Lesson Ten ~ Distance Healing

The Reiki Distance Healing symbol – Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

(Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is pronounced as: “Hon-Sha-Zee-Show-Nen”)

The symbol has a general meaning of: “No past, no present, no future” or it can have the meaning of “The Buddha in me contacts the Buddha in you”.

The Distance symbol can, as its name implies, be used to send energies over a distance. Time and distance is no problem when using this Reiki symbol. Many practitioners consider Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen as the most useful and powerful symbol. It is the third & final symbol for your Reiki 1 & 2 Certification.

This is the music to use for your third & final meditation. (BELOW)

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen


Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Meditation Three:  Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol for distance healing

For this meditation we will do something a little different… You are already at one with the first two symbols so I would like you to use this symbol in a practical healing situation…


1) Begin by getting a small piece of paper, roughly index card size. It only needs to be big enough to include a name and 3 of the traditional Reiki symbols: Cho Ku Rei, Sei He Ki, & now the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen.

2) Write the person, place, or thing to be healed in the middle of the paper.

3) Draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol at the top center of the paper.

4) Draw the Sei He Ki symbol at the bottom center of the paper.

5) Draw the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen in the center of the paper.

6) If there are any other symbols which seem appropriate, such as a heart, an Om symbol, or a Zodiacal symbol, that is particular to the person, place or thing you are sending energy towards, draw them as well. Do. Allow yourself to be guided by your own inner intuition.

7) Hold the paper in one hand against your heart chakra, place the other hand over it so both hands are then over the heart chakra, and begin channeling Reiki energy.

8) While channeling Reiki energy, visualize the person, place, or thing you wish to heal. If you do not have a visual image, visualize the written word on the paper. Ask your Reiki guides or other Spirit guides to continue to send healing energies as long as is necessary to accomplish the highest and greatest good of all.

9) If the target of the healing energy is a person or animal, ask Reiki to filter it according to the free will of the person/animal receiving the energy. If they do not wish to receive healing energies, that is their choice and should be honored.

10) Say or think, “Thank you, for the opportunity to channel healing energy.

11) Place the paper into a pocket, purse, medicine pouch or other holder so that it is close to your body and you will notice it occasionally throughout the day.

12) Go on about your daily business. Whenever you think of it, use the opportunity to channel Reiki energy and express your gratitude to Spirit for the opportunity to channel healing energy. At the end of the day, either discard or keep the paper according to your intuition. If you keep it, place a crystal programmed for healing on it and place somewhere you will notice it occasionally.

Lesson Three~Energy

Understanding Energy 
All energy starts as consciousness, a self awareness that nearly every religious explanation & every scientific theory believes had to have stemmed from nothing. Nothing being a place where our consciousness drops off a big cliff, it is of course, Unconsciousness, unknowable by its very definition. But then as this awareness, born from nothing, gets focused on one thing over another, energy is created. Concentration creates energy. Where we place our focus becomes our reality. Energy flows where concentration goes… It’s a miracle, like childbirth, only more subtle.

Energy is energy, yet energy has different intents, or natures. We can see this to be true by looking at all the many expression of matter there is in our world. Energy in its most subtle expression is not self aware, it is pure awareness, or Pure Consciousness. From this we can see that matter follows consciousness & believing is seeing, not the other way around: Energy flows where attention goes & this is how Reiki works; you must have concentration & increase your level of awareness of subtle feelings as they move through you. Something we are all capable of. Then when you call Reiki to you with great concentration, you step out of its way & trust that the universal flow of energy in the very universe you reside in is intelligent because its connected to all other things. Many people have a difficult time accepting this because they see only those things which separate us, which explains war; as such many people are not Reiki healers.

So how can something come from nothing? The best way I can explain it is this. Nothing, like everything else has a nature. It holds within it its own eternal & infinite nothingness. By this very nature the potential for everything exists within it, even to become, something. So in this sense it was inevitable that something was bound to come into being, that this vast emptiness holds within it all possibility for all expression of life.

You may ask where does God fit in? The concept or reality of God doesn’t have to fit in for this to make sense, yet it is clear that if there is a God, in whatever way you believe this entity to exist, that he too spawned from the Nothingness, as the very first, thus most powerful consciousness that ever was or ever will be. Most Eastern Religions see things this way. Or you could see that God, Is this very Nothingness that we speak of: Vast & Unknowable.

