Be Impeccable with Your Word

My Values

I recently re-looked at one of the many values/personality/skills tests I often take. It seems I am on a continuous quest to understand who I am. However, I am finding that it is not I whom I want to understand. I want to be UNDERSTOOD! And I want to understand others.

Not long ago I went through a romantic relationship break-up. I am the one who broke it off and yet it seems I am the one having trouble letting it go. I don’t like that part of me. I know why I ended it. I wasn’t happy. I felt taken for granted. I had to beg for sex, for crying out loud!!! We had a quasi-polyamorous relationship. I say quasi because he is in a committed relationship with someone and I have other lovers and he knows about them and they know about him. I am a huge proponent of No Secrets! She, however, pretends I do not exist most of the time. Of course there are the times when our relationship is put before her. She goes through his phone and sees that we still talk. Then there is the ensuing flurry of hate-filled phone calls and texts from her until he persuades her to stop. Then it’s back to business as usual. This has been going on for almost 2 ½ years and became excruciatingly tiresome.

He lies. He lies to both of us about a myriad of things. His last foray into the Liar Kingdom was simply the straw that broke the camels’ back for me. And so, I ended it and I didn’t do it gracefully. I stumbled like a clumsy oaf through it all; the proverbial bull in a china shop. How appropriate since I am a Taurus after all. It was acrimonious and so ugly! I am embarrassed by the way I handled the whole thing. I wish I could take it back and behave how I really feel in my heart and not allow my ego to have full reign. Alas, I cannot so I dissect the crap out of what I did and didn’t do and try, ever so valiantly, to NOT beat myself up.

As I dissect, I try to understand my motives. That is what has led me to read the book I am reading by Don Miguel Ruiz, “The Mastery of Love, A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship”. Perhaps you have read one of his previous works, The Four Agreements, an excellent missive of Toltec wisdom. I often refer to it, especially when troubled by a personal event, such as this current break-up. The first agreement, Be Impeccable with Your Word, has been coming up quite often recently; not only with my lover, but with my former roommate & his brother. Apparently it is something I need refreshed in my own life and that is why it continues to come up. The simple way of saying this is, “Do What You Say You Are Going to Do”. An online personality, Danielle LaPorte, has also been putting this out there. My father taught me this principle as a young child and he reiterated it quite often through my life. He was a person whose “word” you could take to the bank, as the saying goes. My father taught me to detest lying and the lying liars who tell them. The thing is we all lie at some point for a host of reasons; most of which are just to save face so we won’t be embarrassed. Be Impeccable With Your Word.

Was I not in my past relationship? Am I not in life? The Word. Very powerful stuff, that. The Bible tells us that God created all of creation with just that…His Word. In the New Testament Jesus is spoken of as The Word…In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and The Word is God. (paraphrased from John 1:1) Yes indeed, our words create the world in which we live. Many people will say it is the Vibration of our thoughts that create the world we live in, but I believe our words are just as powerful as our thoughts, our feelings, & our vibrations. People have no clue what we are thinking until we speak. They can guess, they can surmise, & they can assume, but until you actually speak, we’re all fumbling in the dark.

I am thinking I was totally impeccable with my word with my lover. I tried to be on most occasions, however, I sometimes held back. I didn’t fully speak my mind out of fear I wouldn’t be understood. Did he ever really know what I was talking about? He once told me that conversation with me was almost as good as the sex we shared…almost. I wonder if he truly knew how much that affected my feelings for him and how it strengthened our relationship and actually kept it going longer than it should have.

Oh how I miss him, but because I love myself more than I wanted the relationship I left it. I left it because I felt that to continue sent signals to him that it was alright for him to keep lying to ‘her; alright to make promises and constantly break them…no call, no show, no explanation. I was supposed to accept that??? Why? Why would any self-respecting person put up with such contempt or value of their time? The thing is, no SELF respecting person would. I put very little expectation into this relationship because he lied to me from the very beginning of it. Because I had just ended a very abusive relationship and need validating I put up with it. I traded sex for companionship. I traded sex for conversation. I did as many women do, I traded sex for validation.

It is said the lesson will keep coming to you until you learn it. I broke it off with this lover many times before. What makes today different? I REMEMBERED the lesson I had learned at the end of my marriage. I do not need anyone to validate me. I am worthy of love. I am worthy of truth. I am awesome & I know it. I am Strong. I am Powerful. I am Beautiful. All I NEED in this world is to remember that I am wonderfully made and my Creators love me more than I could ever ask or imagine. Now I say yes. Yes to me and yes to life.

