And now, back to my regularly scheduled program

I meltIf you have followed my blog for any length of time, you know I often write about sex. The big taboo…SEX. None of us would exist without it. We are driven for the experience of it after food, water & shelter. And for some, even before those basic needs.  In that light, I want to share with you a post from one of the facebook groups I am in. Usually I am ALL about the spiritual aspect of sex and the energy, the Kundalini energy, that defines it. This particular post is about the G-Spot. I know I’ve posted about this particular spot in the past and some may find this information redundant, however, it is a topic that keeps coming up over & over & over. I hope you enjoy this article as much as I have.

Ever the pleasure seeker ~ SensualBlissVoyager aka lantanagurl 🙂

The Mystery of The G-Spot

At almost every talk we give, regardless of the topic, someone asks about the G-Spot.
At almost every workshop, regardless of the topic, someone asks about the G-Spot.

The question is asked by both men and women.
Do I have one, does she have one?
I’ve been rooting around inside myself, her, for hours and haven’t found anything.
I’ve read the articles on the web, in the magazines, in the books, still can’t find anything.
I’m sure only some women have it, because I definitely DON’T!

You do.
You all do.
There are just a few things they don’t tell you.

Let’s look first, or feel first, couldn’t resist, at what the G-Spot is.
In the world of Tantra this is called the Goddess Spot.
Because the pleasure possibilities take you to place of Elevated, Heightened Pleasure, a place beyond what we think pleasure is, a place where the Goddess experiences herself.

The G-Spot is a gland.
It has about 40 ducts that create fluids linked to your fertility, your hormone balance and fluid that you can ejaculate.
It’s being seen on ultrasound, it’s being found in dissection.
And beyond that, it’s palpable for you to feel, it’s unmistakable!
Which makes you think, where has it been, how could it have been missed?

If all this is the case, which it is, why do so many women, and their partner’s, struggle to find this?

Because, and this is what so few of the articles tell you, it’s linked to your past, to your beliefs about sex, to the inhibitions you have, to the negative, painful, unfulfilled sexual and emotional experiences you’ve had.
All of those things, all the times in life you’ve been made to feel less than, not good enough, every time you’ve given your self, your power away in a way that has not been for you.
That sits in the tissues of your G-Spot.

Every time you’ve been touched in a way that has not been an expression of love.
That sits in the tissues of your G-Spot.
Every time you’ve felt guilty about pleasure.
That sits in the tissues of your G-Spot.
Every time you’ve felt shameful, dirty or embarrassed about your body, about your sexuality, about your desire.
That sits in the tissues of your G-Spot.

You can feel for this for hours, as many people do.
You might feel something physical in terms of structure inside your yoni.
And for so many, it’s numb, tender or even painful.
So despite feeling the gland, if there’s no pleasure, what’s the point?
And if there’s no pleasure, then I don’t have a G-Spot.

Learning to physically find this is only the first step.
Releasing what’s there is what allows the pleasure.

And what pleasure!!!orgasm
G-Spot Orgasms, Deep Uterine Orgasms, Blended Orgasms, Waves of Bliss, Ejaculation, Sexual Meditative States…

So why is this important, beyond the pleasure?
Because most women can have, in some way, fingers, tongues, vibrators, clitoral orgasms. Which on any given day are nice, ok, wonderful, amazing…

Firstly it is about the pleasure.
An increase in pleasure that’s hard to describe until you’ve experienced it.

Then it’s about power.
Your power as woman.
This is a portal to the State of a Goddess.
For in the release you claim yourself.
You claim your pleasure.
You free yourself from the limitations of the past. From the inhibitions, the guilt, the shame, the embarrassment, the repression, the lack of self expression etc.

Then it’s about spirituality.
For the higher and deeper states of pleasure are doorways to spiritual experiences, higher states of consciousness, meditative states and more.

And it’s also about creativity.
For your sexual energy and your creative energy are one and the same. When the energy flows, you have the power, the resources, to create your life, your relationships, your world, the way you would like it to be.

One of the principles of Conscious Sexuality is using our sexual energy for more than just pleasure. Building and harnessing that energy, directing the power, accessing more of ourselves…

Releasing the blockages, the patterns of the past, what we’ve become, is the first step on the journey of be-coming.
Creating who we’d like to be, the lives we’d like to live.

cosmic sexAnd when we do this with the energy of pleasure, the possibilities are endless…

If you’d like a practical guide to finding your, or her G-Spot, please send us an email, we’ll happily share that with you.
Please remember that often that’s the first step on this wonderful journey into your pleasure.
Much of the work we do with women is about awakening these pathways and opening the door to more of yourself.