But we are now approaching ground that is beyond the scope of this course & certainly not necessary for you to be successful Reiki healers. I encourage you to fit all this information, somehow, into your own ideas of Spirituality. I assure you that whatever you believe is right for you so long as it has enough flexibility to include Reiki & is allowed to grow & evolve as you live & learn from life. Your own unique views on life, love & spirituality are a welcome addition to the Reiki community.

We are three part being, this we all know: In our bodies all energy begins as this Pure Consciousness which upon co-mingling with our own experiences or subconscious held thoughts becomes mental energy, now focused on one thing over another, this energy ‘pools’ & often gets amped up by an additional dwelling & concentrating on it while it is waiting to be expressed & released. This is called Emotion or Energy in Motion. This makes up your Emotional or energetic Body. The movement of this is a conscious or semi conscious act we call motion, or the physical expression of energy. Many have come to see that the Physical Body we reside in is really just a collection of these very emotional & mental energies that vibrate so fast that they become a solid, or matter.

So in summation, we are three part beings, & each part has its own make up, or body, we have a physical body, an emotional body & a mental body. Reiki works as we align these three bodies, when our thoughts are aligned with our emotional intent & we place our hands upon another transferring the energy from the Universe, through us & into another.

Let’s examine how this is possible. Nothing, by its very definition is unconsciousness. Yet it is within this very medium that a conscious energy exists & can move freely from one person to another, across great distances, the phone, into the past & future as time exists only as a concept, agreed upon by consensus reality. The only moment that is real is this one right, NOW. Thus the past can be changed & healed by affecting that change now. The future can be altered by applying the right energy to it now. So Reiki works to heal the past, present & future & is not limited by time or space, distance or element. Meaning it works underwater Lol.

But we do know a little about nothing because it is represented as the space between things. We have air, water & even fire sometimes, various elements less dense than solid matter yet allow for the passage of matter through them. We have various gases in the atmosphere that are so subtle they are invisible. Then we have a vast expanse of outer space that proves to us that life on Earth is truly a rare &, therefore in my mind, a special case in the universe. Consider this, a mountain is not known to us because of its mass, rock or ridges, we know where a mountain begins & ends because of the space around it. As Michaelangelo once said, an artist need only visualize what’s inside matter then carve out everything that is not that.
Quantum Physics is the branch of science that has already done studies which have shown many of these ‘spiritual’ concepts to have a real basis in science: That the space between us is not empty at all, just less dense. Also the more empty the space, the more clarity that space contains, as evidenced by it being easier to meditate with your eyes closed or concentrating on a single fixed or flickering object. The emptier the space, the less resistance the space contains, as evidenced by the atmosphere vs. outer space.

If the space between us is not empty then it is only a small matter of belief to see how we are all connected, by energy: Connected, far more intimately than anyone of us previously imagined. We may call this energy anything; I choose to call it Unconditional Love: Unconditional being the word that explains why good things happen to bad people & visa versa. Unconditional is the Karma of energy that everything that comes around, goes around. Karma is simply an explanation for the movement of a connected energy coming back into balance with itself. So a nuclear explosion, a lover crying over a broken heart, a stabbing back pain from over exercising & an orgasm have much more in common then we previously thought!

The reason why I choose to call this love is because this is something that I feel deeply. I know that this love stands on 4 pillars, Humility, Gratitude, Patience & Respect, & these are the very values which allow for everything to be separate, yet co-exist & coalesce. All creation occurs in an act of exchanging energy that all humans call love, or love making. This need not be your name for this Universal Energy; many simply call it the Source. I just wanted to share my own view at this juncture. As I said earlier, it is more important that you formulate your own ‘flexible’ & ever ‘evolving’ belief system then it is to adopt anyone else’s.

Other forms or names of energy, Prana, which is a Hindu-Yoga understanding of the life force in air, it enters us through our lungs & vitalizes all things. It is understood that our ‘spirit’ is connected to the very air we breathe, just try not breathing! Then there is Chi, as understood from Chinese medicine since 2000 BC. Used & effectively applied in Acupuncture & Tai Chi as an energy force that runs through our meridian system, recently accepted by Western Medicine as more subtle, yet as real as our Central Nervous Systems.

