And now, back to my regularly scheduled program

I meltIf you have followed my blog for any length of time, you know I often write about sex. The big taboo…SEX. None of us would exist without it. We are driven for the experience of it after food, water & shelter. And for some, even before those basic needs.  In that light, I want to share with you a post from one of the facebook groups I am in. Usually I am ALL about the spiritual aspect of sex and the energy, the Kundalini energy, that defines it. This particular post is about the G-Spot. I know I’ve posted about this particular spot in the past and some may find this information redundant, however, it is a topic that keeps coming up over & over & over. I hope you enjoy this article as much as I have.

Ever the pleasure seeker ~ SensualBlissVoyager aka lantanagurl 🙂

The Mystery of The G-Spot

At almost every talk we give, regardless of the topic, someone asks about the G-Spot.
At almost every workshop, regardless of the topic, someone asks about the G-Spot.

The question is asked by both men and women.
Do I have one, does she have one?
I’ve been rooting around inside myself, her, for hours and haven’t found anything.
I’ve read the articles on the web, in the magazines, in the books, still can’t find anything.
I’m sure only some women have it, because I definitely DON’T!

You do.
You all do.
There are just a few things they don’t tell you.

Let’s look first, or feel first, couldn’t resist, at what the G-Spot is.
In the world of Tantra this is called the Goddess Spot.
Because the pleasure possibilities take you to place of Elevated, Heightened Pleasure, a place beyond what we think pleasure is, a place where the Goddess experiences herself.

The G-Spot is a gland.
It has about 40 ducts that create fluids linked to your fertility, your hormone balance and fluid that you can ejaculate.
It’s being seen on ultrasound, it’s being found in dissection.
And beyond that, it’s palpable for you to feel, it’s unmistakable!
Which makes you think, where has it been, how could it have been missed?

If all this is the case, which it is, why do so many women, and their partner’s, struggle to find this?

Because, and this is what so few of the articles tell you, it’s linked to your past, to your beliefs about sex, to the inhibitions you have, to the negative, painful, unfulfilled sexual and emotional experiences you’ve had.
All of those things, all the times in life you’ve been made to feel less than, not good enough, every time you’ve given your self, your power away in a way that has not been for you.
That sits in the tissues of your G-Spot.

Every time you’ve been touched in a way that has not been an expression of love.
That sits in the tissues of your G-Spot.
Every time you’ve felt guilty about pleasure.
That sits in the tissues of your G-Spot.
Every time you’ve felt shameful, dirty or embarrassed about your body, about your sexuality, about your desire.
That sits in the tissues of your G-Spot.

You can feel for this for hours, as many people do.
You might feel something physical in terms of structure inside your yoni.
And for so many, it’s numb, tender or even painful.
So despite feeling the gland, if there’s no pleasure, what’s the point?
And if there’s no pleasure, then I don’t have a G-Spot.

Learning to physically find this is only the first step.
Releasing what’s there is what allows the pleasure.

And what pleasure!!!orgasm
G-Spot Orgasms, Deep Uterine Orgasms, Blended Orgasms, Waves of Bliss, Ejaculation, Sexual Meditative States…

So why is this important, beyond the pleasure?
Because most women can have, in some way, fingers, tongues, vibrators, clitoral orgasms. Which on any given day are nice, ok, wonderful, amazing…

Firstly it is about the pleasure.
An increase in pleasure that’s hard to describe until you’ve experienced it.

Then it’s about power.
Your power as woman.
This is a portal to the State of a Goddess.
For in the release you claim yourself.
You claim your pleasure.
You free yourself from the limitations of the past. From the inhibitions, the guilt, the shame, the embarrassment, the repression, the lack of self expression etc.

Then it’s about spirituality.
For the higher and deeper states of pleasure are doorways to spiritual experiences, higher states of consciousness, meditative states and more.

And it’s also about creativity.
For your sexual energy and your creative energy are one and the same. When the energy flows, you have the power, the resources, to create your life, your relationships, your world, the way you would like it to be.