We wish you so much pleasure..
Jonti & Anne-Marie

Booking is essential for all workshops, please contact Jonti:
or phone: 083 743 5129

Saturday 8 December 12pm
Tantric & Sensual Massage Workshop

A practical journey for couples, into the exciting pleasures of Sensual Massage. The workshop includes the principles of Sensual Touch and Massage, Energy Connection Massage, The Heart Touch, Bliss Body Massage, Building the Sexual Fire and Full Body
Sensual Massage.
R2000 per couple

Our friend and fellow tantrika, Rohan Reddy is putting together an event called “Tantragasm” for more info on this exciting happening, click on the link below
(note ADULT content on following site)

Tantra Evolution – Jonti Searll

Imbalance in The Sacral or Sex Chakra

Svadhaswara is the seat of sexual desire, pleasure and nurturing. The sacred art of tantra is a sexual art intended to use the energy created during orgasm to propel Kundalini energy up the spine to inspire instant bliss and enlightenment. This practice remains highly misunderstood, and has been used in a number of books and myths to be more about sexual pleasure than spirituality; none-the-less, the ability to give and receive sexual pleasure, or pleasure in general, does have its home in the sacral chakra.

What is so important about being able to experience pleasure and give it to others? Well, for one, it is an act of openness and self-affirmation. For another thing, it is extremely conducive to caring and intimacy. Just think what it would be like to have a partner who never experienced pleasure or allowed you to pleasure them. This would create a huge barrier and imbalance in any relationship.

Unfortunately, this problem is all too common. It stems from a closed sacral, or second chakra, and it can be healed through continued intimacy, counseling, meditation and yoga. Often, this is caused by sexual shame, too much guilt, and a number of unhealthy or unacceptable experiences, during youth or at other times in life.

What if, on the other hand, your partner is detached, selfish, overly intense, manipulative, or, becomes too attached and dependent, and only shows affection in a sexual manner? This is a sign of excess in the sacral chakra, and is just as much an imbalance and barrier to love and nurturing. In both cases, meditations and exercises can bring more balance and harmony to the individual and the relationship, helping us learn how to set normal sexual boundaries, allow our own gratification, and care for others, at the same time.

Boundaries are, as matter of fact, a perfect example of what the sacral chakra is really all about. Our natural boundaries are not meant to be emotional blockades or walls barring us from trust and communion with others. Rather, they are a symbol of emotional well-being, self-love and respect for ourselves and others. When the sacral chakra is blocked or imbalanced, however, we either lack the ability to tell others no, or we overuse the ability to a point of loneliness and isolation.

Those who have a problem in the svadhisthana center commonly act as martyrs; over-giving, denying themselves certain foods, sexual gratification, even compliments and love from others. They can also be very promiscuous and pass over true emotional attachment and connection for the more shallow or temporary satisfaction of sex. They may have many partners, and certainly experience a high number of fast and tumultuous relationships.

The favored color of this energy center is orange and simply working more with it and incorporating it into everyday items or surroundings is an excellent strategy for beginning to heal and balance it. Those who have such issues tend to be fond of the color, or, at least some shades of it. There is no reason to use bright orange, as more muted, electric, or darker shades work just as well.

The seed mantra for svadhisthana is vam and can be chanted or sung during focus on the sex center, during meditation, while holding a hand mudra, or while practicing one of the following Yoga postures:

Triangle: Stand with the legs wider than hip width apart, facing the hips forward and holding the arms straight out to the sides. Draw the muscles of the legs up, bend at the hip to the right, letting the right hand come down on the knee, shin or floor, depending on flexibility. Hold the pose and breath deeply into the stretch in the inner thighs. Chant vam and focus on the sacral chakra. Straighten and then repeat to the left.

Cobra: Lay on the floor with the hands under the shoulders. Straighten the legs out behind you, feet together. Rest the chin on the mat or floor. Using primarily the muscles in the back, lift the head, neck, shoulders and chest off of the floor, using the hands for support only. Keep the pelvis, hips, lower abdomen and legs pressed into the floor. Hold for ten deep breaths, release, rest and repeat.

Find out if your sex chakra is opened or closed by taking a free chakra test here

If the result is positive, check out Carol Tuttle’s blogpost about ways to open the Sacral Chakra

Kundalini Syndrome & what to do about it.

Kundalini Syndrome & what to do about it.
Grounding Kundalini Energy: 

1. Be with Nature: The essential goal with regard to grounding kundalini and alleviating kundalini syndrome symptoms has to do with bringing down the energy and lowering the frequency of it’s vibration. So some of what is going to be suggested is going to mirror what you would do when trying to heal and balance the Root Chakra, and in that regard, reconnecting with nature and earth is very helpful. Along the same lines, gardening or other landscaping activity which gets your hands dirty are also highly recommended. Go ahead and do some potting and weeding. Not only will you get your garden in shape, you will also start to manage kundalini.