Then there’s Kundalini, an energy that runs up the base of the spine through our Chakras. A very powerful expression of emotional energy that has the power to release & clear all blockages, fears & resistances, quite forcefully I might add. I have come over the years to understand that this energy is still, all Reiki: The terms Prana, Chi & Kundalini may very well describe the method of travel of this subtle energy, rather than being a different energy altogether. The only exception is that Kundalini is so amped up that it can even be dangerous when released prematurely. So another difference is that energy can be powerful or weak. This is true even of Reiki Healing. You can be a powerful Reiki Healer or a barely effective one.

“As energy travels different pathways it takes on different characteristics. Just as one man who spends his life climbing mountains will have a different nature than a woman who spent her life sailing the oceans”.

I share this because back when I first got certified as A Reiki one I struggled with a way of understanding how Reiki works. At the time I did not understand the nature of magic so I doubted it. Now I see how magic is no less ’magical’ when there is an explanation for it.

Originator: https://www.facebook.com/groups/240543172637047/

The Power of Deep Breathing

Paying attention to your breathing is one of the fastest ways to become calm, centered, and energized. Have you noticed that when you feel anxious, excited, or fearful, your breathing becomes choppy, quick, and shallow? The key is to breathe fully, deeply, and slowly. As you inhale, let your stomach expand and fill your lungs with air. Do the same as you exhale. Your stomach goes in first, and then your lungs contract as you let the air out.


When you feel stressed during the day, stop everything and breathe deeply. You will compose yourself, bring in vital energy, and get off the “fast track,” if only for a few priceless moments. Practicing yoga is a powerful way to become conscious of your breathing and to balance your body, mind, and spirit. A few simple stretching poses coinciding with deep breaths will release unwanted tension.

If you need some inner answers to a difficult situation in your life, breathe properly; then ask for guidance. Your mind will be less jumbled, and you will be able to actually hear the guidance.

Below is a powerful breathing exercise that I share in my book Feng Shui Your Life offered by one of my teachers, Master Stephen Co. His book, The Power of Prana: Breathe Your Way to Health and Vitality offers a myriad of ways to invite Prana (life force energy) into your body.

Below are simple instructions for Pranic Breathing.

  • Gently place your tongue on the roof of your mouth. This helps circulate energy throughout the body.
  • Inhale through your nose for six counts.
  • Hold your breath for three counts.
  • Exhale through your nose for six counts.
  • Hold your breath for three counts.
  • This 6-3-6-3 breathing completes one cycle.

You can do pranic breathing during meditation, on a walk, or in your car. You can use it to absorb energy in nature. Whenever you are feeling low on energy, practice pranic breathing for twelve cycles, and you will feel refreshed.

Jayme Barrett is a feng shui consultant in Los Angeles and the best-selling author of Feng Shui Your Life. Specializing in techniques for personal fulfillment, prosperity and integrated health, her philosophy is simple and effective. When one displays symbols of beauty, abundance, success and love within their home and work environment, it creates a manifestation of the life they want to live: a blueprint for their destiny. Jayme has appeared on The Today Show, E!, HGTV and has received feng shui praise from actresses Mary Steenburgen, Sela Ward, and Alyson Hannigan as well as authors Mark Victor Hansen and Tony Robbins.

Jayme’s consulting clients include large corporations, small businesses, yoga and Pilates studios, retail boutiques, restaurants (Thomas Keller’s Bouchon Bistro in Beverly Hills and NYC) and Whole Foods. Her worldwide speaking engagements are motivating, educational and fun. Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros., Omega Institute, Canyon Ranch Spa and dozens more have enjoyed Jayme inspiring talks and workshops. One of her greatest passions is leading “Infuse Your Spirit” retreats in Marrakech, Morocco. Jayme resides with her husband in Los Angeles, California.

Website: jaymebarrett.com
 Jayme-Barrett: Feng Shui Your Life
Feng Shui Your Life
 on Amazon.com

Heart (Anahata) Chakra

The fourth Chakra is “the balance point, integrating the world of matter (the lower three chakras) with the world of spirit (the upper three chakras),” according to Yoga Journal. “Through the heart chakra, we open to and connect with harmony and peace.”


The fourth Chakra is located in the heart, lungs, upper chest and upper back. This is the center space of the body—it’s the origin of emotional and physical circulation, moving blood and air, as well as emotion and expression, throughout our bodies.