One of the principles of Conscious Sexuality is using our sexual energy for more than just pleasure. Building and harnessing that energy, directing the power, accessing more of ourselves…

Releasing the blockages, the patterns of the past, what we’ve become, is the first step on the journey of be-coming.
Creating who we’d like to be, the lives we’d like to live.

cosmic sexAnd when we do this with the energy of pleasure, the possibilities are endless…

If you’d like a practical guide to finding your, or her G-Spot, please send us an email, we’ll happily share that with you.
Please remember that often that’s the first step on this wonderful journey into your pleasure.
Much of the work we do with women is about awakening these pathways and opening the door to more of yourself.

We wish you so much pleasure..
Jonti & Anne-Marie

Booking is essential for all workshops, please contact Jonti:
or phone: 083 743 5129

Saturday 8 December 12pm
Tantric & Sensual Massage Workshop

A practical journey for couples, into the exciting pleasures of Sensual Massage. The workshop includes the principles of Sensual Touch and Massage, Energy Connection Massage, The Heart Touch, Bliss Body Massage, Building the Sexual Fire and Full Body
Sensual Massage.
R2000 per couple

Our friend and fellow tantrika, Rohan Reddy is putting together an event called “Tantragasm” for more info on this exciting happening, click on the link below
(note ADULT content on following site)

Tantra Evolution – Jonti Searll

Love is Spiritual Energy

Our Heartfire is the sparkling of Love, the ‘Source of Light’ that lives at the center of our being.

When we open our HeartFire Gateways …

breathing into the Heart…


Love flows through, and we actualize our Divine Selves.

attentions in this sacred space
entering the silence

accessing inner knowing

receiving vision

taking action on what we receive

One breath,
One choice,
One vision,
one action,
one Heart at a time.



Actions to help get your chakras functioning optimally

The crown chakra is associated with the color violet or white. This chakra, when functioning optimally, allows inner communications with our spiritual nature to flow naturally. When the crown chakra is open, it invites energies from the Universal Life Force. From there, the invited energies can be dispersed proportionally downward into the lower six chakras housed below it. This chakra is often depicted as a lotus flower with its petals open to represent spiritual awakening. I view the crown chakra as a bottomless well from which intuitive knowledge can be drawn.

Indicators that the crown chakra is not functioning optimally:Stuck in the past, Faithlessness, Feeling of disconnect from the world in general

Chakracises: Prayer, Meditation

The brow chakra (aka the third eye) is associated with the color indigo. Our mental calculations and thinking processes are functions of this chakra. Our ability to distinguish reality from fantasy or delusion is connected to the healthfulness of this chakra.

Indicators that the brow chakra is not functioning optimally: Lofty thinking, Paranoia, Poor judgement, False sense of reality

Chakracises: Visualization, Remote Viewing, Lucid Dreaming

The throat chakra is associated with the color sky-blue. The healthfulness of this chakra is signified by how openly and honestly a person expresses himself or herself. A challenge to the throat chakra is to express ourselves in the most truthful manner. Falsehoods and half-truths energetically pollute the throat chakra. Repressing our anger or displeasure by ignoring our feelings through evasive sweet talk, or silence, will manifest into throat imbalances such as strep throat, laryngitis, speech impediments, and so on.

Indicators that the throat chakra is not functioning optimally:Dishonesty, Overt wariness of outside influences, Speaking vulgarities, Biting your tongue (figuratively speaking)

Chakracises: Gargling with salt water, Singing, Screaming

The heart chakra is associated with the color green. This chakra is considered to be the love center of our human energy system. Among others, love, heartbreak, grief, pain, and fear, are all emotions that are felt intensely within this energy vortex. Learning self-love is a powerful initiative to undertake in order to secure and maintain a healthy heart chakra.

Indicators that the heart chakra is not functioning optimally:Trust issues, Lack of confidence, Depression, Heartbreak

Chakracises: Push Ups, Swimming (breast stroke), Hugging Yourself

The solar plexus chakra is associated with the color yellow. Our egos and intuitions reside in this space. Our personal self-esteem is reflected by the healthfulness or lack of healthfulness of this chakra. Experiencing difficulty maintaining your personal power likely signifies that your third chakra is damaged or compromised. This intuitive chakra is also the source from which we get those “gut feelings” that signal us to take action or to avoid something. When this chakra is functioning optimally our intuitive skills are enhanced.