Just last week my current roommates’ lover tried to set me up. He felt bad that I am alone. He equates being alone with lonely. I told him that I am not lonely and that I actually enjoy my own company. I am using this time to heal the wounds; to learn more about myself AND others. I am using this time to re-connect to the things that bring me joy. I am using this time to discover all the barriers within myself that keep me from having the love I deserve and the life I want to live. I feel good. Do I miss my lover? Hell yes! We had awesome sex and conversation. But in the end it was all built on lies. The lies he told and the lies I told myself. Never compromise your values. In the end you will be so unhappy with that decision. Be Impeccable With Your WORD.




“Before I understood how to open with you, I tried giving you orgasms so I knew I was a good lover. But now, all I want is your surrender. I want your heart’s pleasure to ripple through your open body and saturate my life with your love. Your body’s openness to love’s flow draws me into you, and through your heart’s surrender I am opened to the love that lives as the universe. Whether you have an orgasm or not while we make love, your body’s trust and devotional openness is my secret doorway to love’s deepest bliss.”

David Deida Quotes

The Sacred Space

I Cast this Circle, With Love and Light
All Around Me, this very night
A Sacred Place is born of Love

From the Ground up to the Sky Above

Between Worlds are We
Your Divine Power surrounds Me
I Live and Breathe your Magical Glow
Peace and Tranquility, Above and Below
The Balance of Power is All Around
Into My Heart and Soul is Found

Silvery Lady of the Moon Above
Descend Below, Bestow your Love
Great Lord of the Mountains and Tree
Descend Below, Come Join Me
Elements that Bring Us Life, and Your Love
Guard my Circle, Below and Above

Suspended in My Sacred Space
Blessed am I in this special Place
I could stay forever suspended in time
My Lord and Lady, I am Yours
Bestow your Blessings from Above
As I Give Thanks for Your Love

Blessed Be

Daughters of the Moon

She Is…

She is oasis.
She is love glowing with the brightest hues.
She is the cistern in which I dip to drink.
She is eternity; she is now.

She is sculpted beauty.
She is fearless, yet soft to touch.
She is mother, lover, and goddess.
She is the keeper of my soul.

She is nourishment for my deepest cravings.
She is my object of worship.
She is the catalyst for birth.
She is the power of delivery.

She is the balance of my existence.
She is the flower I pollenate.
She is the power of love.
She is all of the above….
She is…

Jay Vincent

Breathe in me the way to love You

‎”Breathe in me the way to love You,

That I may learn to faultlessly love You.

Pour me the wisdom-wine

By which I become intoxicated with You.

Whisper in my ears of silence

The way to be with You always.

Speak to my wandering senses

And lead them back to Your sanctuary within.

Call the marauding mind and counsel it

How to retrace its steps unto Your home.

With your silent eyes, just look at me

And I will know where to find You.

You may hide behind the ocean,

You may hide behind delusion,

You may hide behind life,

You may hide behind dualities,

You may hide behind theological conundrums,

You may hide behind unanswered prayers,

But you cannot hide behind my love

For in the mirroring light of my love

You are revealed.”


Love Lost?

Love Lost?
Love lost is never so,
it’s merely redirected.
Passion’s wings can rise again,
with flight of love effected.

Love’s perfection removes fear,
the imperfection shows connection
to some endearing spirit, albeit
lacking variable, minus equation

The memories of love felt as such
are ever catalyst for
the sending of sweet energy
on loves lost, altered course.

Peace for memories of the past
let the peaceful memories last
with grace allowing for
the present open door.

By: Jay Vincent

Mature Persons in Love Help Each Other

Two mature persons in love help each other to become more free. There is no politics involved, no diplomacy, no effort to dominate. How can you dominate the person you love? Just think over it. Domination is a sort of hatred, anger, enmity. How can you think of dominating a person you love? You would love to see the person totally free, independent; you will give him more individuality.

That’s why I call it the greatest paradox: they are together so much so that they are almost one, but still in that oneness they are individuals. Their individualities are not effaced – they have become more enhanced. The other has enriched them as far as their freedom is concerned.

Immature people falling in love destroy each other’s freedom, create a bondage, make a prison. Mature persons in love help each other to be free; they help each other to destroy all sorts of bondages. And when love flows with freedom there is beauty. When love flows with dependence there is ugliness.


Trust Yourself

by Maxine Whitfield

If you want joy in your life

Focus on yourself day and night

Breathe deeply to connect with your heart

Just say, ” I am love, I am light, I am truth”

It’s how you start

Connect with the love energy

It’s floating in the sky

It is so powerful, so amazing, it’s the deepest high

When the timing is right

The universe gives you gifts day and night

Ask and you shall receive

Focus on love

Just believe!

