Lesson Three~Energy

Understanding Energy 
All energy starts as consciousness, a self awareness that nearly every religious explanation & every scientific theory believes had to have stemmed from nothing. Nothing being a place where our consciousness drops off a big cliff, it is of course, Unconsciousness, unknowable by its very definition. But then as this awareness, born from nothing, gets focused on one thing over another, energy is created. Concentration creates energy. Where we place our focus becomes our reality. Energy flows where concentration goes… It’s a miracle, like childbirth, only more subtle.

Energy is energy, yet energy has different intents, or natures. We can see this to be true by looking at all the many expression of matter there is in our world. Energy in its most subtle expression is not self aware, it is pure awareness, or Pure Consciousness. From this we can see that matter follows consciousness & believing is seeing, not the other way around: Energy flows where attention goes & this is how Reiki works; you must have concentration & increase your level of awareness of subtle feelings as they move through you. Something we are all capable of. Then when you call Reiki to you with great concentration, you step out of its way & trust that the universal flow of energy in the very universe you reside in is intelligent because its connected to all other things. Many people have a difficult time accepting this because they see only those things which separate us, which explains war; as such many people are not Reiki healers.

So how can something come from nothing? The best way I can explain it is this. Nothing, like everything else has a nature. It holds within it its own eternal & infinite nothingness. By this very nature the potential for everything exists within it, even to become, something. So in this sense it was inevitable that something was bound to come into being, that this vast emptiness holds within it all possibility for all expression of life.

You may ask where does God fit in? The concept or reality of God doesn’t have to fit in for this to make sense, yet it is clear that if there is a God, in whatever way you believe this entity to exist, that he too spawned from the Nothingness, as the very first, thus most powerful consciousness that ever was or ever will be. Most Eastern Religions see things this way. Or you could see that God, Is this very Nothingness that we speak of: Vast & Unknowable.

But we are now approaching ground that is beyond the scope of this course & certainly not necessary for you to be successful Reiki healers. I encourage you to fit all this information, somehow, into your own ideas of Spirituality. I assure you that whatever you believe is right for you so long as it has enough flexibility to include Reiki & is allowed to grow & evolve as you live & learn from life. Your own unique views on life, love & spirituality are a welcome addition to the Reiki community.

We are three part being, this we all know: In our bodies all energy begins as this Pure Consciousness which upon co-mingling with our own experiences or subconscious held thoughts becomes mental energy, now focused on one thing over another, this energy ‘pools’ & often gets amped up by an additional dwelling & concentrating on it while it is waiting to be expressed & released. This is called Emotion or Energy in Motion. This makes up your Emotional or energetic Body. The movement of this is a conscious or semi conscious act we call motion, or the physical expression of energy. Many have come to see that the Physical Body we reside in is really just a collection of these very emotional & mental energies that vibrate so fast that they become a solid, or matter.

So in summation, we are three part beings, & each part has its own make up, or body, we have a physical body, an emotional body & a mental body. Reiki works as we align these three bodies, when our thoughts are aligned with our emotional intent & we place our hands upon another transferring the energy from the Universe, through us & into another.

Let’s examine how this is possible. Nothing, by its very definition is unconsciousness. Yet it is within this very medium that a conscious energy exists & can move freely from one person to another, across great distances, the phone, into the past & future as time exists only as a concept, agreed upon by consensus reality. The only moment that is real is this one right, NOW. Thus the past can be changed & healed by affecting that change now. The future can be altered by applying the right energy to it now. So Reiki works to heal the past, present & future & is not limited by time or space, distance or element. Meaning it works underwater Lol.

But we do know a little about nothing because it is represented as the space between things. We have air, water & even fire sometimes, various elements less dense than solid matter yet allow for the passage of matter through them. We have various gases in the atmosphere that are so subtle they are invisible. Then we have a vast expanse of outer space that proves to us that life on Earth is truly a rare &, therefore in my mind, a special case in the universe. Consider this, a mountain is not known to us because of its mass, rock or ridges, we know where a mountain begins & ends because of the space around it. As Michaelangelo once said, an artist need only visualize what’s inside matter then carve out everything that is not that.
Quantum Physics is the branch of science that has already done studies which have shown many of these ‘spiritual’ concepts to have a real basis in science: That the space between us is not empty at all, just less dense. Also the more empty the space, the more clarity that space contains, as evidenced by it being easier to meditate with your eyes closed or concentrating on a single fixed or flickering object. The emptier the space, the less resistance the space contains, as evidenced by the atmosphere vs. outer space.

If the space between us is not empty then it is only a small matter of belief to see how we are all connected, by energy: Connected, far more intimately than anyone of us previously imagined. We may call this energy anything; I choose to call it Unconditional Love: Unconditional being the word that explains why good things happen to bad people & visa versa. Unconditional is the Karma of energy that everything that comes around, goes around. Karma is simply an explanation for the movement of a connected energy coming back into balance with itself. So a nuclear explosion, a lover crying over a broken heart, a stabbing back pain from over exercising & an orgasm have much more in common then we previously thought!

The reason why I choose to call this love is because this is something that I feel deeply. I know that this love stands on 4 pillars, Humility, Gratitude, Patience & Respect, & these are the very values which allow for everything to be separate, yet co-exist & coalesce. All creation occurs in an act of exchanging energy that all humans call love, or love making. This need not be your name for this Universal Energy; many simply call it the Source. I just wanted to share my own view at this juncture. As I said earlier, it is more important that you formulate your own ‘flexible’ & ever ‘evolving’ belief system then it is to adopt anyone else’s.

Other forms or names of energy, Prana, which is a Hindu-Yoga understanding of the life force in air, it enters us through our lungs & vitalizes all things. It is understood that our ‘spirit’ is connected to the very air we breathe, just try not breathing! Then there is Chi, as understood from Chinese medicine since 2000 BC. Used & effectively applied in Acupuncture & Tai Chi as an energy force that runs through our meridian system, recently accepted by Western Medicine as more subtle, yet as real as our Central Nervous Systems.

Then there’s Kundalini, an energy that runs up the base of the spine through our Chakras. A very powerful expression of emotional energy that has the power to release & clear all blockages, fears & resistances, quite forcefully I might add. I have come over the years to understand that this energy is still, all Reiki: The terms Prana, Chi & Kundalini may very well describe the method of travel of this subtle energy, rather than being a different energy altogether. The only exception is that Kundalini is so amped up that it can even be dangerous when released prematurely. So another difference is that energy can be powerful or weak. This is true even of Reiki Healing. You can be a powerful Reiki Healer or a barely effective one.

“As energy travels different pathways it takes on different characteristics. Just as one man who spends his life climbing mountains will have a different nature than a woman who spent her life sailing the oceans”.

I share this because back when I first got certified as A Reiki one I struggled with a way of understanding how Reiki works. At the time I did not understand the nature of magic so I doubted it. Now I see how magic is no less ’magical’ when there is an explanation for it.

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