Lesson Five Subtle Energy ~ Chakras

The next 2 lessons will cover the 3 important elements affected by Reiki healing: Chakras, The Aura and The Meridians. 

So what are Chakras? This is truly the subject of an entire course all its own yet it is important that a Reiki healer at least have a basic understanding of what they are & how they work. Chakras are the ‘sacred’ energy centers within that carry us on our journey toward greater awareness & aliveness. As such, they are at the center of our spiritual & physical evolution. As the architecture of the soul, they provide an important map for our wholeness and transformation, both personally and globally. As an ancient spiritual system, they show the path to enlightenment & continued health of the human organism & its consciousness.

The word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disk and signifies one of seven basic energy centers in the body that correspond to nerve ganglia branching out from the spinal column. A brief history behind Chakras shows us that they first appeared in ancient Hindu texts, featured in tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Each Chakra is associated with its own state of consciousness, developmental stage of life, archetypal element, body function, color, sound & much more. Together they form a profound formula for wholeness and a template for transformation.

These wheels, or disks spin & most of the time are not spinning evenly, if visualized as the color they are associated with you would see darkness in them where they are weak. When you heal a Chakra & remove this darkness the Chakra strengthens & the issues in life that that Chakra deals with heals. The human chakra system was discovered thousands of years ago, and has been confirmed by numerous proven studies like acupuncture, yoga, and Reiki. This amazing aspect of human health represents the raw energy of the human being. I like to think of the chakra system as the fifth level of our being. We are all aware of the physical body, psychological awareness or Mental body & ‘emotional’ mind where the mental and physical actually meet that we call the energetic body, or emotional body, Emotion being energy in motion.

Many people also choose to acknowledge the spiritual realm of life; by this reckoning we now have four aspects of the human form. The chakra system, with its meridians and auric fields, represents the raw energy the flows through the physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual expressions of a human being. It can be thought of as the source power that drives our existence. When certain areas of the chakra system are out of balance, physical disease can manifest in the body. Likewise emotional disorders can occur when other aspects of the human energy system are blocked or out of balance. By correcting imbalances and allowing the healthy flow of energy through the chakra system, so-called incurable diseases can be eliminated; severe emotional problems can be corrected, and so forth. While western medicine has not fully endorsed this concept yet, more doctors are accepting the wonderful reality of the chakra system.

Within the next 50 years it is extremely likely that mainstream medicine will embrace the chakra points system. In fact, the only thing preventing widespread acceptance of chakra healing and chakra wisdom at this time is a politically motivated medical community. Sickness is big business, especially while the pharmaceutical companies maintain their current level of financial influence over medical publications and general practices. But as the human mind continues to evolve and our species moves out of the neo dark age of corruption and self-sabotage, the myriad benefits of our natural energy systems will play an important role.

In addition to advanced healing benefits, knowledge of the chakra system empowers an individual with greater self-knowledge and direct access to the subatomic energy from which all things flow. Science has recently proven the existence of a unified quantum field, or an entangled essential reality at the core of all things; such a truth was spoken of freely thousands of years ago in Vedic and Taoist writings. How ironic, it seems, that we are finding the universal wisdom in teachings made available in ancient times… An exploration of the chakra system requires no specific religious orientation, and no particular spiritual practice. In fact, there is nothing at all mystical or paranormal about the chakra centers and their associated meridians.

One can take a completely scientific approach to the study of his or her own chakra system and base conclusions solely on the outcome of various meditations and exercises. Even the skeptic is likely to be fascinated by the very real and tangible results of such experimentation. I challenge you to empower yourself by exploring the chakra system further, surfing Chakras on the Internet or reading about them from a book.

Chakra Characteristics FIRST CHAKRA – RED Base or Root Chakra: Storage of Kundalini energy resides here: Located at the base of the spine: Associated with Earth, survival, grounding, stillness: Contains the primary 8 cells that have all of the knowledge of creation and remain the only cells in your body that do not change in our lifetime & grounds us in the physical world.

SECOND CHAKRA – ORANGE Called the Sex or Spleen Chakra: Located just beneath the navel, and related to our sexual and reproductive capacity. Blockage manifests as emotional problems or sexual guilt. Also associated with creativity.

THIRD CHAKRA – YELLOW Solar Plexis Chakra: Seat of Emotions: Gives us a sense of personal power & balance in the world. Blockage manifests as anger or a sense of victimization.

FOURTH CHAKRA – GREEN The Heart Chakra: Blockage can manifest as immune system or heart problems, or a lack of compassion. This is the Heart Center – Seat of the Soul in the hourglass of time – The Zero Point

FIFTH CHAKRA – BLUE The powerful Throat Chakra: Tied to creativity and communication. Feels pressure when you are not communicating your emotions properly.