2. Do Physical Work: As indicated above, the objective is to get yourself back into the body and reconnected to the earth and one of the good ways of doing that is with physical labor. So if you are suffering from too much kundalini, then counter it with such laborious tasks. Anything that requires physical work will help. Carpentry, construction, painting, etc are all good to do. Any interest of yours that also requires physical work is good to do.

3. Do Physical Exercise: If your condition allows you to exercise, I would certainly recommend doing so. This has the benefits of making you more body oriented as the method above, but in addition it will also help you fight any anxiety the kundalini syndrome might be causing. If you are able to exercise, you will feel more confident about your health and so will not be so stressed and fearful about what is happening in the body.

4. Eat Full Meals: Proper and regular diet is always recommended for good health, and in the case of dealing with excessive kundalini energy, eating bigger heavier meals will help you feel more grounded and settled. Again, as you can see, the goal is to feel more in your body and more connected to earth and your life, and food is certainly a strong source of this connection.

5. Avoid Stimulants: If kundalini energy is out of control then you do not want to stimulate her further. So it is important to abstain as much as possible from stimulating foods and drugs. So during this time, alcohol, drugs, coffee, tea, etc should be avoided.

6. Take a Break from Your Spiritual Practice: As tip number 5 above, you want to stop stimulating the energy and so it is important to take break from your spiritual practice until you feel you can better handle the energy and the situation. This step here is a very personal decision, but generally speaking, if you are suffering from kundalini syndrome, then your practice might very well be out of balance, and so it needs to be re-evaluated anyway. Often, the aspirant is doing too much mantra/chakra meditation or perhaps is listing to Binaural Beats, etc and not balancing their practice with physical yoga and simple spiritual activities, so in these cases it is certainly recommended to stop what they are doing and establish a more sound and balanced practice.

7. Rest and Relaxation: Sometimes kundalini is working within you and you just need to relax and give her a chance to do what needs to be done. In these cases you need to trust her intelligence and give your body a chance to go through the cleansing and purification taking place. In general, being relaxed is very important when dealing with kundalini, as getting anxious and worried about kundalini awakening symptoms only makes the situation worse. This is often why in the past, kundalini yoga was practiced in an ashram or monastery, where you have the time and space for proper kundalini awakening to take place. Another good way to relax, which also helps to calm kundalini is to take warm baths.

Summary of Treating Kundalini Syndrome:

Kundalini awakening is a very personal journey and the experiences vary considerably form person to person (read Kundalini Awakening Symptoms). So you have to listen carefully to your own body and heart to see what is the right course for you. If though the energy has become too much for you and the symptoms are causing you trouble, then the above guidelines can help you get things back under control. Some of this will be trial and error, but in general the above tips have worked well for others to whom I have recommended them.
If you are suffering from kundalini syndrome, worrying will not help, so try and trust the process that is taking place, while at the same time acting intelligently and taking steps outlined above to ground the energy. There are even more ways to help bring the energy down and in a future article, I will share those with you as well.


What is Kundalini Syndrome?

Kundalini syndrome

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Kundalini syndrome is a set of sensorymotormental and affective symptoms associated with the concept of Kundalini. It has been reported predominantly by people who have had a near-death experience,[1] [2] [3] or by practitioners of asian spiritual practices.[4] [5] The term “Kundalini Syndrome” has been used as a category for discussion within the schools of transpersonal psychology and near-death studies. The phenomenon is sometimes called the “Kundalini-syndrome”,[6][7] the “Physio-Kundalini syndrome”,[8][9][10] or simply referred to as a “syndrome”.[11][12] Other researchers, while not using the term “syndrome” [13], have also begun to address this phenomenon as a clinical category,[14][15] or as a recognizable symptomatology.[16]

The appearance of the symptomatology is believed to occur in connection with a near-death experience, [17] [18] [19] or with prolonged, intensive spiritual or contemplative practice, as practiced within a few sub-disciplines of meditation or yoga. [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] Other factors that may trigger this symptomatology includes a variety of intense personal crises or experiences. [25] According to writers in the field of transpersonal psychology the process is not always sudden and dramatic, it can also start slowly and increase gradually in activity over time.[26] If the accompanying symptoms unfold in an intense manner that destabilizes the person, the process is usually interpreted as a spiritual emergency.[27]


Lesson Five Subtle Energy ~ Chakras

The next 2 lessons will cover the 3 important elements affected by Reiki healing: Chakras, The Aura and The Meridians. 

So what are Chakras? This is truly the subject of an entire course all its own yet it is important that a Reiki healer at least have a basic understanding of what they are & how they work. Chakras are the ‘sacred’ energy centers within that carry us on our journey toward greater awareness & aliveness. As such, they are at the center of our spiritual & physical evolution. As the architecture of the soul, they provide an important map for our wholeness and transformation, both personally and globally. As an ancient spiritual system, they show the path to enlightenment & continued health of the human organism & its consciousness.