Indicators that the solar plexus chakra is not functioning optimally: Feeling overwhelmed or crowded, ultra-sensitivity, fearful of life in general

Chakracises: Belly dancing, Doing the Twist, Hoola Hooping

chakracise hoola hoop

The sacral chakra is associated with the colors orange and red-orange. This chakra often offers us the opportunity to acknowledge our issues regarding control, especially in relationship with others. A well-functioning second chakra helps a person maintain a healthy yin-yang existence. Although the sacral chakras is primarily considered the sexual center, it is also where individual creativity is birthed from. If you are seeking motivation for a project, focus on charging up this chakra, it will give launch to your ideas.

Indicators that the sacral chakra is not functioning optimally:sexual dysfunction, blocked creativity, feeling of powerlessness

Chakracises: Circular pelvis movements, Pelvic thrusts

The root chakra is associated with the color red. This chakra is the grounding force that allows us to connect to grounding energies and empowers our life force. It is through this chakra that the child feels a strong connection with its birth mother and also bonding with its nuclear family. Our survival instincts spring forth through this vortex.

Indicators that the root chakra is not functioning optimally:confusion, distraction, aloofness

Chakracises: Stomping your feet, Marching, Squats

Our auras are like magnets picking up vibrational energies that are floating around everywhere we go. It is important to cleanse our auras freeing them of foreign vibrations and negative energies.

Indicators that your aura needs cleansing: fatigue, shallow breathing, irritation or agitation, feeling cornered or boxed in.

Chakracises: Shower, soak in epsom salt bath, smudge with sage wand, deep cleansing breaths.

Chakra Exercises

Reiki Hand Positions & Advice

While not totally necessary you may desire to add a commitment of practicing a few of these disciplines while you are awaiting your final attunement.

Abstain or reduce usage of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, processed foods, meat, & excessive sugar for approximately the next few weeks. Spend time every day channeling Reiki using the symbols you have already meditated on.

Meditate every day, even if it’s only five minutes.
Recite the five spiritual principals of Reiki upon arising in the morning and retiring in the evening.
Surf on the Internet & research chakra clearing & grounding techniques. Whole courses in themselves, but it would be very helpful to get an idea of how this is done.
Explain to your family & friends that after your attunement you will need more time for self, for a few weeks. This may mean cutting back on a regularly scheduled event, or having more help with preparing meals around the house or cleaning duties. Make sure you are comfortable & supportive during this important time in your life. What you are doing is so incredibly worthwhile & life changing. Once you complete this process you will literally be transformed on an energetic level.

About Reiki

By Michael Coyne

Reiki energy is the same subtle energy that enlivens all of creation. The underlying energetic structure of man, nature and space is gaining more respect today, as we move away from

the dominant matter-first paradigm, to one in which consciousness is steadily reclaiming its rightful position. One of the simplest ways to illustrate this is the brain/mind relationship. Most science today still maintains that the mind somehow (proof has been elusive) evolved out of the gray matter of the brain. Perennial traditions know that mind (in this example), or rather consciousness is the very womb of life. In other words, the mind is not limited

to the brain and therefore is not regulated by it, although the brain is an instrument of the mind, just as the mind is an instrument of the soul.

Muscular relaxation is a tangible first effect of Reiki. Once it is felt and allowed, relaxation of

other bodily structures and functions can take place. As relaxation deepens it is experienced more as a state of calmness, and many times as peace. The experience of peace points to something ultimately more real and permanent than the body. This does not negate the body’s wisdom. If allowed, the initial, superficial relaxation of the muscles and other bodily structures will eventually release the mental or emotional issue s registered in the cells and

organic material, as well as the chemistry of the body. Issues are originally imprinted due to the holistic principle that all parts are reflected in the whole, and the whole is reflected in the parts.