SIXTH CHAKRA – INDIGO The Third Eye, or Pineal Gland: Often connected to the forehead. Is a physical eye at the base of the brain with the capabilities of looking upward. Clairvoyance, psychic abilities, imagination, dreaming. If opened prematurely, psychosis & other mental disorders.

SEVENTH CHAKRA – PURPLE The Chakra Crown: Connects you with messages from higher realms. Can be experienced as a pressure on the top of the head, a spiritual connection, understanding, knowing, bliss & what many understand as ‘God’ a oneness with all things.

Then outside of this, surrounding the human body is the Auric Field, the energy that can be seen with Kirlian Aura Photography.

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Mind in Indian Buddhist Philosophy

Perhaps no other classical philosophical tradition, East or West, offers a more complex and counter-intuitive account of mind and mental phenomena than Buddhism. While Buddhists share with other Indian philosophers the view that the domain of the mental encompasses a set of interrelated faculties and processes, they do not associate mental phenomena with the activity of a substantial, independent, and enduring self or agent. Rather, Buddhist theories of mind center on the doctrine of no-self (Pāli anatta, Skt.[1] anātma), which postulates that human beings are reducible to the physical and psychological constituents and processes which comprise them.

Indian Buddhist analyses of the mind span a period of some fifteen centuries, from the earliest discourses of the Buddha (ca. 450 B.C.E.) to the systematic developments of late Mahāyāna Buddhism (500–1000 C.E.). Although philosophical accounts of mind emerge only within the Abhidharma scholastic traditions (roughly 150 B.C.E. to 450 C.E.), their roots are found in the Buddha’s teachings of the no-self doctrine. At the same time, these accounts parallel similar theoretical developments within the Brahmanical traditions, with which they share a common philosophical vocabulary (and a general view of mental processes as hierarchical and discrete). This article focuses on the picture of mind and mental phenomena that emerges from the canonical literature, the theories of mind advanced by the main Abhidharma scholastic traditions, and the epistemological issues of perception and intentionality debated by philosophers such as Vasubandhu, Dignāga, Dharmakīrti, Candrakīrti, Śāntarakṣita, and Dharmottara.

All references to the canonical literature are to the major collections of texts in the Pāli Canon, primarily to the LongMiddle, and Connected Discourses of the Buddha (the Dīgha,Majjhima, and Saṃyutta Nikāyas respectively). For the Abhidharmic account of mind and related phenomena I draw almost exclusively from Vasubandhu’s Treasury of Higher Knowledge (Abhidharmakośa and its bhāṣya; hereafter AKBh), a foundational text for most of the philosophical developments of late Indian Buddhism.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Coseru, Christian, “Mind in Indian Buddhist Philosophy”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2011 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2011/entries/mind-indian-buddhism/&gt;.

Love Huts

Among the Kreung tribe in a remote part of northeast Cambodia, parents build a love hut for their daughter to prepare her for marriage. She then initiates sex with different male suitors until she finds one she wants to marry. In this tribe, marriage is the woman’s choice — an idea that’s very modern in Cambodia.

Women taking charge in Cambodia

In northeast Cambodia’s Ratanakiri province, dwell a people with a unique practice. At the age of 15, parents build their daughters tiny ‘love huts’ a short distance away from their home so that the girls can begin to experiment with sex with boys. The Kreung people are very big on female empowerment; a trait which I admire. For them, having girls and women set the rules about sex instead of male religious/political/social figures helps create independent young women and also, helps the girls make their own choices about their potential spouses.

At first I was concerned about many things, among them unplanned pregnancy, STDs, sexual violence and promiscuity. But the girls and their families seem to have it all under control. The girls choose which boys they want to have sex with.

“When a boy comes to stay the night, if I don’t want him to touch me, he won’t. We’ll just talk and sleep. But if I have a special boyfriend and we’re in love, then I’ll be intimate with him. If I stop loving him and find another boy I’m more attracted to, I will stop having sex with the first one.” – Nang Chan, 17

Luckily, Kreung society is such that the elders have taught the boys to respect the opposite sex. Parents do not generally give their children advice about sex but trust that they have instilled enough morals in their children so that they make the right choices. Nongovernmental organizations have begun to spread the news about condoms and the girls say that the boys are usually responsible about wearing them.

New concerns have been raised however, about the effect that American media is having on the boys. The once-shy lads have become arrogant and sometimes violent, copying the things they have learned from watching pornography and the way sex is portrayed between American men and women on tv. Many wonder if this unique tradition will survive the ‘onslaught of modern culture’ but are content with the current state of things. The focus seems to be on female empowerment.