The word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disk and signifies one of seven basic energy centers in the body that correspond to nerve ganglia branching out from the spinal column. A brief history behind Chakras shows us that they first appeared in ancient Hindu texts, featured in tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Each Chakra is associated with its own state of consciousness, developmental stage of life, archetypal element, body function, color, sound & much more. Together they form a profound formula for wholeness and a template for transformation.

These wheels, or disks spin & most of the time are not spinning evenly, if visualized as the color they are associated with you would see darkness in them where they are weak. When you heal a Chakra & remove this darkness the Chakra strengthens & the issues in life that that Chakra deals with heals. The human chakra system was discovered thousands of years ago, and has been confirmed by numerous proven studies like acupuncture, yoga, and Reiki. This amazing aspect of human health represents the raw energy of the human being. I like to think of the chakra system as the fifth level of our being. We are all aware of the physical body, psychological awareness or Mental body & ‘emotional’ mind where the mental and physical actually meet that we call the energetic body, or emotional body, Emotion being energy in motion.

Many people also choose to acknowledge the spiritual realm of life; by this reckoning we now have four aspects of the human form. The chakra system, with its meridians and auric fields, represents the raw energy the flows through the physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual expressions of a human being. It can be thought of as the source power that drives our existence. When certain areas of the chakra system are out of balance, physical disease can manifest in the body. Likewise emotional disorders can occur when other aspects of the human energy system are blocked or out of balance. By correcting imbalances and allowing the healthy flow of energy through the chakra system, so-called incurable diseases can be eliminated; severe emotional problems can be corrected, and so forth. While western medicine has not fully endorsed this concept yet, more doctors are accepting the wonderful reality of the chakra system.

Within the next 50 years it is extremely likely that mainstream medicine will embrace the chakra points system. In fact, the only thing preventing widespread acceptance of chakra healing and chakra wisdom at this time is a politically motivated medical community. Sickness is big business, especially while the pharmaceutical companies maintain their current level of financial influence over medical publications and general practices. But as the human mind continues to evolve and our species moves out of the neo dark age of corruption and self-sabotage, the myriad benefits of our natural energy systems will play an important role.

In addition to advanced healing benefits, knowledge of the chakra system empowers an individual with greater self-knowledge and direct access to the subatomic energy from which all things flow. Science has recently proven the existence of a unified quantum field, or an entangled essential reality at the core of all things; such a truth was spoken of freely thousands of years ago in Vedic and Taoist writings. How ironic, it seems, that we are finding the universal wisdom in teachings made available in ancient times… An exploration of the chakra system requires no specific religious orientation, and no particular spiritual practice. In fact, there is nothing at all mystical or paranormal about the chakra centers and their associated meridians.

One can take a completely scientific approach to the study of his or her own chakra system and base conclusions solely on the outcome of various meditations and exercises. Even the skeptic is likely to be fascinated by the very real and tangible results of such experimentation. I challenge you to empower yourself by exploring the chakra system further, surfing Chakras on the Internet or reading about them from a book.

Chakra Characteristics FIRST CHAKRA – RED Base or Root Chakra: Storage of Kundalini energy resides here: Located at the base of the spine: Associated with Earth, survival, grounding, stillness: Contains the primary 8 cells that have all of the knowledge of creation and remain the only cells in your body that do not change in our lifetime & grounds us in the physical world.

SECOND CHAKRA – ORANGE Called the Sex or Spleen Chakra: Located just beneath the navel, and related to our sexual and reproductive capacity. Blockage manifests as emotional problems or sexual guilt. Also associated with creativity.

THIRD CHAKRA – YELLOW Solar Plexis Chakra: Seat of Emotions: Gives us a sense of personal power & balance in the world. Blockage manifests as anger or a sense of victimization.

FOURTH CHAKRA – GREEN The Heart Chakra: Blockage can manifest as immune system or heart problems, or a lack of compassion. This is the Heart Center – Seat of the Soul in the hourglass of time – The Zero Point

FIFTH CHAKRA – BLUE The powerful Throat Chakra: Tied to creativity and communication. Feels pressure when you are not communicating your emotions properly.

SIXTH CHAKRA – INDIGO The Third Eye, or Pineal Gland: Often connected to the forehead. Is a physical eye at the base of the brain with the capabilities of looking upward. Clairvoyance, psychic abilities, imagination, dreaming. If opened prematurely, psychosis & other mental disorders.

SEVENTH CHAKRA – PURPLE The Chakra Crown: Connects you with messages from higher realms. Can be experienced as a pressure on the top of the head, a spiritual connection, understanding, knowing, bliss & what many understand as ‘God’ a oneness with all things.