Peace of mind, heartfelt peace, embodied peace, and peace that carries over into daily life becomes the norm for one who is on an ongoing Reiki regimen. Mental and emotional, as well as physical healing brings its own degree of peace and clarity. Yet the peace

thus found is only the first stage of the peace spectrum. We are in essence spiritual beings, and Reiki is primarily spiritually motivated healing. Very simply put, spiritual healing is to erase the ignorance of what we are as metaphysical entities. We then evolve to accepting our true nature as real, and expressing it in every way. Physical, emotional and mental healing misidentifies us from the delusion that we are our bodies and neuroses.

When an issue is resolved on any of these levels we feel stronger and freer. If the resolution is profound enough recurrence is stemmed. Yet the physical, emotional and mental dimension is an ever-changing, uncertain terrain open to all manner of influences.

Healing on these levels is an indispensable beachhead, perhaps to be termed as being at peace with oneself. Yet final victory lies in the all-healing power of the spiritual. This is because the other levels are but an expression or extension of our spiritual self the soul. They have only a limited reality and can heal us conditionally.

The attraction of the spiritual dimension is that it can expand us to being at peace with all people, all conditions and all things. Then you may know that you are not only at peace

but that you are peace. This is a permanent inner state unruffled by any influence. Spiritual resources, like love and health, are constant, ever-full and ever-giving. Our ability to tap them is greatly dependent on not becoming complacent with a little material happiness, human relationship and average health. Our entire journey is spiritual. We are so seduced by the information that our senses impart to us about the world that we are unable to entertain

the vastness and multi-dimensionality of Reality. We so easily become creatures of needs and desires. No matter how hard we try consumerism fails to replace true fulfillment. The stress created by a manic and unending reaching out instead of diving in is the cause of our increasingly unmanageable ills worldwide. Life also offers daily opportunities for engaging in noble and worthy goals and aspirations. These must be taken. Satisfying relationships, material comfort, nature, art, technology, good food, life as we know it on the planet can be very beautiful and inspiring. Yet when these expressions are treated as demi-gods and become an end in themselves, we create an unimaginable trap. To not fall in at all or extricate ourselves when we do is the ultimate healing work we are here to do.

Be grounded in your being and changing circumstances cannot touch you. Your being is eternal and powerful. That power has been given away to extraneous things. Healing is proper management of personal energy. We are born with an endowment of ever-replenished resources. To be spiritually healed is to be so connected to these resources that you are never depleted.

Every time you use Reiki your being rests in the connection of love, the love that runs the universe. If love can prevent planets from colliding, and it does, think what it can do for you. Your being is this love. Your cells also store and run on the love of Spirit. Reiki awakens this pure feeling and lets it flow abundantly. The Divine is smiling at you from the nucleus of your molecules. Smile back and come to the home of your soul. From there you will be convinced that you are stronger than the circumstances of your life.


 1) Choose a crystal that you want to program. I enjoy healing with clear quartz and amethyst. A wand shape or a double terminated point is preferred. Use your intuition and choose a crystal that really feels right for the purpose.

2) Choose a location that is quiet and comfortable. It is important to be able to focus a loving intent when programming crystals.

3) Cleanse the crystal. Instructions on how to cleanse a crystal can be found

on this site or use a method that feels right for you.

4) Invite in your Reiki guides to help in the process.

5) Open the aura of the healing crystal by holding your hands, palms together as in prayer position, over the crystal. Separate your hands while turning your palms upward as if holding a book and place your hands down to the left and right of the crystal.

6) Using the first two fingers of your primary hand, draw the Reiki Master Symbol, Dai ko myo, over the crystal. Do not concern yourself about the size of the symbol, it does not have to “fit” on the crystal chosen. Simply draw the symbol over it and your Reiki guides will take care of the details.

7) Pick the crystal up and gently blow on it while visualizing the Reiki Master Symbol going into the crystal. Visualize the symbol glowing on the surface of the crystal and then sinking into it.

8) Place the crystal back down.

9) Draw the other Reiki symbols; Cho Ku Rei, Say He Ki, and Hon Sha Ze Sha Nen, over the crystal.

10) Pick the Reiki crystal up and gently blow on it while visualizing, one by one, the Reiki symbols glowing on the surface of the crystal and then sinking into it.

11) Channel Reiki healing energy into the crystal for 3-5 minutes. Follow your intuition. If you are guided to channel Reiki healing energy for a longer period of time, do so.