Perhaps American parents should take a leaf from the book of the Kreung but still keep in mind that both societies are different and that there are boundaries that must be set. Talking about sex might not be the easiest thing to do, but it prevents situations where teens have to hide their sexual activity. Taking birth control pills from your daughter does not guarantee that she will not have sex. Talking on the other hand, fosters trust and mutual understanding.


The Male Ejaculation Mastery Technique

Before you begin any self-pleasuring session make sure that you have at least half an hour to yourself and that you are comfortable, preferably fully naked! It is recommended that you practice on yourself  for a while before attempting to use it during intercourse.

As already mentioned, orgasm and ejaculation are two completely separate bodily functions and you need to learn to separate them. Relating to a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 equates to non-arousal and 10 to ejaculation, you need to find a number which relates to you that is just below the point of no return. For most men this will be between 7 and 8.

Now take some deep long relaxation breaths. This will help to relax you as well as help you connect to your body. Inhale in and out through your nostrils. Ensure you take deep breaths, each time feeling the breath in your abdomen (allow your belly to push out as you inhale and fall as you exhale).  Allow your breathing to slow down naturally. Note, how much more relaxed you are feeling. Try to maintain this type of breathing throughout your entire self-pleasuring experience. However, if you do forget to breathe in this way just do it when you catch yourself forgetting!

Begin to arouse yourself…..try and use a variety of touch and massage strokes not only on your lingam but also on other parts of your body, the key here is to experiment and learn what and where feels good to you.  It’s also nice to use lubricant as this helps to enhance sensation and if it feels good make the sounds that give one feedback as to how good it feels.

Once you’ve massaged yourself to your magic number, stop massaging, or doing what it was that got you to this level, and immediately begin the breathing that you were doing when you first started (if you forgot that is), use the inhale to  move the sensations away from your groin and up into your chest and into the rest of your body, make sure you exhale fully at each breath. In addition, while still doing this breathing, you can also pull down on your testicles or do “kegel exercises” to keep you from ejaculating.

Once the feeling has subsided, you can continue what you were doing….try to not allow your energy level to drop too much though before continuing.

Keep repeating this for as long as you wish or as long as time as allows. You will notice that each time you raise your sexual energy you will achieve increasingly greater levels of pleasure each time until you reach a point at which you absolutely have to ejaculate……at this point, go for it. As you ejaculate make sound as this will allow you to continue to ejaculate for as long as you are making sound. However, you do have a choice, and if you decide that you want to retain you ejaculate, then you might want to try this technique.

When, you’ve peaked for the last time, instead of doing the deep breathing as before, this time take in a deep breath. At the same time tighten your muscles in your perineum and anus, touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth and look upward to your forehead.  Hold all these activities for as long as you can before releasing it. When you do release it, however, just let the breath totally go. If your body starts spasming, don’t be afraid, just enjoy these sensations as all this is your built-up sexual energy releasing into your body….you are experiencing what Tantrics call Full Body Orgasm.

Copyright 2007-2012. Tantra for Life. All rights reserved.

Hello world! My brand of Conscious/Sacred Sex

“ I have always possessed a “high sexual energy”…always sensual and kinesthetic, even as a child. But it was frowned upon, censored, and censured. I was terribly repressed, and I was taught that something was “wrong” or “different” about me. I spent many years ashamed and confused about who I was…feeling unaccepted and misinformed.” India Olowokande-Ame’ye

And then I learned to accept myself fully and completely for who I am. I embrace my sexuality; revel in its power and deliciousness. No longer am I a prisoner of society’s close-mindedness. Nor will I allow my friends and family to keep me imprisoned in their self-righteous boxes, filled with their own condemnation. I am free! As a past lover once said to me, “You are the freest person I know”. I take that as a compliment.

I follow the teachings of Jesus, not the people who wrote about Him after He left this earth. Paul with his repressed sexuality & closet homosexuality and hatred & disdain of women, nor any of the others who believed as he did and tried to cram their brand of Christianity down our throats! And you know what? Jesus didn’t go around condemning people. He didn’t really even talk about sex. He gave us two commands…Love God…Love Others as ourselves. To love myself I must embrace who the Creator made me to be. I also pay close attention to the words of Gandhi (my hero) and The Buddha, who is the originator of the term, “The Way”.

The journey into Tantra/Taoist/Kemetic Sexuality has shown me that what I experience is perfectly normal and is a POWRFUL form of energy. In this blog I will share the things I have learned and am continuing to learn. I wish I had been braver when my children were young and told them to embrace their sexuality. Oh well, the past is gone forever, but in its place is the Present and I can share with them what I now know.

Thanks for coming along with me on the journey. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do:)

The is indeed My Unfolding Journey;)