It takes different times for all

Remember to not be envious of others

You are special and unique

Timing is the key

You have no control of it so just believe

Put all your trust in yourself

Follow your heart, it is your guide

You are your own creator

Create from the inside

What’s Your Love Language

Have you ever had an experience where an act of affection on your part went unnoticed or even unappreciated by another? Or perhaps you’ve been on the other side of this equation…and something someone else has done in hopes of demonstrating affection toward you only served to piss you off?

My lover and I struggled with this one for months when we first got together. He loves to have his ears nibbled, kissed, blown into, etc. I, on the other hand, can’t stand it! Despite my constant reminders that having my ears touched is actually a turn off for me, he constantly reverted back to what he expected me to enjoy…the things that he enjoyed. We also found we have a similar need to be touched. I remember a particular time when he came to visit and when we hugged I touched him in a certain way and he said, “You always know how to touch me.” And I did, however we also had differences in how we wanted to be loved.

This happens a lot in relationships: we expect the other person to think, feel, and react just as we would. This popular misconception can lead to a slew of unfortunate misunderstandings, hurt feelings, even fights! Demonstrating love in the language your partner understand greatly increases the likelihood that your gestures will be well-received.

Gary Chapman’s book “The Five Love Languages” suggests there are five types love languages:

  1. Words of Affirmation
  2. Quality time
  3. Receiving gifts
  4. Acts of service
  5. Physical touch

Chapman also asserts each individual favors one of the five main languages. And, as you might have guessed, the way individuals like to receive love most often mirrors they way they most like to show love.

Do yourself a favor: get clear on what your love language is. Encourage your partner to do the same and then compare notes. An individual whose love language is “Quality Time” might not be moved at all by some fresh-cut flowers, but would love to have you sit down for 30 minutes and ask about his/her day. Likewise, an individual whose love language is “Physical Touch” may melt at receiving a foot massage while the hours you spent cleaning out the garage go virtually unrecognized.

Once you and your partner are familiar with one another’s love languages you can begin to speak and listen in ways that are compatible with one another. Here’s a suggestion, make a list of specific ways you like to give love (e.g. make dinner, go for a hike together, give compliments) and/or receive love (e.g. help me with the housecleaning, receive a foot massage). Compare notes. You might be surprised.

What I Won’t Do For Love

Tap, tap, tap…I deeply & completely love myself…tap, tap, tap (EFT style)

I AM Love. I need not search for it. If I desire that precious, euphoric, Divine Bliss – all I need to do is go WITHIN. I see so many of my Brothers and Sisters desperately searching to ‘find it’ and then to ‘own it’ Rest assured if you fall into this category it is only because you have a void within yourself and no person; nothing can fill this void. They may be able to temporarily fill it, but eventually you will revisit this void and it will sabotage any form of happiness you filled it with.

I see many many, even evolved, spiritual beings still getting swooped into the cliché that you need another to experience true Love. I see many compromise their own standards, boundaries and ideologies just for a cheap shot at filling the void that lies within. Anything to mask the darkness, the loneliness, the sadness. Many are not even aware of this void because they have been masking it for so long. I, too, have experienced this void from time to time. I, too, have tried to fill it in the past with another’s love; with food; with alcohol; with my work, but always found that all those substitutes eventually just landed me in a deeper void.

In my last, long-term relationship, I found that I often battled with an internal conflict. I was using his love to replace the love I once gave to myself. The result was a silent, unspoken unhappiness within one I could not understand until I finally exited the relationship and returned once again to myself.

So here is my commitment to myself, no matter what, I love ME more than anything. I owe it to my own precious soul to experience its natural state of Bliss and Euphoria without the illusion that I got it from another. I will not stop until I come back to this state on my own.

I won’t go searching for a partner. I won’t go out on multiple dates, desperately hoping i might eventually find someone. I know that when I meet my next Soulmate, it will not be because I got the best pick of the litter. I will not find him through the process of elimination. I will attract him through my powerful, creative intentions and he will manifest when the time is perfect, not when I think it’s time. Divine Timing is key when meeting a Soulmate. I know if I go ‘searching’ I will certainly find a partner, a Mr. Right-for-Now and then convince myself he is the one. I don’t want that. I have had that too many times. I want Mr. Divine-Soulmate-Because-I-Waited. No exceptions.