12) Place the crystal back down.

13) Cross your arms over your heart chakra and say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you” either out loud or to yourself. This is to express your gratitude to Spirit, your Reiki guides, and the crystal for facilitating healing in the world.

14) The crystal is now programmed as a Reiki Healing Crystal.

Crystals have good memories and the charge on your Reiki Healing Crystals are permanent until reprogrammed. If at any time you choose to change the program on the crystal, simply cleanse it and reprogram it for the new purpose. Some of the things you can do with Reiki Healing Crystals are included in the list below.







Lesson Ten ~ Distance Healing

The Reiki Distance Healing symbol – Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

(Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is pronounced as: “Hon-Sha-Zee-Show-Nen”)

The symbol has a general meaning of: “No past, no present, no future” or it can have the meaning of “The Buddha in me contacts the Buddha in you”.

The Distance symbol can, as its name implies, be used to send energies over a distance. Time and distance is no problem when using this Reiki symbol. Many practitioners consider Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen as the most useful and powerful symbol. It is the third & final symbol for your Reiki 1 & 2 Certification.

This is the music to use for your third & final meditation. (BELOW)

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Meditation Three:  Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol for distance healing

For this meditation we will do something a little different… You are already at one with the first two symbols so I would like you to use this symbol in a practical healing situation…


1) Begin by getting a small piece of paper, roughly index card size. It only needs to be big enough to include a name and 3 of the traditional Reiki symbols: Cho Ku Rei, Sei He Ki, & now the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen.

2) Write the person, place, or thing to be healed in the middle of the paper.

3) Draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol at the top center of the paper.

4) Draw the Sei He Ki symbol at the bottom center of the paper.

5) Draw the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen in the center of the paper.

6) If there are any other symbols which seem appropriate, such as a heart, an Om symbol, or a Zodiacal symbol, that is particular to the person, place or thing you are sending energy towards, draw them as well. Do. Allow yourself to be guided by your own inner intuition.

7) Hold the paper in one hand against your heart chakra, place the other hand over it so both hands are then over the heart chakra, and begin channeling Reiki energy.

8) While channeling Reiki energy, visualize the person, place, or thing you wish to heal. If you do not have a visual image, visualize the written word on the paper. Ask your Reiki guides or other Spirit guides to continue to send healing energies as long as is necessary to accomplish the highest and greatest good of all.

9) If the target of the healing energy is a person or animal, ask Reiki to filter it according to the free will of the person/animal receiving the energy. If they do not wish to receive healing energies, that is their choice and should be honored.

10) Say or think, “Thank you, for the opportunity to channel healing energy.

11) Place the paper into a pocket, purse, medicine pouch or other holder so that it is close to your body and you will notice it occasionally throughout the day.

12) Go on about your daily business. Whenever you think of it, use the opportunity to channel Reiki energy and express your gratitude to Spirit for the opportunity to channel healing energy. At the end of the day, either discard or keep the paper according to your intuition. If you keep it, place a crystal programmed for healing on it and place somewhere you will notice it occasionally.

God is a Woman?

First of all, I was brought up always to think of God as a woman. However, God is the total mind which generates, organizes and delivers. God stands for generation, organization and delivery. Therefore, it is more representative of the female energy in the universe. In many cultures, it is recognized as goddess energy. Goddess energy and intelligence is wholistic, wise, nourishing, intuitive, contextual, relational, does not have a win/lose orientation and does not believe in linear cause and effect. Male energy and intelligence is linear, has win/lose orientation and rules through conquest and subjugation. Both were necessary in a certain time of our evolutionary history.

The male intelligence protected us from predators and gave rise to the flight/fright response. We learned either to run or to fight. That same response has made us the most dangerous predator on Planet Earth, and unless we quickly embrace the eternal feminine in us as a society and a civilization, we risk our own extinction and will continue to give birth to a legacy of hatred, war, terrorism, predation, conquest, subjugation and ecological devastation. The Goddess must return. ~ Deepak Chopra

Lesson Eight~ Reiki Levels

Lets call lesson 8 all the links for all the hand positions that I just posted. I will also go over the different levels of Reiki certification just for your own informational purposes. The good news is that I believe I can certify all of you as Reiki levels 1 & 2, not just at the level one. I have been doing some thinking & see how it is just as easy to certify you for both levels as it is to certify you for the one level. Reiki Level 1

Level 1 is pretty basic. You will be attuned to the Usui Reiki Energy. You will learn how to give (and will also receive) a full Reiki treatment, self treatment, and a quick treatment. You will also learn the basics of energy management, healing vibrations, the chakra system, the aura and the power of thought.