Then outside of this, surrounding the human body is the Auric Field, the energy that can be seen with Kirlian Aura Photography.


How is Tantra related with the development of the Kundalini?

Much has been written about the ascension of this mysterious fire. Yet, there is a lot of confusion regarding how this process takes place. The kundalini is the pranic fire of the Third Logos. The Third Logos is also known as the Holy Spirit, Binah, Siva-Shakti, etc.

The kundalini (Sanskrit) is also known as the fire of the Pentecost (Christian) that illuminated the Apostles. This divine fire awakens in the individual who has earned it. Once awakened, this divine fire provides spiritual vision, powers, and intelligence.

The method to activate this fire has long been held secret, precisely because misuse of the technique can lead to the creation of a demon. Now, since humanity is already so demonic and time is so short, the protected knowledge has been unveiled in order to give a chance to those who want to change and redeem themselves.

Only sexual yoga without the spilling of semen awakens the kundalini; no other way exists. The kundalini does not awaken through breathing techniques (Pranayama), meditation, visualizations, or by any accidental means (such as falling down the stairs), or for no apparent reason whatsoever. The kundalini is something intelligent and divine, to think it simply ascends through accidental, vague or unknown reasons is false. The kundalini is the divine fiery intelligence of God; it does not manifest by accident or by simple manipulation. God is demanding.

This is not to underestimate the incredibly vast range of psychic phenomena that can occur through any of the previously outlined means. For example, if someone begins to practice chastity (sexual transmutation) through dedicated practices of Pranayama, meditation and vocalization, one may experience an array of “para-normal” events. There may be a strong sensation at the root of the nose or any of the other magnetic centers of the body, there may be geometric visions, there may be flashes of light, there may be out of body experiences, etc., etc., etc. This experiences may be valid or they may be hallucinations of the ego. For those which are real spiritual experiences, many of these can and likely will occur before the kundalini rises even one vertebra. It appears that many people, as soon as they have an unusual psychosomatic experience they attribute it to the kundalini when in fact it has nothing to do with the ascent of the kundalini. If the effects of the infamous “Kundalini sickness” exist, it is certainly not the kundalini that causes it, it is a false name because the kundalini can never cause sickness or death. It is an absurd concept that has sprouted from the ignorance that abounds everywhere concerning these studies.

It is necessary to attain the most absolute sanctity and the most terrific chastity to acquire the development, progress and evolution of the Kundalini. – Kundalini Yoga: The Mysteries of the Fire by Samael Aun Weor

Sanctity: moral purity. While we have anger, lust, fear, pride, envy, jealousy, resentment, self-love, self-hatred, etc., we are not sanctified. We need to eliminate all of our psychological defects.

Chastity: pure and clean sexuality, without animal lust or desire. This term is incorrectly used (like “celibacy”) to mean “without sexuality.”

Kundalini: “Kundalini is a compound word: Kunda reminds us of the abominable ” Kunda buffer organ,” and lini is an Atlantean term meaning termination. Kundalini means “the termination of the abominable Kunda buffer organ.” In this case, it is imperative not to confuse Kundalini with Kunda buffer.” – The Great Rebellion

These two forces, one positive and ascending, and one negative and descending, are symbolized in the Bible in the Book of Numbers (the story of the Serpent of Brass). The Kundalini is “The power of life.”- from the Theosophical Glossary. The Sexual Fire that is at the base of all life.

“The ascent of the Kundalini along the spinal cord is achieved very slowly in accordance with the merits of the heart. The Fires of the heart control the miraculous development of the Sacred Serpent. Devi Kundalini is not something mechanical as many suppose; the Igneous Serpent is only awakened with genuine Love between husband and wife, and it will never rise up along the medullar canal of adulterers.” – The Mystery of the Golden Blossom

Here we see what Samael Aun Weor had to say about this issue:

The Ninth Sphere

Many pseudo-esoterists have committed unspeakable genocides. When fear-mongers act against the Kundalini, indeed it is a true genocide. It is an indescribable crime against humanity to tell people in published books that the awakening of the Kundalini is dangerous. Those who spread fear against the Kundalini are worse than war criminals. The latter committed crimes against people, however, the pseudo-esoterists who spread fear commit crimes against the Soul.

Whosoever does not awaken the Kundalini cannot incarnate his Soul. Whosoever does not awaken his Kundalini remains without Soul; he loses his Soul.

It is false to state that the Kundalini can awaken without moral progress, and due to this, one must wait until such progress is made. The development of the Kundalini is controlled by the merits of the heart.

We give concrete instructions about the Kundalini and every true Serpentine Culture knows the path in depth.