This area can often become closed with physical and emotional weight. Daily practices, such as driving and desk work, can roll the shoulders forward and push the heart space inward. Challenges and hardships in our lives can also result in restriction of the Heart Chakra.


The Heart Chakra, or Anahata, is the Sanskrit word meaning “unstruck” or “unhurt.” In this way, the fourth Chakra is associated with our core foundations of love and compassion—found only by uncovering the layers that so often close-off our heart space.

“When the heart chakra is deficient, you may experience feelings of shyness and loneliness, an inability to forgive, or a lack of empathy,” according to Yoga Journal. “Physical symptoms can include shallow breathing, asthma, and other lung diseases.”

This central space in our bodies is also associated with the element of air, as well as the sense of touch and actions and expressions of the arms and hands.

A balanced and healthy Heart Chakra allows individuals to “follow their hearts”—harmonizing their love for others with their love of self.


Green, with a grey or white center.

Relative Foods

Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts, have a similar structure to the heart space—with rose-like layers that unfold to reveal a central core. These vegetables and other heart-healthy greens, including avocados, limes, lettuce, spinach and soybeans, can help to enliven and balance the Heart Chakra.

Growing your own food—as well relating to food with gratitude and generosity—are ways to share love and spread compassion from your fourth Chakra.

Healing Techniques

Chest-opening yoga poses, as well as shoulder and arm stretches can help to tap into this central space. Backbend postures can be gentle with the aid of blocks and bolsters—incorporating ease with openness. You can also tap into the strength of the body to circulate energy from the top of the head to the bottom of the toes. Try Camel Pose (Ustrasana), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana), Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana), and Fish Pose (Matsyasana) as backbends to open the Heart Chakra.

Stretch your arms and shoulders with Eagle Pose (Garudasana), as well as arm binds in body side-angle and twisting poses. Strong standing postures can help to ground your Heart Chakra, and breathing practices can help to move the Chakra’s element of air throughout the body.

How is Tantra related with the development of the Kundalini?

Much has been written about the ascension of this mysterious fire. Yet, there is a lot of confusion regarding how this process takes place. The kundalini is the pranic fire of the Third Logos. The Third Logos is also known as the Holy Spirit, Binah, Siva-Shakti, etc.

The kundalini (Sanskrit) is also known as the fire of the Pentecost (Christian) that illuminated the Apostles. This divine fire awakens in the individual who has earned it. Once awakened, this divine fire provides spiritual vision, powers, and intelligence.

The method to activate this fire has long been held secret, precisely because misuse of the technique can lead to the creation of a demon. Now, since humanity is already so demonic and time is so short, the protected knowledge has been unveiled in order to give a chance to those who want to change and redeem themselves.

Only sexual yoga without the spilling of semen awakens the kundalini; no other way exists. The kundalini does not awaken through breathing techniques (Pranayama), meditation, visualizations, or by any accidental means (such as falling down the stairs), or for no apparent reason whatsoever. The kundalini is something intelligent and divine, to think it simply ascends through accidental, vague or unknown reasons is false. The kundalini is the divine fiery intelligence of God; it does not manifest by accident or by simple manipulation. God is demanding.

This is not to underestimate the incredibly vast range of psychic phenomena that can occur through any of the previously outlined means. For example, if someone begins to practice chastity (sexual transmutation) through dedicated practices of Pranayama, meditation and vocalization, one may experience an array of “para-normal” events. There may be a strong sensation at the root of the nose or any of the other magnetic centers of the body, there may be geometric visions, there may be flashes of light, there may be out of body experiences, etc., etc., etc. This experiences may be valid or they may be hallucinations of the ego. For those which are real spiritual experiences, many of these can and likely will occur before the kundalini rises even one vertebra. It appears that many people, as soon as they have an unusual psychosomatic experience they attribute it to the kundalini when in fact it has nothing to do with the ascent of the kundalini. If the effects of the infamous “Kundalini sickness” exist, it is certainly not the kundalini that causes it, it is a false name because the kundalini can never cause sickness or death. It is an absurd concept that has sprouted from the ignorance that abounds everywhere concerning these studies.

It is necessary to attain the most absolute sanctity and the most terrific chastity to acquire the development, progress and evolution of the Kundalini. – Kundalini Yoga: The Mysteries of the Fire by Samael Aun Weor

Sanctity: moral purity. While we have anger, lust, fear, pride, envy, jealousy, resentment, self-love, self-hatred, etc., we are not sanctified. We need to eliminate all of our psychological defects.