I won’t use dates to fill my time so I don’t feel lonely for we are never alone anyhow. Our Beloved exists within us. I will enjoy my silence, my Sacred time alone. For it is during this time of retreat that I get to experience my own intimate the one between me and God. When I am alone, I shall talk to God, dance with God and make love to God. I will get to know myself again, searching within to see who I am at this moment for we are forever changing and expanding  and I am never the same person. My needs and desires are always changing so who am I at this moment? I owe it to myself to honor this ‘new’ me.

I will love, love, love me. I will buy myself flowers, take myself out on dates, play, sing, laugh until I cry and share my beauty and love with the world, not just one person!

I will heal myself first! I will take the time – however long it is to go within, with a Huge flashlight. I will ask God to reveal to me what areas need healing or expansion. I will be honest with myself and admit my human flaws, weaknesses and illusions so that I can release them,  instead of bringing them into my next relationship. I will not rush this process, for I know that healing happens in layers. I will not do a ‘little’ work and then tell myself it is enough. I will take a deep look at exactly what i want from a partner, write it down and then take a close look at myself. Am I at the frequency of this Soulmate that I desire and know I deserve? Do I have the very qualities that i am asking for in this person? If not, instead of lowering my standards, I shall work on myself until I do. In this way, I will be expanding myself and raising my own vibrations so high that I am assured to ‘attract’ this Divine partner.

Should I meet someone, even if I think he might be my Soulmate I won’t jump in with my eyes closed. I will befriend him, get to know him, enjoy his company. And continue spending time with myself, loving myself. There is no rush, especially if you think this person might be your soulmate. In fact, if you suspect that he/she is all the more reason to wait! You will have a lifetime together, so why rush things? I never understood why people meet, have a beautiful connection then decide to drop the rest of their world, their friends, their work, their precious solitude and consume every waking moment with that person. Slow down. Take your time and get to see every side of this person before you decide that he/she is the ‘One.’ Everyone puts their ‘game-face’ on in the beginning the side of them they want you to see. But we all have shadows. Who is this person once the ‘newlywed phase’ is over? I want to see that side before I label you as my Divine partner and definitely before I commit to you.

If Spirit should reveal to me that you are indeed my Soulmate I shall REJOICE! I shall not, however, lose myself in you. I will love you and receive your love with gladness but I will not lose sight of the most precious authentic love, which exists within me. You may add joy, peace; Bliss and love to my life but you are not the Source of it. God is the source and I shall never trade one love in for the other I shall have both. For the love I share with God, I shall share with this partner and not the other way around.

I will not try to own our love, label it, define it or claim that it will last forever nor make any vows to any of this either. I shall love you with all my heart, unconditionally. I shall love you until it hurts and i feel as if my heart is exploding! I shall bless each and every moment we spend together and thank God for each day you are in my life. But I will not write you into my future. For we cannot travel into tomorrow, though our ego will try to convince us to do this. Our fear-based Ego will tell us that we need a guarantee, we need a ‘safety’ plan, and we need to know that we can own this thing that brings us so much love. Our Ego tells us it is not safe to let go, to be vulnerable, to surrender unless there is a guarantee. But one is not truly being vulnerable and surrendering if they need a guarantee in order to do so. And I have learned the hard way that there is never any guarantees in life except that it is forever changing. The only constant is that we are energetic beings, forever growing and expanding yet we know not in which direction. Therefore, although I can hope we grow and expand in the same direction I will not promise for we simply do not know. Instead I will take a chance, put my heart on the line and love you in this present moment and that will be enough. Anything else would be an expectation and expectations set us up for disappointment.
Love is the greatest reminder of our TRUTH. It is the pathway back home. It will make us sigh, walk around in la-la land, singing and humming and viewing the world through rose-colored glasses. It will inspire us, heal us, make us laugh, make us cry, bring us to ecstasy and heightened states of Euphoria. My friends that is how we are supposed to feel all of the time! Why are you waiting for or depending on another to help to ‘arrive’ at this place? This state of being is your Divine make-up!! You ARE Love. Find this state of bliss inside of yourself! Travel there NOW! And if you don’t know how to get there, instead of waiting on another to show you set out an intention to find it yourself! Make this your lifetime goal! So many people make their lifetime goal to find a partner, get married and live happily ever after. So your goal is Codependency? Why would anyone choose that? Instead rearrange your priorities and choose FREEDOM instead of co-dependency. Freedom means that you have this beautiful, complete and perfect state of happiness and fulfillment in your life, no matter what because you found it on your own. In this way, no one can ever take it from you either. You may have to do healing work; you may have to drop old, outdated beliefs, fears, and stigmata’s. But I assure you, it is worth it!! The price you pay will be returned to you fifty fold!!

written by Elaine Caban and totally & completely expresses tot he word, how I feel and where I am on my journey.