It is false to state that the Kundalini may flow through different channels when white sexual magic is practiced. It is only when black sexual magic is practiced that the Kundalini descends to the Atomic Infernos of the Human Being and becomes the Tail of Satan. Therefore, that absurd affirmation of the fear mongers that the Kundalini can leave the medullar canal, tear tissue, produce terrible pains and cause death, is false.

These affirmations of the assassins of Souls are false because each of the Seven Serpents has its specialized Masters who watch over the student. The student is not abandoned in the work. When the student awakens the first Serpent, he is attended by a specialist and when the second Serpent is awakened, he is helped by another and so on. These specialists take the Serpent through the medullar canal. No student is abandoned. The specialists have to answer for the student. The specialists live in the Astral world.

The Kundalini awakens negatively only when the semen is spilled. Whosoever practices sexual magic without spilling the semen has nothing to fear.

Nobody can actualize the superior aspects of the Kundalini without perfect sanctity. It is then false to say that there are disastrous possibilities in the premature actualization of the Kundalini. This affirmation is false because the premature actualization of Fire cannot occur. The Kundalini can only be actualized based on sanctification. The Kundalini does not rise even one vertebra if the conditions of sanctity required for that vertebra have not been conquered. Each vertebra has its moral conditions of sanctity.

It is false and stupid to say that the Kundalini can awaken ambition or pride, or intensify all of the coarse qualities and animal passions of the animal ego. Whosoever uses these fear mongering tactics to keep students from the real path is truly an ignorant, because the Kundalini awakened with white sexual magic cannot progress even one degree when true sanctity does not exist.

The Kundalini is not a blind force. The Kundalini is not a mechanical force. The Kundalini is controlled by the fires of the heart and can only be developed based on sexual magic and sanctity.

We have to recognize that in Mexico the Serpentine Culture was, and continues to be, formidable. Every Aztec sculpture is a marvelous book of occult science. We have been enraptured contemplating Quetzalcoatl with the Serpent entwined about his body and the Lingam-Yoni in his hands. We have been amazed contemplating the giant Serpent devouring the Magician. We have been filled with a singular veneration to see the Tiger with a phallus hanging at its neck. Indeed, the Verb is in the phallus.

In the Aztec culture there are no fear mongers. Each book of stone, each indigenous Lamen invites us to awaken the Kundalini. It is urgent to first awaken the Kundalini and then to be devoured by the Kundalini. We need to be swallowed by the Snake. We need the Kundalini to swallow us. We need to be devoured by the Serpent. When one is devoured by the Serpent, one also becomes a Serpent. Only the Human Serpent can incarnate the Christ. Christ can do nothing without the Snake.

The authentic Aztec and Mayan cultures, the Egyptian and Chaldean, etc. are Serpentine Cultures that cannot be understood without sexual magic and the Kundalini. Every archaic culture is Serpentine. Every authentic and true civilization is Serpentine. A civilization without the Wisdom of the Serpent is not a real civilization.

The Ascent and Descent of the Kundalini

Those pseudo-esoterists who affirm that the Kundalini after having ascended to the Crown chakra or Lotus of a Thousand Petals descends once again into the Church of Ephesus or coccygeal center, remaining stored there, are lying terribly. The Kundalini only descends when the Initiate lets himself fall. The Initiate falls when he spills the semen. The work to raise the Serpent after having fallen is very difficult and arduous.

The Lord of Perfection said, “The disciple must never let himself fall because whosoever falls then has to struggle a great deal to regain that which was lost.”

The Hindus state that within the medullar canal exists a channel called Sushumna, and within this channel, another called Vajrini exists and within this, a third called Citrini, “as fine as a spiders’ thread on which the chakras are threaded, like the knots on a bamboo pole’. Thus, this is what the sacred books of India state, and we know that the Kundalini rises through the Citrini solely and exclusively with the Maithuna, sexual magic, Arcanum A.Z.F.

We practice internal meditation to achieve ecstasy; however, we know very well that the Kundalini does not awaken with meditation, because the Kundalini is sexual. It is false to affirm that the awakening of the Kundalini is achieved through meditation. Meditation is a technique to receive information. Meditation is not a technique for awakening the Kundalini. The pseudo-esoterists have done much damage with their ignorance.

In India there are seven fundamental schools of Yoga and these all speak of the Kundalini. These schools of yoga are of no use if Tantra is not studied. Tantra is the best of the East. Maithuna (sexual magic) is practiced in every authentic school of esoteric yoga. This is Tantra. The Tantras give fundamental value to yoga.

In the center of the lotus of the heart a marvelous triangle exists. This triangle also exists in the coccygeal chakra and in the chakra located between the eyebrows. In each of these chakras a mysterious knot exists. These are the three knots.

These knots enclose a profound meaning. Here we have the three fundamental changes in the work with the Serpent. In the first knot (Church of Ephesus), we abandon the system of spilling the semen. In the second knot (Church of Thyatira), we learn to truly love. In the third knot (Church of Philadelphia), we gain true Wisdom and we see clairvoyantly.