Chastity: pure and clean sexuality, without animal lust or desire. This term is incorrectly used (like “celibacy”) to mean “without sexuality.”

Kundalini: “Kundalini is a compound word: Kunda reminds us of the abominable ” Kunda buffer organ,” and lini is an Atlantean term meaning termination. Kundalini means “the termination of the abominable Kunda buffer organ.” In this case, it is imperative not to confuse Kundalini with Kunda buffer.” – The Great Rebellion

These two forces, one positive and ascending, and one negative and descending, are symbolized in the Bible in the Book of Numbers (the story of the Serpent of Brass). The Kundalini is “The power of life.”- from the Theosophical Glossary. The Sexual Fire that is at the base of all life.

“The ascent of the Kundalini along the spinal cord is achieved very slowly in accordance with the merits of the heart. The Fires of the heart control the miraculous development of the Sacred Serpent. Devi Kundalini is not something mechanical as many suppose; the Igneous Serpent is only awakened with genuine Love between husband and wife, and it will never rise up along the medullar canal of adulterers.” – The Mystery of the Golden Blossom

Here we see what Samael Aun Weor had to say about this issue:

The Ninth Sphere

Many pseudo-esoterists have committed unspeakable genocides. When fear-mongers act against the Kundalini, indeed it is a true genocide. It is an indescribable crime against humanity to tell people in published books that the awakening of the Kundalini is dangerous. Those who spread fear against the Kundalini are worse than war criminals. The latter committed crimes against people, however, the pseudo-esoterists who spread fear commit crimes against the Soul.

Whosoever does not awaken the Kundalini cannot incarnate his Soul. Whosoever does not awaken his Kundalini remains without Soul; he loses his Soul.

It is false to state that the Kundalini can awaken without moral progress, and due to this, one must wait until such progress is made. The development of the Kundalini is controlled by the merits of the heart.

We give concrete instructions about the Kundalini and every true Serpentine Culture knows the path in depth.

It is false to state that the Kundalini may flow through different channels when white sexual magic is practiced. It is only when black sexual magic is practiced that the Kundalini descends to the Atomic Infernos of the Human Being and becomes the Tail of Satan. Therefore, that absurd affirmation of the fear mongers that the Kundalini can leave the medullar canal, tear tissue, produce terrible pains and cause death, is false.

These affirmations of the assassins of Souls are false because each of the Seven Serpents has its specialized Masters who watch over the student. The student is not abandoned in the work. When the student awakens the first Serpent, he is attended by a specialist and when the second Serpent is awakened, he is helped by another and so on. These specialists take the Serpent through the medullar canal. No student is abandoned. The specialists have to answer for the student. The specialists live in the Astral world.

The Kundalini awakens negatively only when the semen is spilled. Whosoever practices sexual magic without spilling the semen has nothing to fear.

Nobody can actualize the superior aspects of the Kundalini without perfect sanctity. It is then false to say that there are disastrous possibilities in the premature actualization of the Kundalini. This affirmation is false because the premature actualization of Fire cannot occur. The Kundalini can only be actualized based on sanctification. The Kundalini does not rise even one vertebra if the conditions of sanctity required for that vertebra have not been conquered. Each vertebra has its moral conditions of sanctity.

It is false and stupid to say that the Kundalini can awaken ambition or pride, or intensify all of the coarse qualities and animal passions of the animal ego. Whosoever uses these fear mongering tactics to keep students from the real path is truly an ignorant, because the Kundalini awakened with white sexual magic cannot progress even one degree when true sanctity does not exist.

The Kundalini is not a blind force. The Kundalini is not a mechanical force. The Kundalini is controlled by the fires of the heart and can only be developed based on sexual magic and sanctity.

We have to recognize that in Mexico the Serpentine Culture was, and continues to be, formidable. Every Aztec sculpture is a marvelous book of occult science. We have been enraptured contemplating Quetzalcoatl with the Serpent entwined about his body and the Lingam-Yoni in his hands. We have been amazed contemplating the giant Serpent devouring the Magician. We have been filled with a singular veneration to see the Tiger with a phallus hanging at its neck. Indeed, the Verb is in the phallus.