(Nothing too mysterious about receiving Reiki, just lay on the table & relax. When you are a Reiki healer it helps to call in your own Reiki while another Reiki healer, works on you. In fact, anytime you get a healing, from a western medical doctor, or Acupuncture, or even a massage, call in your Reiki to increase the power of that healing).

Reiki Level 2: You will be attuned to the second level of Reiki and learn the healing symbols specific to it. You will also receive a grounding attunement to keep your feet on the ground and your energy well-balanced. You will learn about and experience healing at a distance, cleansing and energizing rooms, preparing meetings and exams etc. as well as using Reiki to manifest ideas.

Reiki Level 3: Master Practitioner Level
You will be attuned to the third level of Reiki and learn the Master Usui healing symbol. You will learn to create your own crystal healing and manifestation grid, perform psychic surgery as well as cleanse and heal auras.This is a powerful level of energy management and requires time and preparation of the first two levels before embarking on this journey.

Reiki Level 4: Reiki Master – Teaching Level
The highest level of Reiki – the teaching level. You will be initiated into this level and will learn the teaching symbols as well as revising all the other levels and symbols. We will also revise and expand working with aura’s, chakra balancing, scanning and psychic surgery. You will practice and experience how to give attunements and we will discuss the giving of Reiki seminars and setting up a Reiki Practice.

Original Post by Michael Coyne

Lesson Six ~ General Information

What happens during a Reiki session? A Reiki treatment is non-diagnostic, non-interventionist, non-manipulative and no pressure is applied. A session is usually carried out with the recipient lying down, or sitting, in a comfortable and peaceful environment. There is no need to remove any clothing as Reiki energy passes easily through all materials, including plaster casts.

The practitioner places their hands gently on or over the body. The recipient automatically draws in only as much energy as is needed, using it in whatever way is most appropriate at the time. Reiki may be experienced as a flow of energy, mild tingling, warmth, coolness, other sensations, or nothing at all. Reiki is deeply relaxing and has a profound calming effect. It is a good idea to rest for a while afterwards and drink plenty of water over the next few days. Be responsive to your bodies needs e.g. resting if tired and allowing the energy to continue its work in the days following the session. The beneficial effects may be felt for several days.

What are the benefits? Illness can be a time of great stress. Reiki can help us cope by encouraging relaxation and bringing balance to both mind and emotions. Benefits include deep relaxation promoting a calm, peaceful sense of well-being; on all levels. Reiki encourages and supports positive personal choices such as improving diet, taking more exercise, devoting time for rest or leisure activities and may reduce the need for alcohol and tobacco. Engendering greater inner harmony and balance, regular Reiki treatments promote a calmer response to life’s challenges. Reiki’s gentle energy is easily adapted to most medical conditions and may be used safely by people of all ages, including the newborn, pregnant mothers, surgical patients, the frail and the elderly, in any situation. Being complementary, Reiki works effectively alongside orthodox healthcare and natural remedies, expanding treatment options.

Reiki affects the Chakras, the Meridians the Aura & all three bodies, Mental, Emotional & Physical. Reiki can enhance everyday living and regular sessions may help to promote development of a healthier, more resourceful state of being.

Effects of Reiki

Reiki most often feels like a warmth coming from the healer’s hands and it promotes relaxation, restoring calm to the body and the mind. Reiki works for the highest good and can never do any harm. It works whether you believe it or not.

It releases blocks caused by negative thoughts and enhances the body’s ability to heal itself. It relieves pain, reduces stress and clears the build up of toxins in the body. It treats the symptoms and the causes of illness. Reiki can be used for the benefit of adults, children, animals, plants, even situations in the present and the past can be helped by sending distant healing.