The Kundalini in its ascent must untie these three mysterious knots. The pseudo-esoterists marvel that the primeval Hindu Yogis hardly mention the ethereal chakras or plexuses, but instead concentrate all their attention on the chakras of the spine and the Kundalini. In fact, the primeval Hindu Yogis were Tantric, and practiced Maithuna. They were true Initiates of the Wisdom of the Serpent. They knew very well that the key to our redemption is found in the spinal medulla and in the semen. They understood that the awakened Kundalini opens the spinal chakras, and that these in turn, activate the chakras of the plexuses. Therefore, the foremost are the spinal chakras and the Serpent. All the great Sages and Patriarchs of the ancient Serpentine civilizations knew this very well.

In the three triangles, base, cardiac and frontal, the Deity is represented as a sexual Lingam. This symbol reveals all, however, the learned ignoramuses always search for evasions and excuses in order to alter the truth. It is not fair that pseudo-esoterists continue deceiving consciously or unconsciously the poor suffering humanity. We have studied the great Serpentine Civilizations in depth, and therefore we speak clearly so that those who want to be saved can truly save themselves. We are here to utter the Truth, and we utter it even though pseudo-occultists and infrasexual people declare themselves to be our worst enemies. The truth must be uttered, and we uttered it with great pleasure.

It is necessary to work with the Kundalini and untie the three knots. Those three knots are the three triangles which transform our lives with chastity, Love and Wisdom. – The Perfect Matrimony by Samael Aun Weor


Sacred Sexuality and the Guru

Throughout the long history of the teachings concerned with sexuality and religion, there has been a need to preserve the knowledge in a sacred trust in order to protect its sanctity and purity. This is the basis of the venerable tradition of master and disciple, guru and student. Unfortunately, there have been instances where individuals have utilized the sacred knowledge to feed their lust by seducing disciples or creating dens of vice. In modern times this mentality has become widespread. It is easy to find schools of “Tantra” or sacred sexuality that are merely swingers clubs or orgies. Let it be clear in your mind, friend, that these sad spectacles have nothing to do with the real tradition of sacred sexuality, and instead represent its polar opposite. Throughout the histories of all civilizations we find instances of cults and temples where sexual depravity was celebrated and worshipped as divine. One only needs to remember Pompeii and its grotesque frescoes and halls of public fornication, or the sick indulgences of the pompous elite of ancient China. It is a great tragedy that humanity only remembers these groups, and does not remember the chaste priests and priestesses who preserved their purity and chastity while also blossoming the flowers of the soul through the upright tradition of sacred sex.

Sacred Sexuality and the Guru

The Seductive Guru

There is perhaps no crime more horrible than the abuse the so-called “guru” heaps upon his devoted disciple. With promises of illumination, the sprinkling of special attention, twinkling eyes and other seductive manipulations the so-calledteacher brings one after another into his private chambers. This crime against the soul is a travesty of epic proportions, because the naive disciple, after falling into disgrace and shame, is also traumatized and wounded in their very soul, and who knows how long it will take for them to see sex as it should be seen: as holy, divine, and pure? Nonetheless, for any such soul, there is hope. Spiritual traumas can be cured.

Real sacred sexuality is a magical act whose power is only realized upon the basis of love between one man and one woman. This is not the word “love” that we throw around these days, even using it in reference to potato chips or cars. Real love is something magical, divine, that perplexes artists, poets, and mystics, but that is only truly known by those it has alighted upon. This love – real love – is a divine power, that vanishes the instant any animal desire arises.  Lust, desire, or mere physicality only accesses the animal aspect of sex, not the Divine. The presence of the Divine within us can never be found in orgies, casual sex, or any sexual contact that lacks the true psychological and spiritual connection between man and woman, which is love. In such events, we only find the animal elements.

In order to awaken the Kundalini, man needs a woman. Yet, we must warn that the initiate must practice Sexual Magic with only one woman. Those who practice sexual magic with different women commit the sin of adultery. They do not progress in these studies.

Unfortunately, there are certain individuals who utilize sexual magic as a pretext for seducing women. They are profaners of the temple. Such men inevitably fall into black magic. We warn all women to guard against these sexually perverse characters.

There are also many women who, under the pretext of supposed profound Realization of the Self, unite with any male. What all these passionate women really want is to satiate their carnal desires. The world is always the world, and since we have been divulging the great Arcanum there have appeared, as one might expect, those swine who trample the doctrine and then die poisoned by the bread of wisdom. The cult [religious practice] of sexual magic can only be practiced between husband and wife. We clarify this to avoid seduction, abduction, carnal orgies, and “sanctified lustful passion.” – Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony (1950)

Sadly, there is a wide variety of ways that the sacred teachings are being corrupted around the world. Yet, we find certain characteristics that help us identify them and protect ourselves and those we love.