In the Aztec culture there are no fear mongers. Each book of stone, each indigenous Lamen invites us to awaken the Kundalini. It is urgent to first awaken the Kundalini and then to be devoured by the Kundalini. We need to be swallowed by the Snake. We need the Kundalini to swallow us. We need to be devoured by the Serpent. When one is devoured by the Serpent, one also becomes a Serpent. Only the Human Serpent can incarnate the Christ. Christ can do nothing without the Snake.

The authentic Aztec and Mayan cultures, the Egyptian and Chaldean, etc. are Serpentine Cultures that cannot be understood without sexual magic and the Kundalini. Every archaic culture is Serpentine. Every authentic and true civilization is Serpentine. A civilization without the Wisdom of the Serpent is not a real civilization.

The Ascent and Descent of the Kundalini

Those pseudo-esoterists who affirm that the Kundalini after having ascended to the Crown chakra or Lotus of a Thousand Petals descends once again into the Church of Ephesus or coccygeal center, remaining stored there, are lying terribly. The Kundalini only descends when the Initiate lets himself fall. The Initiate falls when he spills the semen. The work to raise the Serpent after having fallen is very difficult and arduous.

The Lord of Perfection said, “The disciple must never let himself fall because whosoever falls then has to struggle a great deal to regain that which was lost.”

The Hindus state that within the medullar canal exists a channel called Sushumna, and within this channel, another called Vajrini exists and within this, a third called Citrini, “as fine as a spiders’ thread on which the chakras are threaded, like the knots on a bamboo pole’. Thus, this is what the sacred books of India state, and we know that the Kundalini rises through the Citrini solely and exclusively with the Maithuna, sexual magic, Arcanum A.Z.F.

We practice internal meditation to achieve ecstasy; however, we know very well that the Kundalini does not awaken with meditation, because the Kundalini is sexual. It is false to affirm that the awakening of the Kundalini is achieved through meditation. Meditation is a technique to receive information. Meditation is not a technique for awakening the Kundalini. The pseudo-esoterists have done much damage with their ignorance.

In India there are seven fundamental schools of Yoga and these all speak of the Kundalini. These schools of yoga are of no use if Tantra is not studied. Tantra is the best of the East. Maithuna (sexual magic) is practiced in every authentic school of esoteric yoga. This is Tantra. The Tantras give fundamental value to yoga.

In the center of the lotus of the heart a marvelous triangle exists. This triangle also exists in the coccygeal chakra and in the chakra located between the eyebrows. In each of these chakras a mysterious knot exists. These are the three knots.

These knots enclose a profound meaning. Here we have the three fundamental changes in the work with the Serpent. In the first knot (Church of Ephesus), we abandon the system of spilling the semen. In the second knot (Church of Thyatira), we learn to truly love. In the third knot (Church of Philadelphia), we gain true Wisdom and we see clairvoyantly.

The Kundalini in its ascent must untie these three mysterious knots. The pseudo-esoterists marvel that the primeval Hindu Yogis hardly mention the ethereal chakras or plexuses, but instead concentrate all their attention on the chakras of the spine and the Kundalini. In fact, the primeval Hindu Yogis were Tantric, and practiced Maithuna. They were true Initiates of the Wisdom of the Serpent. They knew very well that the key to our redemption is found in the spinal medulla and in the semen. They understood that the awakened Kundalini opens the spinal chakras, and that these in turn, activate the chakras of the plexuses. Therefore, the foremost are the spinal chakras and the Serpent. All the great Sages and Patriarchs of the ancient Serpentine civilizations knew this very well.

In the three triangles, base, cardiac and frontal, the Deity is represented as a sexual Lingam. This symbol reveals all, however, the learned ignoramuses always search for evasions and excuses in order to alter the truth. It is not fair that pseudo-esoterists continue deceiving consciously or unconsciously the poor suffering humanity. We have studied the great Serpentine Civilizations in depth, and therefore we speak clearly so that those who want to be saved can truly save themselves. We are here to utter the Truth, and we utter it even though pseudo-occultists and infrasexual people declare themselves to be our worst enemies. The truth must be uttered, and we uttered it with great pleasure.

It is necessary to work with the Kundalini and untie the three knots. Those three knots are the three triangles which transform our lives with chastity, Love and Wisdom. – The Perfect Matrimony by Samael Aun Weor