts becoming something totally different to what you have ever known before. That’s why in India we call it ‘prana’, life, not just breathing, it is not just oxygen. Something else is there, the very life itself.

Osho, The Open Door, Talk #13

The Story Of Christ In Tantric Scriptures

Source: http://www.tantrasadhana.com/category/christianity/

The world has known many saints and prophets and as the central figure of Christianity, Jesus Christ is one of the most popular personalities. Who doesn’t know the story of his birth, persecution, death and subsequent resurrection? However, there is a relationship to ancient Tantra to his story, as well. Do you wonder at this? Read on…

From the age of 13 to 29 years, Jesus’ life is mostly unaccounted for by Christian history. There are, in fact, elements of a resurrection or ‘rebirth’ even to this part of his life. Allow a Tantra teacher to explain the message of this obscure fact to you.

The scriptures of Tantra list Jesus as one of the 84000 avatars of the Almighty. An avatar, in Sanskrit, means a divine being sent down to pursue a certain spiritual mission.

Jesus Christ, in fact, belonged to this hierarchy of saints and prophets, sent down by the Almighty to chalk out a specific path of spirituality for the people of the pre-Biblical period ruled by King Herod. He had to chalk this path out from the vast eternal knowledge, also known as the ‘Sanatana Dharma’ in the Tantric Scriptures.

The three wise kings of Bethlehem, or the Magi, knew of his coming, and followed the bright star to the stable where the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus. The scriptures of Tantra, however, have a different take on their journey; they tell us that it was the full moon that led the three wise kings to their destination.

According to Tantra, a divine being or a messenger of God always chooses to ‘descend’ on earth at the time of a full moon – an auspicious time for all divine beginnings. Thus the full moon is always a signal to those who know how to read the signs, like the Magi.

Christ’s spiritual awakening began during his childhood, when his purpose on earth dawned on him. He had visions of a land awaiting him … a land that held the promise of vast eternal knowledge or ‘sanatana dharma’ for him. These led him on a long and arduous journey that ended in the land of ‘sanatana dharma’ or India – the birthplace and stronghold of ancient Tantra.

For sixteen years, he lived and studied in India under the tutelage of various teachers who were ready and waiting for him, just as his visions had foretold. It was from them that he learnt all the streams of philosophy and wisdom that would be required for the success of his earthly mission.

Of everything that he learnt, there were a few things that are particularly noteworthy. He learnt a sacred Tantra kriya that enabled him to project his life-force or ‘prana’ onto an inanimate object, an ancient tantra skill that he utilized at his crucifixion to eliminate all consciousness of bodily pain even as his soul lived on. This Tantra kriya is called ‘Kaya Pravesham’ or Projection of Life-Energy onto an Object.

After crucifixion, when his body was left in a cave and found to have disappeared on the third day, even his persecutors had to admit that he was no ordinary being. His resurrection, in fact, is further proof that he had mastered this tantra kriya completely.

The Vedas talk about him as Ishu which became, by popular spelling, Jishu and subsequently Jesus to the world. ‘Ish’ means the Almighty; add ‘u’ to that and the word immediately signifies one who is a part of Him.

It is a known fact among Tantra masters that Jesus Christ spent a large portion of his life in India -at a divine place called Jagannatha Dhama, meaning The House of God. It is God Almighty’s abode on Earth, according to the Vedic scriptures. Jesus, too, believed it to be the earthly abode of his Father in Heaven. This was the very place that taught him the intricacies of Hinduism and all the allied branches of religious and spiritual wisdom.

Interestingly, during this period, he also visited another divine place called Banaras (Varanasi) for advanced learning of some aspects of philosophy and spiritual logic. During that period not a soul – not his father nor his mother – knew where he was… a prerequisite for all saints-in-the-making so that spiritual missions are not disrupted.

Tantra scriptures give an account of Christ’s journey to India and his studies there. Jesus Christ came to India and was instructed to preach Christianity derived from the Eternal Truth or ‘Sanatana Dharma’ from which all religions evolve.

Christianity is what the people of that time period needed, for they belonged to a certain category of spiritual consciousness. They needed something to give them respite from King Herod’s dictatorial reign. Christian spirituality restored their faith in the Divine and helped them fight the repressive and destructive forces of King Herod.

Yet, all that we know of Christ has come to us from the Church. This particular phase of his life (from the age of 13 to 29 years) may be unaccounted for by Christian institutions, but the scriptures of Tantra provide us with richly detailed accounts of it. The earthly lives of the Messengers of God hold many a wondrous secret and a treasure trove of wisdom, but to understand them one must go to the right people.

One must refrain from relying on a few authors who may never have had access to the original Tantra scriptures; most have isolated their personal research from the base source. One must go to the few who have made good use of their access to the original scriptures.


How To Date A Goddess Wombman

WRITTEN BY- https://www.facebook.com/notes/aurora-kozinn/how-to-date-a-goddess-wombman/397930230241346

Dear Men, There are many kinds of women. Each type- New Agers, Hippie chicks.. whatever category you connect to — has it own energetic vibration.

Goddess Wombmen, for example, are the most seductive and the most empowered wombmen in the world. They love their body. They live in their body. And they fully express their divinity through their sensuality. It is her nature to do so.

If you are a man interested in dating a goddess, be fair warned, she is Kali- Aphrodite. As Aphrodite the goddess of love she will envelope you with kisses and juicy sexual practices. She will glow and you will be in awe of her glow. But , because she is Aphrodite, her love will span beyond you. If she wants to be sexual with a man, this is her prerogative.  She cannot be contained by any man– her “containment” is only found in her deep devotion to her guides’ voices and her connection to spirit.

Her Kali is cutting through your illusion of what a woman “should” be.  A goddess is never “your” woman, but this goddess will bow down at your feet if you display to her you ARE the sacred masculine.

Kali takes you on a journey to discover your own sacred masculine potential. When goddess Kali shows you her dark moon, hold space for her. She will challenge you to become Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Shiva…

She will cut away your beliefs that “This is how women are” in regards to the old paradigm.

All a goddess knows is love without abandon. She believes in living by emotional nurturance, support, ecstatic and sensual dance, and sacred love making.

To date a Goddess, you must be sensual, support her independence, allow her to love freely, and honor her sacred sexual dance.

The God/dess knows that Sacred Masculine men are equal, and the counterpart to Goddess Wombmen.

To be clear, if you’d like to be with a goddess, you must be GOD.

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