In the infrasexual [inferior sexuality] sphere of Lilith abide those who hate sex, for example, monks, anchorites, preachers of pseudo-esoteric type sects, pseudo-yogis who abhor sex, nuns, etc. All such infrasexual people (by the mere fact that they are infrasexual) often have an affinity with people of intermediate sexuality. Thus, it is not difficult to find homosexuality within many convents, religions, sects and schools of a pseudo-esoteric type. Infrasexual people consider themselves to be highly superior to those of normal sexuality. They are disdainful of people of normal sexuality, considering them inferior. All of the taboos, restrictions, and prejudices that currently condition the lives of people of normal sexuality were firmly established by infrasexual people.

We heard about the case of an old anchorite who preached a certain pseudo-occult doctrine. Everyone venerated this man considering him to be a saint. Apparently he was a master and people worshipped him. Finally, one poor woman discovered the truth, when he proposed a sexual union against Nature to her, supposedly in order to initiate her. In reality, this anchorite was an infrasexual. Nevertheless, this man had taken the vows of chastity. This man mortally hated the Arcanum A. Z. F. (sexual magic). He considered it to be dangerous. However, he had no problem proposing extra-vaginal unions to his devotees because he was really an infrasexual. Who would have doubted this man? Apparently, he was a saint. This is what the people believed. His followers considered him a master. He hated sex. Yes, he mortally hated sex.

This is a characteristic of infrasexual, degenerated people. The worst of the matter is that they consider themselves superior to people of normal sexuality. They feel they are super-transcendent, and they manage to seduce people of normal sexuality, converting them into their followers. In our mission, which is to divulge Gnostic esotericism, we have had the opportunity to study infrasexual people. We often hear them repeating the following phrases: “You Gnostics are selfish because all you ever think of is your Kundalini and sexual magic.” “You are sexual fanatics.” “sexual magic is purely animalistic.” “Sex is something very vulgar; I am a spiritualist and I abhor all that is materialistic and vulgar.” “Sex is filthy.” “There are many paths to God.” “I live only for God and am not interested in the rubbish of sexuality.” “I follow the doctrine of chastity and abhor sex,” etc. This is precisely the language of infrasexual people. They are always self-sufficient, always so proud in their feeling of superiority to people of normal sexuality.

An infrasexual woman who hated her husband said to us: “I would only practice sexual magic with my guru.” She said this in the presence of her husband. This woman had no sexual relations with her husband because she supposedly hated sex. Nevertheless, she was willing to practice sexual magic, but only with her guru. She had an affinity with the guru because he too was an infrasexual. This is the “saint” mentioned earlier in this chapter, the one who enjoyed suggesting to his female devotees to have sexual unions, against Nature, with him.

We heard about the case of the arch-hierophant who hated women and who often uttered phrases such as this: “Women! I kick them with my feet.” He preached a doctrine, and his followers adored him as if he was a God. He was always surrounded by adolescents. Thus, this is how he spent his time, until the police uncovered everything. He was a homosexual, a corrupter of minors; yet, he had the same pride of all infrasexual people, which is feeling super-transcendent, ineffable, and divine. – Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony (1950)

Sacred Sexuality and the Real Guru

So in these times of widespread corruption and deceit, how does one find an authentic teacher and guide?

The path is narrow, strait, and frighteningly difficult.  One needs the Guru-Deva, the director, the guide. In the Heart Temple we will find Hari, the Being.  In the Heart Temple we will find the Guru-Deva. – Samael Aun Weor

In all of the real schools of yoga or mysticism, the best teachers always knew that the real Guru is within. Thus, the only purpose of the physical teacher was to guide the student to learn how to contact their inner teacher. Although many religions and groups have forgotten this essential point and instead want to foster dependency upon them, all of the essential scriptures explain that the real Guru (Christ, Buddha, Atman, etc) is within. The real Guru is your own Innermost. Therefore, it is wise to go directly to the goal. Through practical techniques of meditation and dream yoga, anyone can learn how to receive guidance from their own Innermost, thereby avoiding the grave danger of falling into the hands of a false guruteacher, or group.

So, in this day and age, it is very dangerous to just simply follow someone. What is best is to seek the Inner Master. The best thing is to follow our “I Am.” The best thing is to learn how to travel in the Astral Body in order to visit the temples of the White Lodge and to receive the teachings directly in the temple. – Samael Aun Weor, The Major Mysteries (1956)

Teachers and guides are necessary, but not in the bedroom or the home. Home is a sacred temple, and the bedroom is the Holy of Holies. Only the man (the Priest) and the woman (the Priestess) can enter the sacred chamber of love.